Militech Internal Sections

Crynn POV

"Are we here?" I heard one of the boxes creaked, to see Calian peeking out timidly. "Yes we're here, there's no guards around," I added as I stretched my aching backs, it's not really that bad but I'm getting old and laying down on the hard cryogenic chamber surface for more than 20 minutes can be excruciating both physically and mentally, specifically to those of claustrophobic.

In the next second, everyone jumped out off the box in a flashy style. "Woah," Aria gasped as she gazed at practically everywhere. "Yeah, whoa is right," Calian spoke out with his head towards the ceiling of this room. "Okay, we need a move on, first destination is that security command center. We need to find a way out and a map," V instantly got to action.

"It's that way," Jill suddenly pointed to the direction in the right, what prompted her? "How did you know it's that way when it could be that other way," V asked as her fingers moved opposite to Jill's. "Can't you read the signs?" Signs? I followed Jill's eyes to find a sign that points the way Jill points with obvious bolded text of 'ENTRANCE'.

"Now I'm embarrassed," V laughed in awkwardness as she scratched the back of her head, I won't tell her I too did not notice that sign. "Well, let's get a move on then, maybe V should stay back further away until we find something suitable for her to wear because she's not going in while dressed like a member in a biker gang," Aria stated her opinion in which everyone agreed to.

"Who's there?" Suddenly a female voice full of suspicion appeared from some corner behind us as we practiced our quick reflexes to quickly cover ourselves behind some pile of boxes. "Looks like you're lucky, V. There's a uniform for you," Calian whispered next to me at V as he fidgeted on his watch, rotating its case around.

"Could've sworn I heard somebody?" I raised my eyes to see above the boxes to find that the Militech lady has turned her head away from us. And in the next moment, a small dart passed by my eye only to hit at the lady's back neck, no doubt Calian's work. "Excellent precision," I complimented because throwing darts isn't exactly easy, even if you use a secret agent watch for it.

"I aim to please," damn arrogant show off. "Well, V, maybe you should go and get changed," V immediately nodded and went towards the body, grabbing the lady by her leg as she pulled her to a secluded area. "So, gum anyone?" Aria sounded out all of a sudden, on her hand is a jar of what looks like gummy bears?

"Where did you get that?" Jill questioned, looking at the candies with a strange expression. "The box over there, it is full of gummy bears and it has no expiration date," I won't trust anything without an expiration date. Like, okay, I know that consumable products over the expiration date can still technically be chowed down but I prefer not to for a lot of reasons.

"Maybe those jelly bears are like the voice changer lozenges in Johnny English and so I prefer my voice as normal as it is now," Calian refused but I can't help but wonder what these voice changer lozenges are, I now there's a movie called Johnny English but I never did watch it like I never did watch a lot of movies, sorry...

"On second thought, maybe I shouldn't eat stuff like this, after all, candies aren't very healthy for your teeth," Aria chuckled as she put down the jar while still looking round different boxes. "You know, I could actually spend all day, discovering what each box contains, this like a super mega unboxing session," Aria said as she pulled out a snow globe, such a random item.

"How do I look," V came back as I turned around to fully take her image in. Heh... True corporate if I can ever describe. Black loafers, black pants, black suit, white dress shirt, "You look ready to cut a deal that would drain the opponent's funds dry," that just came out of me. "Oh really? Well, I do look suitable in this business casual work outfit," V twirled around, perfectly showcasing her figure complimented by the garments.

"Great, okay, I think we're good to go, aren't we?" Calian led the team, walking down in between the storage boxes, following the arrows towards the destination. "Is that it?" Jill judged as we could see from afar, a massive vault door, left opened and no human left to guard it. But no human doesn't mean no robot. There are 4 robots, appearing cold and dangerous with big machine guns and heavy armor.

"Will those be a problem," Aria furrowed her brows. "No it won't, we can just walk right past, the guardbots won't move unless someone decide to blatantly shoot a gun down the hallway or slash someone with a sword right in front of them or even attempt to hack them, so no, we don't need to worry a single dime about them," it must be true if V said so.

And so, I brave myself into going first. And truth be told, there's no shooting, the robots never even turned its robotic eyes on me, everything is perfectly cool, no suspense. "It is safe," and with that, everyone followed after, curiously peering at the robots, courageously scanning all over its mechanical parts like they're lego bricks or something.

"Anyone say map?" Jill motioned everyone to come to her side to take a glance at this big map of a big section. Turns out, we are at the most bottom floor and apparently, the internal sections is composed of 5 floors and each floor has a different section. For example, the intelligence department is located on the first floor while another example, the weapons department is located on the third floor.

But fortunately for us, the security command center is in the fifth floor, the floor we're currently in.