Crynn POV
"I know I heard it right, but 50 miles deep underground?! What the f*ck is in that databank that has to be stored that deep and not to mention, the entrance is underwater and also protected by what did you say again? 5 layers of security checks? I'm gonna say I'm speechless but I just gave a short speech myself!" That is just absurd.
"The five security checks has a description here, a description that we will read after we get the full simpler overview of our mission, so next folder," Jill hold both hands up to calm me down but it doesn't make me feel any more assured than a minus quantity of assurance, Calian and Aria are also clearly worried by the look on their faces.
"Next folder seems to be a list of the submarine crew and so what I'm inclined to think is that somewhere along the lines of when, that the super-submarine will be having a tour over to the UCU underwater base so let's see who we've got," the cursor moved and entered the folder as a very long list instantly engulfed the screen.
"On the top, immediately, the highest ranks in the submarine. Morgan Blackhand as Special Lower Half Rear Admiral and the two Captains under him, Jennifer Blight and Thompson Maresh," hmm... Special Lower Half Rear Admiral, what makes him this Morgan Blackhand guy special but I can see why a rear admiral would command the submarine seeing the size of it, a captain probably wouldn't be able to handle it.
"Morgan Blackhand? I know that guy! I've read about him in the deep and dark net!" Wow, Aria is truly our informational wikipedia eh? "Morgan Blackhand was a famous Night City Legend and known as the best solo mercenary in the world that time. One of his quirks is that he almost never fails a mission and complies with every specific order of the mission."
"Told to capture someone alive? He did. Kill someone with an ice cream cone? He dumped a whole truck full of it, killing the target by burying him alive under the weight of it. He gets the job done but as I said, he was a Night City Legend which means he isn't anymore. There's a lot of speculation that he died along the 2040s or that he retired or the other option, working under Militech."
"Apparently, sometime in the early twenty first century, Morgan impressed a Militech high ranking officer and was made a deal he couldn't refuse. And that begun Morgan Blackhand's life as Militech's top mercenary. In the height of the Fourth Corporate War, he was sent to assist Johnny Silverhand in nuking Arasaka Tower."
"That's also the time he became less seen in public after the incident where he reportedly had a grand duel with Arasaka's top mercenary, Adam Smasher. I can say for sure that no one thought he would still be alive till now and also became a rear admiral under Militech, quite prestigious, that," a mercenary became a rear admiral, a story fit for the cinema.
"Looks like each one of the crewmates has an electronic ticket for the submarine and we need one of the tickets to get on the submarine or maybe, we can just sneak in, that's an option as well," like, how can we even possibly sneak in? "Any way we can snatch one of those electronic tickets?" Calian suggests with a raised brow.
"We could because one of the submarine captains, Thompson Maresh is invited to the annual birthday of Militech just 3 days later and oh where could it be? Washington DC, the city we just walked out of some time ago. Thompson Maresh was invited because he has connections to Jensen Maresh as his father, one of Militech's shareholders."
"That means we need to go back to Washington DC, and I might be correct to think that the big hole we blew into the subway tunnel shouldn't have even be mended, not today, not tomorrow and not in the next three days but surely the party needs an invitation on its own?" Calian rubbed his chin as he waited for an answer.
"The birthday will be celebrated in the Hotel de Mazzon and one of the perks of disguise in a hotel is to disguise as a server or any hotel staff, we'll get to that later, don't worry it will work," well, Jill is the only one un-anxious at this, one wrong move in this mission and we are royally off with our heads.
"Sweet, and we're done with the folders, I know it looks like there's a lot of files and folders but it's actually just three compounded folders with a lot of different files inside," what time is it, 8 pm West Coast time, we need to start planning this out. We shouldn't at all procrastinate because that would just add on to the mass and weight of our shoulders and backs.
"Let's start at the very first step, we need to get an electronic ticket from a guy named Thompson Maresh, how to get in the hotel because anyone would know the amount of guards that would be guarding the grand event," Aria asked the question everyone wants to ask. "A day or two before the event, we need to make a path into the hotel as well as getting some information on the celebration itself."
"So we're going back into Washington DC?" A rhetorical question escaped my mouth. "Yes we are, we need to notify our friends about this new development," right of course. "Opening communications," Jill pressed some buttons as one of the side screens turned to display frequencies. "It's on."
"Ok then-" But before Calian could even say more than 2 words, some rather strange noises came from the other side. "Ahn... Why are you so good, why are you so pretty? Hnn..." Wait a second! What is V doing? "Yes! Aaahhh! Right there! Yes! Right there-" A different female voice came next as I listened in shock but Jill had shut the systems off.
"We did not hear that. At all."