Crynn POV
"We'll see," The Aldecaldos leader showed a strong front in suspecting us as a bunch of fraudsters. "Now why don't you sit here while you wait for the results," she stood up, leaving fromt he seat to join with V I'm guessing but I have other ideas in play, one connected to my grumbling stomach! "Do you have anything to eat around here?" Because I hadn't ate anything for quite some time.
"Erm... You guys hadn't had anything to eat before coming here?" Panam Palmer looked boggled and I turned to see the others' reaction. Calian's eyes lighted up, Jill's tongue licked her lips in hunger and Aria just smiled normally. Now I know hungry zombies when I see one, and I can definitely see that both Calian and Jill are exactly that.
"Not really," I shook my head. "Right, Jim!!! Come here and take some orders! If there is nothing else, I must go," her eyes twitched as she resolutely left for the caravan, that ends that. In seconds, a guy came running wearing chef's hat, he would look professional if it hadn't been for his disorganized chef's garments.
"Hello everyone, I'm Jim, Aldecaldos head chef, what would you like to have?" He quickly pulled out a pencil and a paper notepad, ready to write whatever meal we want to order. "Do you serve a seven course French meal here?" Before I even got to place my orders, Calian spoke faster than me, oh well, gotta try to be quicker next time.
"I serve any dish here, from native American to edge of the world, I can do it all," the chef sounds so smug, one with such confidence must be backed with the same amount of ability, or at least that's how it usually goes. "Le hors-d'œuvre (Appetizer), Le Potage (Soup), Le Poisson (Fish), Le Plat Principale (Main Course), La Salade (Salad), Le Fromage (Cheese), Le Dessert (Dessert), you can do it all?"
That's some perfect French by Calian, seven course French dish eh, sounds good. "Of course sir," Jim said with a beam. "Right, I'll get the chef's recommendation and specialty if the others do not object or maybe anyone would like something other?" Calian politely asked us but I'm fine as everyone else is.
"Right that's it, four sets of seven course French meal," Calian said as Jim took the order down and went ahead to wherever his kitchen may be. "Hello choombas, my name is Mitch Anderson, I will be accompanying you until Panam comes back or until anyone comes back really," okay Mitch, my first question is, "What is a choomba?" Because I swear I've never heard of that word ever.
Mitch Anderson looked up in shock at me as do everyone else who doesn't know what choomba means, the same as me. "You- you- have you just came out of a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?" I'll pretend I did not hear that. "So, what's a choomba?" Jill questioned with a twinkle, Mitch Anderson seems to be fidgeting on his seat.
"Choomba is a Neo-Afro-American slang for friends or family, like you've never heard of that?" Mitch Anderson looks so confused it's hilarious. Let me take a better look at the guy. Metal arm, check, bullet proof vest, check, military camo suit, check, cheek scar, check, definitely an ex-military guy.
"Why don't anyone just use a simple word of friend?" Aria said and yes, that would be way desire than choomba, it sounds weird, strange, doesn't really imply friend in my opinion. "Let's not talk about this, let's go into something more important. Which corporations are you from?" Mitch Anderson asked with a glint on the edge of his eyes, interrogation time huh.
"Corporations? We're not from any corporations, we're from an organization," Calian is now beginning to spin and weave a totally false story, I need to hear the continuation of this. "Oh? What sort of organization?" Mitch looks further interested, not fully knowing that this whole story that Calian would say is a bunch of nonsense.
"The Alliance of Gods, our organization is separated to different groups in charge of different things. I and Jill am from the Hellenic group while Crynn and Ariane is from the Christian group," that's... convincing albeit sounds very much a bunch of hogwash but the opposite side doesn't know that.
"Right... of course ehm... What are you trying to achieve in accessing Militech's database," straightforward like anyone else in this whole bloody place. "We need to scan their data, we believe that there is an anomaly within the database, the organization seeks to find it, crack it so to speak," Calian moved to push his glasses back up like a total poser even though he's not a poser, I'm just jealous sometimes.
"Sure and what makes you think you can get into Militech's database so easily?" So many doubts today. I know it won't be easy to get into a corporation's inside databank, more so a military corporation that has what, two presidents as ex-CEOs which is not a joke, that's some serious threat right there.
"I took down a megalomaniac hemophobic supervillain from trying to control the world with SIM cards and tens of satellites in space! I teamed up with an internationally famous underground assassin to destroy an entire mafia tree easily! And I with Jill escaped out of a medical biological research facility infested with biological monsters, monsters intelligent enough to shoot guided rockets at you! What makes you think we can't infiltrate a single corporation!"
Wow, that right there from Calian is powerful, exudes magnificence but just enough to be below pompous and arrogant. "That is surprising, maybe you can get into Militech even though I'm still not very keen to believing it. You might see from the news or black market information that V broke into Arasaka's database but it's vastly different."
"Oh? How different?" The moment Calian asked the question, Jim suddenly appeared with three silver food trolleys, all pushed by himself. "Dinner's ready. Hey Mitch, the boss is looking for you!" Jim told Mitch the news as he stood up to go see his boss or leader, now we don't get to know the difference between Militech and Arasaka, we can ask him later.
But now, time to enjoy a seven course French meal starting off with the Le hors-d'œuvre.