Imperial System Sucks! Metric is Better!

Calian POV

"Have you looked at the controls yet?" I asked as I sat back down on the comfy black pilot's seat on the left and stared out the windshield, well it's not so much a windshield I think. Because on the outside of the aircraft, there's no windshield, only metal plates covering the entire aircraft so I presume it's a screen with a hidden camera somewhere pointing directly forward on outside.

There's like nothing to see either way, it's just sand, sand, sand, with some cactuses and one rolling tumbleweed, boring. "Yes, I have and I also found a feature that allows me to listen in on all of what you discussed back there, so you don't need to give me to specifics, we're good to go," you just admit on being an eavesdropper but sure that makes things easier for me, I won't need to explain anymore.

"That's certainly quite a feature, so, how do I fly this thing?" Or I can just drive it like a helicopter or a commercial plane, even like an F-22. "We don't need to drive, we have autopilot and the GPS, why would we need to fly ourselves if we have those. I just need to click on the autopilot button on the screen and it will show a map to select a destination."

"What was it again, Afterlife Bar? Well type it in, see, it will detect the location and size the feasibility of landing. A green check suddenly appeared on the upper-right which means that the place is safe to land. And the final thing is to click okay where it'll ask if I'm sure and click okay again and a similar option will appear on your screen asking if you're sure as well, go click it."

Ok, autopilot really is a pilot's dependence huh, no need to fly then, we'll just let the computer do it's thing and click. "Is that supposed to do anything, because I can't seem to hear any engines going off?" Aren't like all thrusters and their engines supposed to like grumble loudly or something, or is it not working.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that, we will be up in the air in seconds, I read the manual book and the engine specifications as well as the thrusters specifications all have 'silent' in their description," okay now that explains everything, I looked back at the 'windshield' and ooh the environment changed... not so much.

When I say changed, I mean the elevation changed which means, we're flying vertically! "We have lift off everyone, destination Afterlife Bar," Crynn spoke as he pressed on a button not on the screen but right of it, it has a name but It's too small to read from here. "Intercom, any flying aircraft carrying more than 2 passengers has to have an intercom," of course, it's an intercom, I'm not surprised, time to relax and just view the view, literally.


Crynn POV

Time to relax, reading that book is a bit confusing as there are also other languages contained that are somehow written in sentences together with English, that sucked, whoever wrote this manual book is an idiot. Who would think of writing one sentence with five different languages mashed together, yes you heard me, five!

English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese, I can't read f*cking Chinese! And how the hell does Chinese Characters possibly fit in a sentence with the alphabet, it makes zero sense, whatever though, I got through in the end with extremely limited knowledge on German, French and Spanish, just barely got through, everything is fine.

"We're approaching 1000 feet in height, which is about 300 meters? I will never understand the Imperial system, it's pretty much a relic of the past, the metric system is tons easier," Well, 1000 feet isn't enough to climb up the huge obstacle of a canyon before us, we need a minimal of 1500 feet I'm thinking or 450-ish meters.

"Hmm... I agree, it would be wiser for the USA to change to metric, do you know that a 125 million dollars NASA Mars orbiter was lost just because the engineering team used the Imperial System while the agency uses the Metric System?" Oh, oh, yes I know that one! "That was the one with the navigation miscalculation right?"

"The one where the spacecraft travelled too near to the atmosphere of mars and thus was destroyed, yeah that was stupid," study math people, preferably Metric math. "1400 feet and climbing, we're close, terrain scan suggests the height of the canyon is at 1523 feet, it's called the Fester Canyon on the map just for your information."

"And, wow..." What I see just over the canyon might be the grandest city I've ever set my eyes upon, and also the most disgusting of them all, worst than Mumbai in the cleanliness. "That's yes, that deserves a wow," even Calian agreed with me. It was a massive city with tall skyscrapers overlooking the sea on the left, it's very technological, only enhanced by the towering pillars of light in the center of the city.

The pillars of light is like fingers reaching out towards the heavens, in this case, space. Even in the day, the light is just that bright, bright enough to not fade. The light carries advertisements and brand logos, this is all very over-fancy, isn't it. "Argh, is that why the air around here smells overly polluted," ah yes, how could I not mention the mountains, hills, and heaps of trash everywhere.

Yes, you heard me, everywhere. There's literally trash surrounding the entire city. There's a very nice highway over there, it would be better if it wasn't for the sea of trash beneath it and also the countless graffiti drawn on it, graffiti can be nice sometimes but this, this is straight up vandalism, who could breathe surrounded by all the junk?!

"Now I know what to put in my never-to-visit list, I'll sincerely note, Night City, City of Trash," Calian sarcastically said, which is correct, I definitely won't stand living in this city, especially with all the trash, that's a big no no for me.