A.N : Happy Lunar New Year everyone! I had to reupdate this because I forgot, I was meant to say this yesterday but oh my in the middle of the business, I actually forgot, so... I forgot again today but hooh! I remember in the last minute to reupdate this, stay safe at home, stay healthy everyone, you need all the hopes and wishes you can get in this pandemic situation.
Calian POV
"So Jill, I need you to find someone by the name or maybe nickname of 'V', you should be able to dig something up through the police database from our nearby city, it's called Night City by the way," I exited from the cockpit while Crynn stay put inside figuring out the functions of every systems and buttons and so on.
"Hmm... Wait a sec," she said as I gazed around the computer room. The servers on the furthest back are all shining in different dots of colors and the computer screens all around us remained black but I know that it's indeed on because even a black screen emits light. I focused back upon Jill's side
And what she's doing could only be described as unrealistically bullcrap hacking seen exclusively in movies where its directors don't know how to hack. I mean, she's not even using a mouse, how could anyone not use a mouse and is it me or is she typing faster than the speed of sound. "Found it, Night City Internal Police Database," wait is it done?
"How did you hack into a police database that fast?" I'm shocked, my worldview just crashed, a police database is supposed to be protected by hackers of their own and shouldn't be so easy to break into. "Apparently, hundreds to thousands of hackers have already breached the systems a long time ago, revealing a very clear and open path for me to just go in, they didn't even bother to patch it up."
"Looks to me the police themselves don't care about this, I mean how hard can it be when the entire firewall has already been broken and left unrepaired for well, from what I cans see, at least decades," okay looks like we have an entire police station full of slackers and generally men and women who don't care, we can work with that.
"So, 'V', found it, sharing information," I looked behind me where Arian is fully seated and swiped a finger across her computer screen and what is pictured on her screen is also shared on Jill's screen. "So, 'V', real name being Valerie Crest is born in Heywood District of Night City on the 12th of October, 2049 which makes her 27 years old, she also has quite a prestigious résumé," Ariane fully spoke out the basics and I'm now intrigued on how prestigious her résumé could be.
"Apparently she has a bounty of 100 million Eurodollars which should be quite a lot unless we're in a country with hyperinflation. She's also classed as a Night City Legend which is definitely interesting," yes it is, so I'm just gonna presume that Eurodollars equals to European Euros? Or maybe it is equivalent to a normal USD.
"What made her earn such a bounty?" I asked, someone with that much of cash offered for their lives must do something extremely bad but also famous. "The first on her list of glory is apparently taking over one of Militech's border outposts, stole a gigantic tunnel driller, drilled all the way down underground reaching the center of the city which is also home to Arasaka Tower, maybe it's some important place or something."
"She broke in with two other accomplices identified as the current Aldecaldos Leader, no idea what that is, Panam Palmer and Aldecaldos Ex-leader, Saul Bright who died in the attack. Information after that seems to be classified, classified enough to the point in which I couldn't break into to view it, looks like the police got one job right."
"So, there's an aftermath section here, it seems like after that event, Arasaka Corporation, now we know it's actually a corporation, had its stocks' value decline by a substantial percentage, indirectly killed the corporation's CEO, Hanako Arasaka and also indirectly caused the death of hundreds of Arasaka's white collar workers and we won't even know why cause I can't get through this encryption."
"Well either way, she still has a long line of achievements under that so give it a read," Jill finished with that, ehm... yeah this 'V' certainly did something really criminal. She's cute though, I mean really cute, the 'V' in the police database's picture, she has this beautiful and very fitting medium length haircut with eyes of mischief and overall, the her in the picture looks like she had succeeded in life with just a tinge of despair actually, wonder why.
"Well, I don't know what I should think about one of her achievements, specifically, she crucified someone, burned the guy alive nailed to the cross, recorded the entire thing and sold it worldwide, becoming the current world's bestseller braindance, whatever that means," Ariane also said for extra emphasis, crucifying and burning someone alive is never a good thing, should we really be getting this 'V' girl on board, she seems dangerous and cruel.
"Oh wait, it turns out that the man wanted to be crucified in the first place, he wanted to cleanse his soul by fire on the cross and spread the word of God to the people and he hired her to do it for him, so I guess it was a genuine request?" Ariane said but even then, I would wholeheartedly refuse to do that, that is just so... grim.
"So, how do we contact her?" I asked the most important question, how are we even going to ask her to join us? "Uhm... I don't know?" Ariane answered with a sheepish expression, wow, that's fantastic, are we going to do this or what? "Looks to me like we need information of this 'legend' and I know where to find it," great then Jill! Where?
"The future holds a lot of new professions, one of which being fixers. Fixers are people who fix jobs or also called 'gigs' for people. They're essentially the men and women you should find if you want to get a mercenary job, they also sell information, various information for various levels of prices, high to low based on the threat of the information, how much of a secret it is or some other classifications."
All right, all right, we got a lead now, "So, who do we need to go to?"
"Rogue Amendiares, Night City's best fixer based on the internet."