Crynn POV
We safely made it back to the ship, easily as well, no one hindered our path, no one asked any questions, we just basically came and went. But before I reveal the big secret, we need to get out of here before the big boss discovered that I stole her very fancy, very advanced transparent smartphone, does transparent phones even cost a lot in this day and age? I don't have any idea.
I moved inside the cockpit and manually selected a random location on the desert outside the city and confirmed autopilot, okay we should definitely be safe now. The thrusters have gone off and we're gradually ascending in an accelerating motion, we have takeoff. Now that I've done my thing, I went out the cockpit where everyone is waiting.
"So, the phone?" Wait, Calian actually noticed that? That was metaphorically a shadow that moved, no one should be able to see my hand move. I practiced that sleight of hand for 8 years, from my teens and I'm able to easily even steal a card clipped on a white collared worker's shirt and let me tell yo how difficult the journey was to achieving that, my hand was practically moving at the speed of sound and apparently, this guy noticed it!
"You caught that?" I questioned in a perplexed expression. "When you say caught, it's more like a moving shadow that pulled a phone out, vanishing it faster than the blink of an eye, so caught in this situation is more like, almost not caught," still, that was impressive, his eyesight must be very clear, maybe he loves to eat carrots which in my opinion is delicious, I don't understand why people hate vegetables when I could think of so many delicacies that tastes amazing with it.
How did my thinking turn from amazed to vegetables, get back. "What?" Jill asked, sounding confused as well does Aria's face which has the word, baffled mentally written all over her. I sighed and brought out the phone from my still tucked sleeve in which the phone is subtly hiding within, no one caught that as well, no one except Calian.
"Wait, you mean you pick pocketed the phone from Rogue Amendiares' pocket?" The two looked surprised with Aria asking a rhetorical question. "My hands are fast, it wasn't too hard for me, but others might find the feat unbelievable, it can be done with years of practice," I totally did not brag right there, well... maybe a little, It's not wrong to be just a little braggy sometimes.
"You two should be able to access and trace back the location of the call, and now that we're in the air, no one would be able to get to us, once Rogue Amendiares found out she was robbed," I sat down at a nearby executive chair and placed the phone right next to some keyboards. "I'll get to that immediately," Jill decisively said and threw herself into action.
"So, while Jill is over there working on the phone, why don't we find out more about our current objective, specifically the specifics regarding Militech," Calian gave a suggestion and we took it. Aria went to the nearest screen and keyboard, typing God knows what on it. "I have a full history page here," the more the better.
"Shall I read it out?" Aria asked as she stopped typing and dragged her mouse, sat back and relaxed, like she's ready for a very long storytelling session. "Go on, start the history lesson," I've always loved history, mainly Asian, European and Middle Eastern history, it's jam packed with interesting facts, theories, strategies and of course, knowledge.
"So, from the basics, the present, Militech is a leading arms company in the continent of America, specializing in arms manufacturing, military equipment production, and worldwide mercenary contracting, it is ranked as one of the best arms companies in the world with a value of more than a trillion Eurodollars, which is like Apple, just it's not selling smartphones, it's selling weapons."
"Damn, there's a lot of history that involves multiple wars, God, I'll just have to skim through this and read what's most important in my eyes," wars? Hmm... Militech is a mercenary contractor, that might be how it is involved in wars, not sure yet though. "It started of as a weapons company made by Antonio Luccessi, an Italian weapons designer not as Militech but with a different name of Armatech-Luccessi International."
"Skip... Skip... Skip... Skip... By 2010 Militech becomes the largest defense contractors in multiple countries as well as the US, The company's CEO, Donald Lundee was power hungry and never hid it, so the board of directors dislike him. He was very ambitious with the goal of making the company the world's best and most powerful company, frequently rivaling and comparing Militech with Japan's successful Arasaka Corporation, the one whose tower got attacked twice and maybe more times."
"Later on, an ex-CEO of the company, Elizabeth Kress became US President and brought countless success and benefits to Militech, which further increases Donald Lundee's paranoia, jealousy and power grabbing motives. So? Anyone bored yet because this is going to get a lot more worse, not in bore but in... you'll see. By the way, this is all taken from the dark web so I can't know for sure whether this info's true or not," continue on.
"Yes... The Fourth Corporate War, whatever it is, started in 2021 when two rival companies, CINO and OTEC engaging in underwater shipping went over the board and started attacking each other. The problem is, these two companies have giant backings, respectively, Arasaka on CINO's side and Militech on OTEC's side."
"And since Donald Lundee hated Arasaka and in turn Arasaka's Chairman, Saburo Arasaka hated him, it escalated very quickly. It all started small, and when I say small, I mean all out naval warfare between CINO and OTEC with many ships and many submarines while the big boy companies started intelligence operations between them."
"Now here comes the pain train of real, real war..."