Calian POV
The good news is, we've arrived safely, the bad news is whether we will be exiting safely or bloody. The bar is certainly fancy though the atmosphere is not, it's very tense, oozing danger and 10 out of 10 of everyone on their seats has their hands either inside their jackets or behind their backs, no doubt a reach for their guns.
Straight to our left, the bouncer said, so I looked left and looked straight ahead. Surely there is a round sofa around a round table, on it sat an aging lady only in hair, and I mean it, only in hair. From this viewing distance with my glasses on and a zoom in function, her face looks like she's in her thirties while her hair is very naturally grey and white like she's also in her seventies.
But her fashion sense sure is better than anyone's, she is wearing this yellow sweater with the word, 'SURVIVE' on it that covered everything just slightly above the midriff which is exposed which through the center is covered in black metallic cybernetics that flow further downwards through her black leather pants, she's also wearing a black neck collar, adding onto that 'mistress' vibe if you catch my meaning. *cough* Dominant *cough*
She is guarded as well by two big bouncers wearing dark sunglasses, then she must be the big boss that we're looking for, Rogue Amendiares. Everyone looks to be thinking the same as me, so I started walking towards her first as the rest followed suit. I continued looking around as well, not wanting to miss anything, even the bartender has her gun out, yup very tense.
"You must be the ones here to see me, have a seat please," her voice is the only sound aside from some machine vibrations that are running around the bar, it's dead silent. "Then don't mind us," Crynn said and dropped to the sofa in a noble motion, is he a rich man as well cause I can't see if the aristocratic etiquette he presented is fake or true. (A.N : Professional thieves are experts in acting, that includes proper upper class etiquette to sway richer targets of theft. This is only my opinion.)
I looked at Jill and Ariane and they looked at me then on Crynn, and then, we all sat around a round table, facing Ms. Rogue Amendiares. "Want anything anyone, all beverages are on me," she offered a drink, hmm... a drink, alcohol. "I don't drink alcohol, does anyone drink?" Crynn refused and turned towards us, a drink...
"I don't, well maybe sometimes on some special occasion but no thank you," Ariane also refused, I do have something I'd like to drink while I'm here, if this bar has it. Actually let me open the shop, it won't take 5 seconds. Think of shop and it appeared before me, what's the currency again, Eurodollars, right that's it.
Search Eurodollars, and ooh... a thousand Eurodollars costs one measly Mission Merit, so we have a budget of 50 million of this world's currency, okay I'm sure I can afford what I want to drink again, if it's available. By the time I shut off my shop, everyone was focused on Jill, waiting for her opinion. "I drink only when I'm not on the job, this is a job, so no thank you," another one refused, my turn.
"Might you have some Louis the 13th," I probably sound so pompous saying this, I don't mean to be arrogant but it's been some time since I had a chance to drink some truly delicious cognac. Louis the 13th is a prime premium piece of cognac, woody, florally, fruity, it's just a blast of flavors, it's lovely and delicious and... I just suddenly want to taste some.
"No, we don't have Louis the 13th," Rogue Amendiares' eyes twitched and fidgeted, probably in annoyance. "Oh then... I'll just politely decline," now, her eyes twitched further in yet further annoyance. I looked to around to spot that Ariane and Crynn seems to be stifling a laugh, this does sound like comedy, doesn't it. Jill however, hasn't a reaction, she looks confused, she might not know what a Louis the 13th is, I'll fill her in later.
"Well then, I'll just drink myself. A Johnny Silverhand please," she grumbled and called for her order, now I'm curious. "What is a 'Johnny Silverhand'," I questioned in intrigue, like I don't know all this stuff man, I only watched like one trailer of this game and a couple other small ones but that's it, I have an extremely limited knowledge of it.
"You don't know Johnny Silverhand, nevermind, Johnny is a Night City legend, set off a nuke in Arasaka Tower over 50 years ago, a drink is made to commend as do other drinks to commend legends that had snuffed out," she explained but I'm more interested in why everyone had a grudge on Arasaka Tower, this guy, Johnny nuked it, and the girl we're looking for break into it.
"Snuffed out, doesn't that mean extinguished?" Ariane asked with a raised eyebrow, yeah that as well, extinguished legends, ah I see. "For f*cks sake, snuffed out means dead, have any of you got an ounce of common sense," whoa whoa whoa, why the sudden outrage, well it's not an outrage, just exasperation but still.
"It's more of a common sense to say dead isn't it? Practically no one uses snuffed out, I don't think it's very suitable," Jill shot off in defense and now, Rogue Amendiares' jaws dropped and her eyes is twitching heavily, like she's wronged. "You know what, I can't be bothered to... Let's just start, what information do you want."
To business I like it. "How do you charge your informations," Ariane took to asking an important question, I would like to know how much this information would cost to fit out budget. Look, the drink has arrived, it is a small glass cup with some transparent alcohol and chili flakes, looks good honestly.
"Depends, I charge fairly," ok, fair enough time for the real question. "We want information regarding the location of one woman, Valerie Crest, also goes by the nickname, 'V'," there done.