Calian POV
Okay, looks like we've got a stable plan... Wait... "Can't we just fly over the wall like we did back in Night City?" Or is that not possible. "The border here is different, this is the capital of the NUSA and Militech while Night City is a mere cheap crime infested place. See the difference? There are real border checks here, especially towards aerodynes and to be frank, we don't have any identity nor do we have any papers that could support us."
Should've thought about that. "Hello... Hello? You can touch down, we have reached the city or at least the furthest we can reach," the communications system sounded out with V's voice over from the convoy. Have we reached the city? I entered the cockpit to find quite the dazzling scenery, the city of Washington DC!
Even from the far, I can see that it's a city dominated by the neoclassical theme. The Capitol Building is still there, The Washington Monument still standing, the White House hasn't been burned down and a very tall skyscraper built in obvious neoclassical style just behind the White House. It also has a logo that can't possibly be missed, Militech!
I quickly programmed the ship to land, heave ho, we are coming Washington DC!
Crynn POV
"Are we allowed to carry weapons in the city? Like machineguns and such?" Because I have a lot of weapons, Aria have a lot of weapons, Jill has a lot of weapons and Calian always has his SMG hung around his shoulder. "Law of the NUSA, citizens are allowed to carry any weapon anywhere as long as that weapon doesn't exceed the classification of 'heavy' weapons. Of course, private establishments can put their own rules whether the citizen can carry weapons in their places," Jill stated very clearly.
Okay, we've reached the ground, time to discuss again with the fellas. "Come here everyone!" Mitch shouted for us as soon as we got close on the big caravan. "So some final preparations before all of you go inside the city, how would you go inside the city?" Palmer said as soon as we entered through the door.
"Through a Rock and Silver Mining Corporation abandoned mineshaft southeast of the city. One of the caveways is right next to the subway tunnel of the city. And we have a blueprint and have successfully tracked which tunnel is next to the caveway. The last thing to do is to use a GPS to navigate our way into the caveways and blow a hole through to the tunnel."
V looked at Palmer and Mitch, both surprised and nodded. "The only city the Aldecaldos or any of the Rogue Nations never dare smuggle anything into was Washington DC and looks like you cracked a way in. We can provide the explosives, one very fitting in blowing up walls," Palmer complimented us and definitely the explosives, she gave without us even asking.
"I have something to say," Mitch interjected in with a neutral face. "So, I contacted some friends and got word that the cryogenic chambers won't be delivered next week, it will be delivered today at 17 o'clock and now is around 14 o'clock," that is something we can do but what you haven't told us is where the chambers are.
"I can see what you're thinking. The cryogenic chambers are located in a Militech delivery warehouse and luckily for you, the warehouse is located on the southeast of the city, I'll send you the coordinates later. Search for 5 boxes with the corresponding codes CCML-190-165. That's the first box, the rest of the boxes are have an end of respectively 166, 167, 168, and 169," now that's what I'm talking about.
"And secondly, looks like I will be just the guy to drive you to the abandoned mineshaft," Mitch declared with a beam, this guy is very amiable. "So, we leave right now?" V pronounced as she coolly reloaded her pistol and professionally twirled it around her fingers, I need to learn how to do that sometime.
"Yes, we are going to leave now but before that, does any of you have any smart phones, apart from V I mean," as soon as Mitch asked that, everyone of my squad turned to look at me, wonder why... I almost forgot, I do have a smartphone. "I have one though it's not mine," I pulled out the transparent smartphone I hooked away from a certain bar owner.
"Is that Rogue's phone?" V looked at me and uttered. "Yes it is," I shrugged as V squinted her eyes at us. "Any personal phones then?" Mitch sighed and fidgeted with his fingers in annoyance. "I don't think we do," Jill spoke for us as Mitch's hand reached for his hair, messing it about in frustration.
"Are all of you from the stone age because this is unbelievable. Look at how classic that tuxedo is and seriously, a princess coat?! Do you see how hot it is out here. I think the only one with remotely the sanest fashion sense out of all of you is the woman that looks like a police," I wouldn't wear tuxedos and princess coats in the desert if it were not for some magical enchantments.
"Don't answer, we'll just use V's phone then," Mitch exasperatedly sighed still with disbelief, this is comedy gold. "Do you need any weapons?" Palmer questioned as she gazed over my pistols and Calian's bravely open SMG. "I don't think we'll need any weapons, just a bomb big enough to blow a hole into a subway tunnel."
"I'll prep it in the truck," looks like we'll be driven a truck to the abandoned mineshaft which is no problem at all. "So, V, I've sent the coordinates of the Militech delivery warehouse and regarding the abandoned mineshaft, I've found where it is. So you're ready right, let's go," Mitch exited the caravan as Palmer followed after.
V looked at us with her lips calmly pressed, "So, shall we?"