Diving In

Calian POV

Delicious, I thought to myself as I wiped my mouth with a napkin. It is around 8 in the morning, the convoy finally stopped for a break and the communications sounded for us to land and join them for breakfast which we did not at all refuse because there's no such thing as breakfast in this aircraft, anyway, it's also VR time.

"Good morning fellas, so have you guys finished eating? If you have, Panam is waiting for you in the caravan, the biggest one right over there, you can't miss it, just enter the door," A guy donning a cowboy hat and looking like any Texas citizen greeted us politely and pointed us towards the main caravan in the middle of the convoy.

"So, want to go now?" Ariane asked as she finished her remaining stew and drunk some water. Jill shrugged and Crynn nodded, okay you guys could at least release some sound instead of simple movements but I guess actions speak louder than words. "Alright then, let's go," I slowly stood up, alright, real VR here I come.

We walked over to the big caravan right in front of the door where Crynn tapped a small digital screen on the side with the words open. The door slid open revealing spacious interior, luxurious, most of all, it looks new. The outside looks a bit tattered, like it took some hits and has been travelling for years.

The inside has no sign of old age, it's new, there's no dust, no cracks on the walls, it's clean. Most of all from the looks outside and inside, I can see that it seems, this caravan has 2 floors, it's length is considerable as well as do its width. On the far end is a complete computer set up and a complete medical chair, with straps and all, also a lot of wires connected to it.

There's a table, a room that has a bathroom sign hung on it, some stairs up. A gunsmith's workbench with a lot of cool guns on the wall. The rest is largely unimportant but let's get to who is here. There's a cute green and red haired chick sitting in front of the computers, Panam Palmer, V and Mitch Anderson is all seated around the table.

"Right, you're all here, let's no waste any time, braindance who wants to volunteer themselves?" this is quick, does Palmer have a date to attend or something, why the rush? "By the way, let me introduce everyone to Judy, our braindance editor and a netrunner as well," Palmer pointed at the green and red haired girl.

"Hello, call me Judy, so before we start, I might suggest a male for this one because I'm sure the females wouldn't want to feel the sensation of having some dangly bits down there," she laughed and every female cringed, Yes although I don't discriminate against the trans community, I wouldn't want to have a dick as a girl, futanari is just not my thing, I beg your pardon.

Crynn, Jill and Ariane then turned their gaze to me as if they're expecting something. "Calian volunteers," wait what? "Yeah, we decided this yesterday, he'll go do the braindance," pardon?! "He did say he would like to do the braindance," have I not got a chance to even speak in this?! Where are the rules of democracy?!

Crynn elbowed me on my arm as my expression couldn't get any darker. Fine, it's only VR, I've played with oculus rifts before, this should be nothing compared to it, in fact, this should be tons better. "Yes, I volunteer myself," I coughed multiple times to suggest irony and sarcasm but they don't seem to get it.

"Excellent, Judy will guide you through all the processes and we'll be able to see what's going on inside as well using the monitor," Palmer said as she sat back down and gave the mic to Judy over there while the rest of everyone in this room curiously watched. "To start off, get yourself down on the medical chair," Judy said as she stretched her hand to the chair, a chair I had nightmares to when I was a kid, dentists, evil doctors they are.

I lay down on the extended chair calmly, not knowing what to expect from here on out. "So, ever dived before?" Judy moved over with a device that looks like it will be mounted onto my temple. "Pardon?" Do you mean dive into the virtual world? "Have you ever used a BD before? Usually its the males with the usual compulsive addiction to BD porn," BD, that's braindance right?

"Ehh... No, never used a briandance in ever, this is my first time, anything I need to worry about," Judy looks surprised and peeked to the left to find Palmer, Anderson and V are all a bit overwhelmed as well. "Well, then you're probably the only man in the solar system to have never used a BD, how about you guys, used BDs before?"

"Nope," "Never," "Not in my lifetime," three responses were heard by three different people. "I shouldn't say only man, I should say only group of people that never used a BD. My eyes were opened today," Judy sounds exasperated. We are a bit out of age, aren't we? "So, using a BD is as simple as anything, I will activate it and you will 'go to another world', so are you ready?"

Judy asked as she finished setting the device on my head, honestly, it looks like a brainwashing torture tool. "Ready as you know it," I said in 'serenity' while I hide the nervousness and anxiousness in the deepest of my heart, don't want to be embarrassed in feeling afraid you know. A former rich kid must at least retain his pride and honor.

"Hmm... Wait a sec, let me insert the BD file and it's on. Don't worry, you can still hear our voices, I will guide you through this. 3... 2... 1... dive," I heard Judy finish as all that is in front of me turn white.