Crynn POV
Shit! If I released the flare any slower, we'd be full burnt toast right now! Being a pilot in the battlefield isn't easy let me tell you, it isn't one bit easy. I should steer more towards the right I think, I moved the aircraft a little bit upwards and moved forward slowly. BOOM!!! I looked towards the left camera to see a magnificent explosion down on the camp. what is going on out there?
I set the aerodyne on hover mode and stood up from my co-pilot seat, stretching my arms out and setting my hand on top of my gun just for precautionary purposes. "Where did you get those sniper rifles?" I was immediately surprised when I step my foot out of the cockpit to find Calian and Jill handling a sniper rifle.
"Weapons cabinet right across the other cabinet," Jill answered as I looked towards the back, right across from the cabinet containing the pistols and water bottles, I never did open that one. "Anyway, how are we doing?" I asked with the constant loud sniper shots and bright muzzle flashes, are they trying to paint the desert red?
"Good I suppose, looks like they're always landing shots," Aria said with a shrug as Jill changed the magazines of her sniper rifle. "No to kill I'm hoping?" Sniper rifles are very dangerous, one wrong shot at one wrong spot can kill someone in the instant, in the short run or the long run. This is why military sharpshooters need a long time to shoot, they need to shoot correctly which is difficult.
"Don't worry Crynn, everything is fine. I'm shooting off legs and arms left and right," that's great, that's great, as long as you're not shooting off heads, we need ten alive here. "And how's our friend, V doing down there?" This is just a bonus question, I don't even think we can see her from up here with that much tenting covering the place.
"Very good honestly, she's slicing apart the enemy like butter," Jill said but I'm a bit confused. "Slicing?" Is she using a sword or something, can you slice something with a bullet? "She's using a Japanese katana, her motions are fluid though she got all the wrong forms, might be freestyling," she explained and I can't help but raise my brows.
"My mother is a Japanese emigrant, I can do a bit of Kenjutsu myself, such as Kendo or Iaido," that's why, the Japanese love their swords, a lot. Honestly, katanas are beautiful but honestly, I like European swords better. If I'd to make a sword fighting match between a Japanese katana and a European sword, I'll have a result pointing at European victory.
Although Japanese swords are of considerable and superior durability and sharpness, European swords, long swords for example are long and heavy. Longer than a katana, enough to slice deep into a samurai's armor at a longer distance and heavier enough to put more pressure and thus don't need a lot of downwards hitting force as gravitational force can work at it itself.
Another example would be the rapier. In a one on one fight against the katana, it will most likely win. Why? Rapiers are designed be swift, light and to easily pierce the enemy with a concentrated sharp pressure point in the thin tip of the sword, it can strike faster than a katana can and one penetration on a vital organ, the heart, will immediately provide the enemy with a slow painful death. Of course, this match up isn't taking in mind any armor so anyone can be a judge in this case.
"You didn't see how fast she moves, she's like the Neo in the Matrix or..." Calian spoke and had jill continue his sentence. "Or like Wesker only without the black smoke effect," eh... who's Wesker exactly? "Albert Wesker is a supervillain in the world of Resident Evil, I can see the uncertainty in your face," thank you Aria, I'll keep the name in mind. (Though he probably won't have any use for it)
"Maybe she has cybernetics that increased her movement speed," I'm just going to point it out, cybernetics are overpowered, increased movement speed, increased vision, increased strength, increased jump height, increased brain activity, increased hearing, increased in just about anything. "Looks like my line of sight is out, I can't see any enemies."
"Mine too," both Calian and Jill nodded. "How about I bring this aircraft down and we can just stroll the camp like we're in the park, except we bring our guns and shoot anyone before they could shoot us?" I gave a suggestion as Calian and Jill looked at me than at each other. "Sure why not, I had enough for sniping in a day," Calian stated, excellent.
I went into the cockpit right away and tapped the screen and set the aircraft in gradual descent. "It's done, this aircraft will be down on the sand shortly," and this time, the ship will not be so far away, on the contrary, the landing position is quite near to the outskirt tents of the camp. BOOM!!! BOOM!!! A few more explosions sounded from the distant, what the hell is happening.
"Seems like our friend is getting a bit explosive," Calian chuckled as the aircraft reaches the bottom just a few feet away from the ground. "Guns ready everyone? Safety's off, be careful, hide behind cover and shoot before they shoot you," just giving some friendly advices on how to proceed here because this is a dangerous operation and I don't want to die a second time, neither does anyone else, I suppose.
We all get off in a single jump as sand splashed around us, we're like the Avengers just weaker and less in number. "Towards the gunshots?" Aria is just making sure, she has her space pistol on her hand and vigilance in her eyes. "Where else to go but the gunshots," Jill humored, this will be fun, hopefully I did not jinx that.