History of Everyone

Calian POV

Okay time to roll, I've got my silenced submachinegun in a suitable position, I've got my umbrella and explosives ready all in the right places. "So, we just dive in?" Ariane doesn't look so sure but hey, I don't either. "Hmm... Basically, we're just going right in, right?" Crynn was just making sure once again and "Yes, we're going to go in just like that."

"So how about we share stories, ask each other, introduce ourselves more extensively while in this period of gun fighting, you know so we could get to know each other more, increase in chemistry," I said while we vigilantly walked closer and closer to the camp and towards all that loud gunshots, cheery eh?

"Why not, so Jill, how long have you been a cop?" Crynn decided he's first to ask. "About two years give or take until I realized that the police unit I'm on, S.T.A.R.S. Special Tactics and Rescue Service is actually a bunch of test subjects to experiment on the combat effectiveness of a giant man-made man-controllable monster. But before that, I did serve 6 years in the US Army as a part of Delta Force, an elite operational unit, the only female in the team actually, quite proud of that."

Yep, that's quite the history, Crynn asked the girl on my team so why don't I ask the girl on his team. "So how about I ask you a question Ariane, what do you before you stumbled upon this mess?" And by this mess I mean dying and realizing you haven't really died. "I was a professional archer with numerous medals and trophies on my hand including one gold Olympic medal. How about you, what do you do?"

Right, what do I do? "I am a second generation wealthy offspring of one of America's richest families, a family rich enough to be able to pressure the country and a family rich enough to be able to solve anything with money. When I say I'm second generation it means that my father is still American born while my mother is a British born women to a family richer than my father's so they make quite the power couple."

"As a second generation wealthy kid of the block, I'm not what people describe as stereotypical rich kid, not like the 'fuerdais' (rich Chinese second generation) who always seem to dissapoint their parents, I was humble, polite, sociable, respectful, amiable, and anymore good traits you might think of."

"But of course, any rich second generation kid would like to have fun, I don't make the exception. When I say fun, I don't mean a week full of orgies because that isn't fun at all. What I mean by fun is sitting on my very spacious room playing all kinds of games all day, trolling people, being toxic, it's just fun."

"Well, the fun lasted until my plane was shot down I believe mistakenly. Thankfully, my sister is a business genius and very cold ice queen that can freeze any lustful men in the vicinity, so business will be fine with her in charge. What will not be fine is Germany as they will sure pay for accidently killing me, probably a hyperinflation worse than the one after World War 1, a lot of trade embargos and probably the fall of the entirety of German engineering."

I felt a lot of gazes as I look around to see everyone else gape at me with their eyes turned round. "all of you are creeping me out," I'm just pointing out a fact there. "Oh I'm sorry, I just did not expect that," Crynn sheepishly apologized as his eyes retained its surprise and so we continued on moving forward, just in front of the camp.

"You are the only one who hasn't explained your history," I said towards Crynn and he shrugged. "Have you heard of the Phantom Thief?" He began, and I immediately though, Kaito Kuroba? Nani?! "Kaito Kid?" Ariane beat me to it, again, I'll be faster next time. "Sorry? Who is Kaito Kid?" Crynn looked utterly bewildered which is funny.

Oh? A guy wearing a black mask suddenly ran out from the corner holding a very big gun. Pew! A sound strangely like Star Wars blasters rang behind me and red light came from beside. The next thing I knew, the man was clutching his chest in pain as I look carefully to find that there is a big burnt hole right on his left chest!

The man fell and did not move any more afterwards. "I forgot to ask, shoot to kill? I mean, you've already non-lethally disarmed at least ten men right?" Oh so it was Ariane that did that with a Han Solo blaster. "Right, try not to kill. In fact, I would not even ask why an archery athlete would so easy kill," now back to phantom thief, just be more aware of the surroundings this time.

"Kaito Kid is a character from a Japanese manga, it's also an anime and have several appearances in the Detective Conan manga and anime, it's a relatively popular character," I explained who exactly is Kaito Kid or his real name, Kaito Kuroba, he is a phantom thief, very good at it as well. "No anime characters, thank you, what I'd like to ask is the real phantom in the real world."

Hmm... that got me thinking. Phantom thief in the real world. Phantom thief in the real world. I only usually watch news regarding politics, economy, gaming and sometimes science and health. The other types of news, I'm afraid aren't to my attention. But real world phantom thief does sound familiar.

"Real world phantom thief? Real world phantom thief! The real world phantom thief that stole all the Van Gogh Sunflowers, whether museum or private collection! That's you?!" Ariane looked beyond thundered and that got me thinking. Thief that stole all Van Gogh Sunflowers! "You stole my aunt's Van Gogh Sunflower!" This man stole my aunt's beloved Van Gogh Paris Sunflower!