Crynn POV
"Here is the first subject, latest intel from behind the front lines," virtual Anderson handed his superior a small chip. "Let's see what you have," Sanders took the chip and inserted it somewhere below his desk, somewhere Mitch Anderson's eyes could not see. After a few seconds there's a slight plugging sound of the chip as Sanders inserted it into the right side of his temple, apparently, people can just insert chips into their brain in this day and age.
Then, Sanders' eyes appeared a blue screen that almost covered the entirety of his pupil. His expressions then were normal but after a while, it turned into surprise, shock and most of all absolutely elated. "HA HA HA HA!!! Your merits this time sure weren't small, Mitch!" The screen disappeared as the chip was extracted and Sanders laughed out loud.
"What got him that excited?" V looked curious as she gazed around to find that Panam Palmer and Mitch Anderson seem to know what it is. "That one chip sealed the entire fates of the free states," Palmer spoke in mystery, that got me a whole more wanting to know what it is. "Pause for a while Judy," Anderson said as Judy pressed the pause key.
"That chip contains extremely vital information I got by absolute chance. It was one night, I was taking a night walk around the Californian Free State camp when my fake superior, the marshal commanding the camp appeared out of his camp, drunk and crashed into me. We did not fall but something else did, the chip."
"The marshal doesn't seem to notice it as he muttered an apology and walked away. I decisively picked the chip up and took a look at it, it was then that I realized, this chip could change the course of the entire war. The chip contained battle plans of the Free States stating that they would unite all their forces in a single night ambush to push Militech back out and hopefully further away from their borders."
"Needless to say, I brought it to Sir Cameron Sanders' attention and the night ambush completely went into Militech's favour and the Free States' unified forces were crushed as Militech strolled right into the West Coast. You can unpause Judy," V is astonished as do the rest of us, that might be the most careless marshal I've ever seen.
"Yes sir, the second is actually this," virtual Anderson bravely took out a brown letter and put it on the table, dragging it right in front of Sanders. He raised his brows suspiciously and took the letter in his hands, opening it up neatly to reveal a folded piece of white paper. "What's this?" Sanders uttered incredulously as he read what's on it.
"That's my resignation letter, I have decided to pull myself out of Militech after the war is over," Anderson nervously announced under Sir Cameron Sanders' intense stare, Anderson could be seen a bit sweating in pressure. "Are you insane?! With this merit alone, giving you ten years at most, you might be able to sit on my chair!" Sanders angrily shouted.
"Sir if I may, I grew up watching spy moves and reading spy comics. To see how cool they are, how stylish spies are, I have an ambition to be a spy. That is until I fully realized that the line between reality and entertainment is wider than I could imagine. I thought I could be a hero, someone who would save the world, a gentleman spy kicking the villain's ass every turn."
"Turns out, this is a job furthest from my deepest expectations, I'm sorry but, this is not life I want to be living, amidst lies, amidst death, betrayal, not my kind of thing, sorry sir," Anderson quickly explained and added an apology at the end. "Well, I expected this a long time ago. When I first met you and saw your interview recording, I saw a bright young man with high aspirations and way too much expectations that is not within realization."
"I thought someone like you surely wouldn't pass the test but on the contrary, you succeeded in flying colors and all the instructors immediately recommended you in which surprises me as those old bastards never recommend anyone, especially to me. You were a golden child of the intelligence department and as precious as gold is, we must give it out sometime and looks like the time has come," Sanders sighed.
"And you say he's a cruel man?" V voiced out, I have to agree, he seems pretty fine and chill to me. "That compassion he's showing is only towards his allies, he shows a whole new face against his enemies, you should not see what I saw, him torturing an enemy commander by slowly ripping his face off. That still frightens me till today," now that I acknowledge is cruel.
"Have you seriously thought this true, is this what you really desire," Sanders asked one last time and virtual Anderson nodded conclusively as Sanders sighed, "You're dismissed and your resignation is accepted." Anderson said his thanks as he got up, saluted and walked forward towards the door and as his hand reached the door knob, he heard Sanders say, "Wait," and stopped.
"If you're looking for a job in the intelligence department, you're always going to be accepted back here," Anderson turned to see Sanders no longer sitting on his chair but had stood up to look over to the auditorium below. "Alright boss," virtual Anderson seem to say with a smile because even if we don't got to see him in third person, I can see from his tone that he's smiling.
"Okay, the braindance is over," Judy said, the whole video stopped playing as the content bar had already reached the end. "That's it?" Calian said from the medical chair. "No that's not it, this time we'll play it from the beginning and I'm going to give control of the braindance to you. You're going to be given the editor function which makes finding clues in BDs like this far easier."