Sir Cameron Sanders

Crynn POV

White flashing lights came out of the head set device onto Calian's eyes as his consciousness fades. "He should be on the screen by now?" Judy said as the largest monitor on the center flashed open revealing a first person sight position of a smooth white walled facility, like a hospital, like a research laboratory, clean, sterilized.

"Hello? Hello?" I heard Calian's voice as his mouth opened and closed while his body lay unmoved, that's creepy. "You don't seem to have any transplanted internal com-chip?" Judy stated as she looked at Calian strangely. "But I suppose ehh... speaking right from the mouth works as well, this is new for me, can you hear me from here?" Judy asked.

"Yes, I can hear you loud and clear but I can't seem to move in here?" Yes, the first person character in the screen isn't stepping a foot anywhere, not even a muscle is responding. "I must say, I feel like a whole new person. This metal arm feels cold though its as if my own arm, only... different," it did say that neural stimuluses will be transmitted to the brain based on the person in the virtual reality.

"Normal operations, this braindance will last a few minutes and within that few minutes, you should be able to find everything essentially contained within the braindance, I'll unpause now," Judy tapped on of the keyboard keys as the character moved forward through the hall where an automatic sliding door opened for him.'

"I feel like I'm moving when I'm actually not moving, I can even feel his tension, cautiousness upon entering," the doors revealed a huge lobby as he walked to a reception desk, the character looked around. "Why were you tense?" V questioned in interest as Anderson chuckled. "Who wouldn't be when meeting their boss, a boss famous for betrayal, murder and a lot of cruelty," wouldn't want such a boss.

"I'm Mitch Anderson Militech Senior Intelligence Officer, here to meet Sir Cameron Sanders," This time, the voice came from the speaker, spoken by the Mitch Anderson in the virtual reality. "Senior Intelligence Officer, that's a wealthy job, you can afford a nice mansion with the wages," V raised one brow as Anderson scratched his head.

"Being a Senior Intelligence Officer is a heavy job, I can't handle the burden of weight, betrayal, death, sin, torture, I decided that's not my kind of thing," Palmer nodded to that, yeah, intelligence officers are always the miserable ones. "Hmm... Mitch Anderson is it? Sir Cameron Sanders is expecting you in his office. Here, this card will show you the way and serves as a pass card," the elite receptionist handed Anderson the card as he took it.

He then continued striding after the receptionist desk to find a huge cylindrical room that points into a lot of ways, intelligence, finance, public relations, research and development and many more. It's apparent where he's going, right into intelligence. Virtual Anderson then entered into a wide corridor where multiple rooms ranged on all sides, thankfully, Anderson kept looking around.

On the left is quite a large office space where multiple white collar workers are working tirelessly, moving around in haste with stacks of paper and cups of coffee. On the far side is also an array of boards where strategic positions are placed upon, figuring out ways to overwhelm the enemy. The printers and faxes are also running wildly, sending out information in papers.

And on the right is also similarly busy. There's a long table with holographic terrain and on the terrain, there contains miniature cities, artillery positions, planes, tanks, infantry and any you could think of lying around. People are running around, bringing paper to the multiple men and women all focused on the table as they grabbed the papers and read it, changing the positions real time, that looks cool though.'

And finally, Mitch Anderson stopped on the edge where the path continues on two forks, left and right, staircases going down. But that's not where he's going, he's going right in front, a simple wooden ornate door with the bolded words, 'Cameron Sanders, Head of Militech Intelligence'. Anderson gave an encouraging sigh and entered.

It was obviously a private office as well as an overseer's chamber. Why I say overseer is because the office is overseeing a spacious and huge auditorium. It is like the command center in War Gamers. There's a ton of computers down there and a colossal screen that shows a completely detailed map of North America and as always a lot of hard-pressed, time-poor people downstairs. What was most eye-catching is the man standing by the window looking at the duties below.

"So Mitch? How's going?" The man turned to reveal someone who is rather old and had also the 'too much' in life. Though clearly of an advanced age, his body does not conform to it, his vigor is as clear as a teenager and his eyes couldn't be wiser. His smile cool and a tinge of blood could be seen just around his pupil, signifying his occupation as a connoisseur in the more 'unpleasant' art.

Someone of high standing, judging by his professional army service uniform attire and a rank patch that clearly says 4 star general coupled with a lot of shiny fancy medals across the chest, you can tell, this guy is no joke. "That's Sir Cameron Sanders or by his more famous nickname and battle given title, Devil of the NUSA, an intimidating man, anyone crossing him would get a life worse than death," Mitch Anderson shuddered, now I know not steal anything from him, not with that title.

"Fine sir," Anderson answered briefly and greeted his boss politely with all the right gestures needed upon meeting someone of a higher standing in military standards. "Relax, sit down, what calls for you? Why did you want to meet?" Sir Cameron Sanders stretched his hand on the chair as Anderson sat and the Head Militech Intelligence poured himself and Mitch Anderson a cup of coffee.

"I'm here for two matters sir."