Braindance Analyzation

Calian POV

Okay, so the editor function.. ha! There it is, there's a pause symbol on the bottom right corner as well as a fast forward and rewind symbol. On the upper left corner is a video time bar that displays the total duration as well as track the duration we are on based on where in the virtual world this video is, alright, not difficult. There is also oddly an UNO switch symbol next to the bar, what could that be for?

"How do I press the symbols?" I probably sound like an absolute amateur to their ears but I've never felt a virtual reality this high tech, this beats everything, do they play games in this? I mean, they got to, right? On second thought, it uses stimulus recorded from the brain and maybe that is too difficult to apply directly into games.

"You just need to think on what you want to do. The braindance will track your stimulus simultaneously as you're receiving the signals from the BD and certain thoughts of stimuluses recorded can be realized by the BD. Thoughts that align with the function for example, functions such as pause, play, fast forward, rewind, switch," alright, but I'm still confused with the switch thing though.

"What does switch mean?" I asked from inside the virtual reality. "I don't think this session will require any switches. Switch means to switch perspectives. From the stimulus, the environment is felt and analyzed enough to be able to make the participant into a third person spectator which has its own functions according to what kind of optics the character in the BD is using."

"In this case, Mitch is using a top Militech specialized officer optics which include thermal vision, night vision, far-sight zoom, closed focus and a lot more roles we won't need for today. I mean for God's sake Mitch, do you seriously need that much customization, how's enhanced color supposed to help in the battlefield," enhanced color? Is that like a lizard's eyes, I know lizards have quite the vision that deepens color and makes them clearer and more apparent.

"Enhanced color allows better sight in the dark, it's like a decline of night vision just not green," I heard Mitch Anderson say from the background. "Alright why don't you try the play function, you can see that it's currently paused at the start," Judy directed me and I thought, 'play the video', and the video actually starts playing but then, 'pause'.

"So, Mitch, I can call you Mitch right? Anyway, how do you get to the building or can anyone just walk right through to the reception," that's one part that's cut out, we need to know that information. "Oh that, correct, not just anyone can get through. There's three layers of security checks," three layers? That's an awful lot.

"The first check is the keycard check, because where we I am going to at that time was into the internal sections to visit my boss in the internal intelligence department, I need an internal employees keycard, that's a first that needs to be checked out. Secondly. full body check from facial recognition to an interior body check."

"I said it, Militech has a big deal with intruders, that is, they never have intruders, this is one of the reasons. Every single body part can't be changed unless allowed so if an internal sections employee suddenly want to get their optics changed even ears pierced or tattoos, they need to be apply a letter of body modification, it's just that complicated."

"The whole body will be scanned and paired with the data on the specific employee, whether the position of their lungs are right as before, whether their skull has a tiny bit dent on the side, they'll pair the data together. These checks make intruding into Militech's internal sections nigh impossible to do."

"Lastly, weapons, no weapons is allowed inside the internal sections accept for guards and some specific higher-ups. We will be stripped clean of our clothing and we will have to wear a suit specially provided by the internal sections clothing department, yes, there is a clothing department. The suit is equipped with multiple countermeasures such as an electrocution device and permanent tracker."

"This is all the reasons to doubt your success, and I've just scratched the surface," okay there's no way I can get through the three layers of security, even if I'm a Kingsman. "Are there any alternative way in?" I asked because we're screwed if there isn't any, might have to throw away the entire stealth plan to change into the going in loud plan.

"We'll talk about that layer after you've finished analyzed the BD," back to the braindance, right. I continued the video as it resumed, time to look for more to pay attention of, the card the receptionist gave Mitch, that should be important. "What about the card," I asked Mitch even though I can't physically see him, I can mentally perceive his presence.

"That card is important, it is card used to enter the department head offices, each department head office has their own cards that will be detected by the sensor on the front door of the office, thus signaling it directly towards the door lock, unlocking it automatically. Something to remember later," good information.

"Looks like there are more then 10 armed guards around though they look strangely inhuman," not the Marvel's inhuman, but the reek of something else, cold, hard, metal. "That's because they're not humans, they're Militech guard bots. Each one is equipped with two rifles and two handguns, two combat knives, bulletproof armor covering their whole body and explosives enough to take down a tank," okay, so summarized, do not mess with those guys, got it clear.

"Militech seems more secure than Arasaka ever was, there was no guard bots when we broke into the tower," V wondered aloud. "That's because this is Militech's home-ground, primary headquarters. Try going to Tokyo to look at Arasaka's primary headquarters, their defense would be unparalleled there ," Mitch explained. "Hmm... true," V spoke.

Sir Cameron Sanders' office just ahead, let's see what I can find in his room.