A.N : Happy Valentine's Day everyone, hope you're all well, I don't know, give your lovers a kiss, chocolate, teddy bear, flowers, dates and a good night. That's all, thank you.
Calian POV
"And where do we find this 'Rogue' character at?" That's a cool name though, Rogue Amendiares, sounds like the name of some kind of Arch-mage or maybe just a rogue you know like her name, Rogue? "It says here in the web, dark web so to speak, that Ms. Amendiares here frequents a bar, practically lived in it."
"It's a bar called the Afterlife, pretty dramatic isn't it. Actually, she even owned the bar, very fancy. The bar's also the most well known bar in the city, it's an open secret as well to the police and anyone really that the bar is a criminal haven, crime lords go to drink there, mercenaries get their jobs there and legends hang out for a drink there. Of course, it's all the web says, I have no way of confirming the description," Aria finished.
"We're basically going to a lawman's worst dream, fantastic," Jill sarcastically said and I couldn't help but nod, it does seem extremely risky going in there with just the four of us. "I'm not done yet, there are unwritten rules in the Afterlife Bar that are written in the web, one of them is not to pick a fight, no one will harm you and you will harm no one, simply put, no 'business' can be conducted on Afterlife grounds, that kind of business," Aria explained more on the subject.
"So, we're going to the Continental Hotel only it's not a hotel," cause that rule is the exact same of the no.1 rule of the Continental Hotel in John Wick, that is no business can be conducted on Continental grounds. Translated to, assassins or anyone really aren't allowed to kill anyone else, you can kill outside but not inside the hotel.
"Yeah, basically that," Aria answered as Jill looks confused, I'll explain to her what the Continental Hotel is later. "Is there anything else or are we done?" There's already a lot of information so I guess we could start now. "Oh yeah there is!" Jill blurted out and I waved my hand for her to continue on what sort of additional info she acquired.
"V was last sighted on the Night City Dam going right towards the Badlands, whatever that is, I'm guessing it's a land that's bad right? Anyway, she was sighted together with Aldecaldos' current leader, Panam Palmer. So I found out what the Aldecaldos are, turns out their one of the Seven Rogue Nations."
"I know what you're probably thinking, the Seven Rogue Nations aren't actually nations, rogue yes, but definitely not in the national level of height. The Seven Rogue Nations are a name described towards the seven largest nomad group in the entirety of the American Continent, nomads are nomadic people who have no place and decided to just stay in the wild live like nomadic people."
"What I did not expect was that a bunch nomadic people, around 3.5 million of them, made up seven of the most powerful groups to exist in the wilderness. The Snake Nation is the largest of 'em all with multiple tanks, helicopters and boats. The Aldecaldos although one of the Seven Rogue Nations, have declined."
"They used to be powerful and a rogue nation with a dynasty hierarchy, meaning it's controlled by a family of nomads. And the leader control should be passed down from family to family. And as usual, dynasties fall in the end, like the Tsars and Hohenzollerns, a revolution happened which called for a more democratic form of ruling."
"Clashes happened and the Aldecaldos were split into seven different groups, three of them ruled by a family member, and the other four ruled by non-family members, and the Aldecaldos of Night City are one of the four, the weaker of the bunch, although recent news say that they have acquired a tank, they're still considered much more inferior in terms of manpower than the other Aldecaldos."
"So yeah, when confronting V, we also need to keep an eye on the Aldecaldos, that's all really," Jill finally ended, that was long and it has seeped into my mind, okay, there's a lot of factors that need to be measured here, I can deal with this. "Looks like the session has ended, I'm going to go back to the cockpit, do we frankly just fly towards the Afterlife or what?"
"Yes, you can, you could land over here, it's an open parking spot and it will certainly fit this aircraft," Ariane swung a hand at her screen and pictures of the Afterlife showed on the other screens. The inside of it is very yellow, green and cyan, all neon and looks very cool and futuristic. What disturbs me a little is there are these tubes with girls that are naked and looks to be dancing, is that legal because that's quite barbaric.
Never mind with that as I saw the parking spot Arian talked about, well yeah it's big enough for this aircraft so let's get to work. "Ok girls, welcome to flight Aerodyne with me the pilot, Calian and teh co-pilot, Crynn. We sincerely ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments if there is any."
"We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off again, if there is any. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones just once more, if there is any. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight, lastly if there is any. Thank you for choosing Aerodyne Airlines. Enjoy your flight."
I just finished an entire airline pre-flight announcement as I immediately retreated backwards towards the cockpit and closed the doors behind me shut. I always wanted to say that sometime, I already fully memorized the whole script from the countless paragraphs I have to hear from the same stewardress every time I fly on my private jet.
"So, Crynn, I'm back and we're good to go."