Calian POV
Oh, fresh air at last! I thought to myself as I spread my arms wide, feeling the not so clean breeze go by me, yeah, pollution is too much in this earth. "Where do we go from here?" Crynn asked as he arrived to the outside. From the door below the subway, it's just a tunnel of stairs to the above ground, no zombies, no big crappy Nemesis.
"I have the GPS, it is... Right in front of us?" V looked extremely incredulous, like she can't believe that the location of the Militech storage is right in front of her. This is too much of a coincidence isn't it, the subway tunnel entrance, to the door and now, the Militech storage, God's plan. "How are we getting in, I presume we have to tip-toe?" Aria joked in the end.
Well, I presume there's guards so, "We go in stealth and who do you think is the stealthiest in here? Of course it's me! Let me tell you, my time in Kingsman is no joke," a man's gotta be arrogant sometimes but hey, it's seriously no joke, I have a ton of sneaking experiences whilst I was in that world.
"Whoa, maybe you can tone down that ego, jeez. It's not like I'm not a master like you say you are, but sure you can try," V sarcastically said which is a bit hilarious. "Either way, we've still got more than an hour's time before someone came to deliver the cryogenic chambers," Jill said to me as she looked at the Militech storage, barbed wire on top of the walls, not a hard obstacle to solve.
"Wish me luck, I can incapacitate just about anyone right?" because taking down people is cool, well I'm a bit playful at times. I played a lot of games and takedowns are always one element I enjoy. From the ridiculous homing briefcase throw in Hitman to the jump takedown drops in Assassin's Creed.
"As long as you hide the body, no one will notice for a while. That's how I usually did it myself, take everyone down and hide everyone in different spots," V responded by makings a shooting gesture at one of the guards on the front gate. The two fingers shook as she made gun sound effects. okay, *cough* immature *cough*, God I'm such a hypocrite.
"How do you want to proceed?" Aria questioned with her arms crossed. "Up the wall, I've got my own tricks," I replied, I'm not a gymnast but I know some tips to jump over such a high wall, even if those tips are quite some cheats. "So, I'll communicate with all of you through the phone?" I pointed at V's smart phone because unlike the men and women of this world, my team doesn't have brain installed communications cybernetics.
I took out my stylish Kingsman spectacles from inside my bag and scanned V's phone, successfully establishing coms between the two electronic gadgets. "There done, test, test, is it coming in?" I repeated as I put on the glasses. "There done, test, test, is it coming in?" My voice appeared out of the smartphone, great.
"I can blind the front guards for a second or two when you're ready," V offered and I nodded, that would certainly be helpful. I quickly sprinted my way across, leaning by the wall, the guard doesn't even blink to that. "Ready," I silently watched the guard as his hand went up to rub both his eyes, opportunity has come!
I took my umbrella by the top fabric and detached the handle, spearing it above as it grabbed the ledge on the wall as I pushed a button, reeling me up and over the barbed wires, landing myself safely behind the wall. "That was smooth," I heard V's voice come in on my spectacles, "Thanks for the compliment, I always try my best."
"Yes, regarding the incapacitation, maybe you shouldn't do a lot of that. Keep it to the minimal, just create a suitable path for everyone to traverse into," a suitable path, not too much incapacitations, disappointing but I got it. "First one out will be the front guard," I sneaked past to the security post where two guards are stationed at, one outside and another inside. The fortunate part is, the one outside is facing in the opposite direction of the one inside.
Every Kingsman Gadget must have more than one unique aspect to it, that includes my shoes. Not only is it designed to kill, it is also designed not to create noise, that is unless you're deliberately stomping the ground. I quickly walked past them without even the slightest of sounds, zero decibels, I know that's impossible to achieve, but I did it.
"Hmm... George what's up?" I heard the guard inside teh post say as he held up his smartphone to his ear. "Pardon? You are coming to pick up packages CCML-190-165 to CCML-190-169? Are you certain you're not mistaken? You're supposed to pick the package in a week, you decide to bring the schedule forward today but now you want to bring it forward again?" That's the cryogenic chambers, what's happening?
"For Lord's sake mate, Do you know how much stuff goes through here every hour, every minute?" Is that a complaint I hear? "Fine! But you owe me breakfast tomorrow, I don't take excuses. Mhm... Alright, see you in 20 minutes," and hung up. "Did you hear that?" I spoke through my glasses as V said, "Loud and clear, but do you know what this means? You need to make a clear passage for us in under 20 minutes."
"I can do that easy," I bragged as my body crept up behind the security guard, he doesn't know what's coming. ZAP!!! That's what he felt when my ring touched upon the guard's neck as my hand went over to cover his mouth, silencing his scream. That's one down, another to go. "I saw that, what did you do to him?" V asked as I saw V from across the building, having quite a view of what's happening here.
"Some everyday, simple electrocution."