Aerial Sniping

Calian POV

"We will arrive shortly," the intercom sounded with Crynn's voice, good then, time to play an extreme game of duck hunt, except it's not ducks we're shooting at, it's men! "How's your sharpshooting skills," I asked and grabbed a few heavy magazines off the shelf and placed it aside on the floor next to the sliding door.

"From one to ten, I'd say 9," quite confident huh, Jill. "That's what I'd love to hear," I pulled the magazine from the sniper rifle to check if it has got bullets in and it has which is good. Secondly, I reloaded the sniper rifle like any non-futuristic sniper rifles. "You ready?" I want to hear confirmation before pressing the button to open the door.

"As ready as I can ever be," Jill answered straightforwardly and I pressed down the button as the door opened but as we're not in too high of an altitude, there is no alerts nor red danger lights. I knelt down and found my desirable position, my kneecap just up enough to place my rifle on and my arms gained a strong balance to precisely aim the rifle.

I looked downwards to spot V's car breaking through the fence, smashing it apart and totally just sprung the entire camp wide awake which can be both favorable and not. One magazine has 10 bullets which is a lot, it's sniping time fellas, time to get to work by shooting a bullet! Bang! The harsh sound waves from the sniper made my ears deaf, I'm not wearing earmuffs but its fine, I've fired sniper rifles without wearing any sort of ear protection back in Kingsman training.

But damn the recoil is good though, when I say it's good, I mean to say, there's almost no recoil which is almost certain to be present in any sniper rifle, this is the future. The target I aimed for, a scavenger wearing a mask, suffice to say, I ripped his entire arm off, there's however no blood as his arm is fully robotic.

I heard Jill shoot beside me as well, team collaboration right here. Next target, I see him pointing at our aircraft which can't be a good sign and so next shot. Bang! Cleaved his right leg right off! That's gruesome, blood spraying everywhere on the desert sand, must be quite unpleasant. I scoped the area again and found a guy rushing to a turret.

Sadly, I can't get off a shot fast enough and also, the turret covered everything except the temple of the man's head. Unfortunately for me, I can't shoot his limbs, unluckily for him, I have to just kill him. Bang! Ohhhhhhhh! Decapitation! I just shot through the turret's glass shield and oh my God that is very very gory, rest in peace.

"I saw that," did Jill's just compliment me, I'm sure she did. I aligned my view towards the constant sound of gunfire below, specifically V. She's doing a very good job, bringing a katana to a gun fight is a bit silly and often times idiotic, but with an operation similar to hers, I can't even insult you. She's slicing up arms and legs like there's no tomorrow.

The bullets can't even get to her, one time she's there, and the other time, she ahs already stepped in front of the enemy and sliced her sword into the man's abdomen, poor guy. Looks like we're not very needed here. Bang! Another one bites the dust! Is there anything interesting to shoot at, oh I know! that big red tank that obviously screams of fuel.

Bang! BOOM!!! I shot into the tank and the heat from the kinetic energy and friction directly ignited a storm of fire within the tank and the pressure pushes outwards from inside, detonating the tank into a fiery cloud! That's quite the distraction as I took out 2 more men too preoccupied by what just happened to care about their lives.

"How is it down there?" Ariane questioned curiously from behind me, I see she's still seated languidly on the chair. Bang! Bang! Bang! A couple of bullets hit and ricocheted off the side of the ship. Bang! Jill fired a shot and the bullets coming towards is no more. "Nice reaction," I said and shot two arms and a hand off.

"Visibility is getting low here, Ariane, can you get Crynn to move the aircraft into another position?" I spied with my scope to find that I have no where to shoot but from the gun fire, I can see that there is still a lot of people and so i need another angle to shoot from. All right, Ariane stood from her seat and proceeded into the cockpit.

A second later, she came back and the aerodyne began moving to the right side of the scavenger camp, now this is better. Ammunition out it seems like. I immediately switched over to another magazine to resume my shooting spree. I looked around for any targets and I did see one. A guy is running down the path towards a rusty van.

Is he trying to escape? No chance for that mate! Bang! And another leg gone. Red lights suddenly flash from above us and the speakers rang with one unpleasant warning. [Missile lock-on Alert] [Missile Lock-on Alert] Where is the guy with rocket! By time I spotted whoever is aiming for us, the rocket already shot towards the air, flying directly to us!

But just right before the missile can hit us, a lot of red lights, particles and smoke was released on the side! Flares! Thank God for Crynn, I shouted in my heart as the missile exploded a few meters away from us, quite the close call, now where is that guy, I'll teach him pain! I found him! The guy has a rocket launcher quite similar to a javelin on his hands, and is he standing on a pile or rockets?

Yes he is! Bang! BOOM!!! Goodbye you little crap!