Crynn POV
"Just straight is it," following the directions on the map, we are at the last corridor before the security command center, a corridor with 6 robots standing in guard. Thank God they haven't got an identification function or we'd be screwed. "There, a door left separating us from security. How are we going to get inside?"
Good question, there's a digital pad like any door we've come across and we can't exactly just smash it because then I'm sure that the 6 robots would instantly shred us. I know they aren't exactly facing our way but I couldn't help but feel the red glare of its eyes setting itself on us. "I might have something," Jill said, actually surprising all of us, I want to know what she has.
"Security cracker," wait, where did you get that? Everyone moved out of the way, leaving a path for Jill to go near the pad and place the security cracker on it. The security cracker is like a card, only thicker. But all at once, the security cracker is fried, electricity spewing out of its sides. Does it not work?
"It works, see," the door shockingly opened, eh... How did that work, it's clearly fried. "Did you buy that from the shop?" I heard Calian's muttering beside Jill as she nodded, it seems like I often forget that there is indeed the shop. We slowly entered the security command center to reveal a spacious room covered in screens, a lot of keyboards and its sound and lastly, people.
Good thing no one bothered turning their heads around to look at us because I'm sure we would instantly be busted if that happened because I don't think we have clearance to be here. The security guys are wearing different uniforms than V's kind of uniform. They are wearing blue suits with thin black vests on, constantly typing while also watching the camera screens above.
There's like 10 guys give or take. The door soon closed behind us as we're left in the room. "We have 5, they're 10, each one of us can deal with 2 of them," I gave a suggestion but seriously though, these guys have no sense of safety. Do they really not know that there's 5 unidentified guys that has just brazenly walked into their room?
"The most important is to try not to make any sound. Don't let them get a shot off their guns because then, a whole army of guardbots will reach in and I so don't want to die," I don't think anyone wants to die, V. We moved to our individual positions rather tensely, we're standing right behind these security officers and they don't even realize that, looks like Militech needs to up their employee qualifications.
I looked to the others as Calian put his hand up with three fingers. Three fingers turned into two, and two fingers turned into one, and one finger turned into none. I swiftly unsheathed my sword up, throwing it into the air, grasping it by their grips and slitting it forcefully at the guards' necks and that is it, done.
In a moment's time, the guards' eyes widen to saucers as their hands went to grab their necks in horror but it was all too late. Blood flowed a steady stream down as they chocked and coughed up blood all over the keyboards and screens. That was very bloody, I can't help but scrunch in disgust, I've seen much more gory things than this.
I looked at the rest and everything went well. Calian with his electrocutions just like before. Jill has quite the combat technique, as soon as one of the security guards became alert and pulled out his gun, Jill has already acted to twist the man's arm rather cruelly as his gun fell to the ground. The other guard was also as unlucky as Jill jabbed at his throat, silencing the man.
Some head hitting action ensued as the guards fell unconsciously. Pew! Pew! I switched over to Aria as she just as easily shot two laser beams at the two guards, instantly melting through them. Luckily, the laser noises weren't loud at all and so won't attract the robots outside. Lastly, V who has already got the job them with a bloody knife and same as me, two bloody necks and bloody security equipment.
"Now that we've successfully wiped everyone out, maybe we should turn off all CCTV cameras, erase the recordings, lower the security defenses, Jill, Aria, can you do that?" I asked and walked to the center computerized zone and looked up to all the screens, looks like the upper levels are busier than over here in the last level, there's pretty much no one around here except for a bunch of robots.
"The next step is to take out the netrunners. In a primary corporation headquarters like this one, netrunners are the forefront of digital protection, so I advise to get rid of them first," a good idea from V. "There, that one, where is that?" V pointed to one of the many screens on the wall, at a particular one showing a room with a lot of medical chairs and people laying down on it with VR headsets connected to a lot of cables, those are netrunners?
"That room is-" Jill typed a long line of codes across the keyboard, "-Through there." She clicked enter and a secret door opened right next to a corner. "That's quick..." V looks very impressed by Jill's hacking prowess as do I. As someone a bit blind in computer technology, I always seem to admire those who can really put it into good use or maybe, a use far below what can be considered as good.
"I'm sure you guys can deal with the netsprinters, I and Ariane will work on disabling the security measures," it's netrunner though sprinter is a synonym for runner so it could be netsprinter, I guess. "Come on," V instructed us into the secret room and truly, "Whoa." This is a damn futuristic room, it's got all the sick red and blue lights but most importantly a lot of medical chairs with people seemingly 'sleeping' on them.
Ok, where do we start?