Crynn POV
Well, surprise, surprise, the pickup truck still works. Apparently, other than being a mercenary, V is also a master mechanic, she certainly knows her way around cars by how professionally she fixed the pickup truck. "Here it is, 0005," we arrived in front of tunnel in the most top level, you won't understand the difficulties reaching up here.
The roads was steep, confusing, dangerous and most of all, old, which means that when we drove our way up here, the roads cricket and shook, and that is not ideal. "It should be smooth sailing from here, the GPS says go straight and so, I'll go straight," V stepped on the pedal, speeding forwards and abruptly stopping on the dead end just 20 meters in.
"Is it here?" Aria questioned as she looked at V's phone, checking side by side on the caveway and the tunnel. We got off the vehicle and stared at the cavern wall, waiting for V to direct us which walls section we have to blow up. "Dead end, if the mapping is correct, once we blow a hole through the dead end, we will reach the subway tunnel."
"So, I should just... drill the ADX breaching charge on this wall," Calian positioned the explosive on the center of the dead end wall as V nodded and motioned him to do so. And Calian did so, he pressed the blue button and the drills immediately started up, accelerating in its rotational movement, piercing its tips to the wall.
And in about 5 seconds, the drill has already completely punctured into the wall, locking it in place. "Everyone should get back to the car, I'll set the timer to a minute. V'll have to back us off," Calian instructed us which we did as we waited for him, pressing some buttons. "Okay, let's go," V immediately reversed the pickup truck right to the entrance of 0005.
"How big do you think the explosion will be?" Jill asked as she waited patiently for the explosion to occur. And as we tensely looked into the cave for the next 30 seconds and... BOOOOOOOOOM!!! An extremely loud explosion ensues as red, yellow and orange appeared inside the cave, greatly lighting it up, only to be dim in smoke once more.
"My ears are ringing," Aria covered her ears with her hand in slight pain, yup, the shockwaves really reached the ears. "Shall we see," Jill stated rather than asking as she slowly and carefully drove into the cave filled with dust as the roof is still vibrating and small pebbles as rocks crack and fell on top of the pickup truck.
As we came nearer, a blue light became clearer which is odd, the mines have so far been equipped with ultra-bright yellow light, so seeing a sudden change of color surprises me, could it be? We stopped by, got off and started fanning off the smoke all around, further revealing what's ahead. "Looks like we made it," V couldn't help saying as she stared at what was uncovered behind.
We have successfully blown a hole into Washington DC's subway tunnel which is a great feat. We stepped into the blown tunnel, onto a railing path way on the side. This is a very clean subway because unlike the normally dark and murky New York subway, this subway is white in color and very laboratorial style.
The tracks are clearly no ordinary subway tracks, these are magnetic levitational tracks which is quite advanced. "This is invoking some memories I'd not like to remember," Calian shows an ugly smile covered in annoyance as he shuddered while looking around the tunnel. "May I ask why?" V inquired curiously, even Jill turned a bit dark with this.
"It involves a giant biochemical monster controlled by a certain pharmaceutical company who is also secretly a black market weapons powerhouse. Let's just top it off with the monster chasing us all the way to an underground train station where we thought we got away but apparently, the monster is faster than the train and we had to derail it to kill the monster but spoilers, the monster is not dead yet and... that's a story for another day," I'd love to hear the full extension of it.
"I know what you're talking about," of course Aria knew what he's talking about while V is bordering between bewilderment and astonishment. "Except, I killed Nikolai and saved practically everyone in the plot," did I sense a bit of gloating in his tone? "You killed Nikolai on the train? I have to say, I commend on that one," okay, this is getting out of hand, I don't understand what they're talking about.
"Maybe we continue on a later date," I interjected in the middle of them as I helplessly separated Aria and Calian. "Where do we go from here?" V asked as a loud noise came into our ears and in mere milliseconds, a maglev train passed us like a phantom with the speed of sound. I looked backwards only to find that the train had already disappeared somewhere.
"On my experience of subways, there should be multiple exit doors located on multiple locations along every tunnel. This is to ease engineers to make their way down for any possible repairs as well as in the case of a train accident, passengers can be evacuated easily through these doors," yeah, I know what Jill's talking about because I use subways and I see the doors on the side occasionally.
"Yup, we'll just stroll onwards until we find a door where we can exit from," Aria supposed as another speeding train went by us. "Let's quickly go find it then," V said and lead us through but really, this is probably the brightest subway tunnel I've ever seen. "Is that it?" What? Don't say we've found it, it's only been 5 seconds.
And... We found it, our starting position turned out to be very strategic. "Looks like it's locked, need a special security card to get through. But, I can deal with it, just needs a few-" Before V even finished speaking, Calian raised his umbrella and smashed the tip of it into the security pad, electrically destroying it which somehow opened the door.
"-Seconds, but I guess that works as well..." Why do I feel like I'm in some comedy or something?