What is Below Antarctica?

Calian POV

A delicious dinner, as always by the chef who is already a three star Michelin by my books. And I don't mean to judge or anything but instead of staying here, he should really aspire greater or maybe every restaurant in this world is as delicious as that, highly unlikely but maybe there is a factor of friendship in play around here.

Time to unravel the secrets on the data we stole, I'm excited, restricted information is always good information. "So, let's see what we have," Jill opened up her computers, opening the data on the scanner, there's folders, there's files, let's get into them then. "What's in MS-69," Crynn pointed to one of the folders and Jill promptly clicked on it.

"MS-69 is a Militech Stealth and Warfare Submarine, newest model," as soon as the folder is opened, a couple of pictures popped up, as well as a description, vehicle specification, theoretical and engineering knowledge, a lot of complicated information written around. "What, we need a submarine for this task?" Ariane is clearly a bit unwilling.

Even I can feel that the difficulty is really rising. "This is a super-submarine, judging from the size of the underwater vehicle, 300 meters long is not small," oh my, I remember the largest submarine back from where I came from is only around 170 meters long and it's also Russian, Uni Soviet Russian.

"It has the capabilities to launch ballistic missiles at anywhere on the planet and defensive weapons such as energy turrets and the all-directions torpedo launcher," in conclusion, one very dangerous submarine which we will have to somehow utilize. "Look, blueprint, we'll keep that for later, let's go back first."

"Go into the UCU databank," Ariane patted Jill's shoulder as she went into the folder and... is that Antarctica? A picture popped up, showing a landscape of ice, a whole lot of ice, a lot of cracks and no life whatsoever. "This is not the North Pole, not the Polar Ice Caps, welcome to Antarctica, the last continent ever discovered by mankind."

"This is odd, I expected it to have melted already, after all, this world is much more hopeless in terms of climate change and global warming than our original worlds. "Oh I know why!" Ariane raised her hand, she knew? "I looked some things up on my free time and found a lot of interesting facts about the world of Cyberpunk."

"One, there's no North Pole, it melted away and sank some regions in the process but that's solvable by a lot of dams that slowed the Earth's rotation by less than a millisecond. Now, to 'protect' one of the last remaining places in the world with ice, some corporations began a massive project to deal with it, mainly via a lot of crowd funding and investments."

"They decided to build a large freezer that would keep the Antarctica cold and icy. But this time, as do every other refrigerator on the planet, it's advanced meaning, it doesn't use CFC and HFC refrigerants which means its very ecological. They use some other very naturally cold substance called RKL which is a secret of its own."

"Anyway, the main crux, Antarctica has not only not melted, it has also grown in size significantly. I mean, this is all the public knows about, even both the deep net and the dark net have very little information regarding the on-goings over in the cold continent," very intriguing, I can see why investors would invest in that, it will certainly give a high profit return.

"Now we know what's going on over there. The UCU has made the entire region of Antarctica into their personal base of operations. So the UCU seems to be like the UN, just for corporations only. And when I say, the entire region, I mean below the entire region," Jill showed a picture of what can be best described as real life Rapture.

The difference being, this place is smaller than Rapture and no where near as city-like as Rapture. When Rapture looks like a metropolis with a perfected appearance and a glum inside. This looks like M.A.R.S. Industries Base, the underwater secret Cobra base, only not as bulky and round as it is which this base is much more minimalistic and rectangular.

"You meaning, we need to go inside there?!" Crynn shouted as his fingers tapped onto the screen to further prove his unneeded point because yes, we're obviously going to go there and I too don't want to do this. "Oh don't worry, you're from Kingsman 1, I assume? You should've stormed Valentine's mountain resort for the rich, this should be a piece of cake for you alone," is Ariane joking?

"I have Eggsy right beside me the whole time! Because the best strategy in these worlds is to stick together with the protagonist and you'll have a much lesser chance of dying because God knows that a protagonist's halo usually extends to whoever he deems good and next to him!" Thank God for Eggsy, he's practically un-killable, survived 5 grenades and all teh shrapnel missed him! How the hell did that happen!

"Well, We only need to go to the center of this underwater? Under-ice? Base. Because according to this very large sized map of the entire area, the databank is located here, in the center of the whole facility," Jill tapped on the exact middle of the map. "One of the problems," Jill turned the map into a 3d model and scrolled down to below the giant building, a single tube leading downwards.

And even downwards as Jill finally stopped at a black box. "This black box, clearly censored is the databank. Deep within the Earth, protected by one elevator leading downwards, 5 security checks, armed guards through and through consisting of both human and robotic and the final hurdle, the databank itself has a temperature of about 200 degrees Celcius because of a special reason being, did I not mention, the elevator goes 50 miles below the Earth halfway into the lithosphere."
