Crynn POV
"No one's looking here," V surveyed the area as Jill promptly unlocked the emergency stairway door as we went in, looking and closed the door behind us. "Let me remind that we need not make much noise, we will make a quick go to the server room, I will check the data and after I'm done, we may need to grab a few bits here and there for the upcoming event."
And so we moved our way downwards to the underground level. I decided to make a silly wave at the camera which I knew have had its functions jammed by Jill, just for my sense of humor. "There's not anyone in both directions," I and V peeked out the door, it was a silent hallway that goes two sides but I do hear slight small voices coming from the left side.
"Take a right then a left, am I right?" V slowly crept out, her steps quiet and brief with every intention to provide less noise and quick footing. But, she is not as good as me, a real thief and sneaky rat, very rich sneaky rat mind you. "So, Calian, you're the gentleman thief, how should we proceed," hah! You've got just the right guy for the job!
"One every expert should pay attention to is sound and vibrations. Workers like these hotel staff have no sense of self-awareness when they're not serving anyone. They often walk loud steps, cause lots of noise and et cetera which all attributes to my former job. By sound, I mean listen, put one ear in one direction, and the other in another direction."
"I can hear that no substantial noise is coming from the right side while talking human voices are more apparent in the left side. And by placing my hand on the floor and through a lot of practice and experience, I can feel different vibrations, vibrations from the environment and spikes of sudden vibrations from coming footsteps and so far, no one seems to be over in the direction we want to be going towards."
"Well, you hear the professional, let's go," and we went with our tiptoes and hushes towards the corner where we gazed out to find nobody in our path forward and the server room over in the end of the corridor. "There are windows on the right wall, looks like inside's the security room, we should duck under and stay as close to the wall keeping ourselves under the window."
Jill pointed at the obvious long transparent glass where the room inside is clearly a security room, with weapons lockers, screens and computers, and 5 serious men packing firepower inside. "Stick to the wall, not at all difficult," I lean to the right and knelt down in the right position to allow ease in side stepping.
I could really use a Pink Panther's theme song right now because it would surely enhance this experience. "Stop!" I whispered as I felt the tingle on the wall and the very obvious sound of a door opening. "Don't move," I put my finger in front of my lips as I closely try to listen at where whoever exited the room was going to.
Not anywhere near here I can assure you that. The footsteps are getting smaller which indicates the guy is getting further away into the distance. "We're safe, let's go in the server room," I made hand motions as Jill controlled her digital pad, opening the server room door. "Lock the door behind us," V said and Jill did.
This is a medium sized server room with rows of black server banks neatly lined up but there is a control station in the center of the room, smack dab in the middle of the row of servers. "This will take a while, a couple of minutes, so maybe you two could watch the door, notify me if anyone seems to be approaching," and thus Jill went to work with the technicalities.
"So V, I've been curious for a while but how did it feel to have an extra-personality, an extra-being living inside your head," I figure we won't be doing anything at the moment, so I decided to get to know our fellow job compatriot better. "Hmm... I've got mixed opinions of this one, all by myself," go on, I'd like to hear it.
"It can be annoying at times, with the guy mocking me from my own body or shouting at me for various reasons. It can also be hateful with knowing that another 'life' is trying to invade my body. But most of all, he's a man I know to be a friend, a companion of sorts. It's rather nostalgic when I think about it, I missed him," that's sad.
"So, thief huh? Why were you called that," uhh... Okay, I need to make something up, quick. "It's mostly attributed to my abilities. I have high agility, quick steps, very silent quick steps to emphasize. I'm everything a professional high tier thief should be. I'm very proficient in anything stealth as well as anything else involving a lock. I can break down safes in minutes, tear locks in seconds," well that's a lot, I guess I'm just that good.
"That is certainly something, what about the others, what are each of them good at. Well, I know a little that Jill over there is really good at what she does, computing that is as well as Ariane," why does this oddly sounds like she's trying to steal corporate secrets off of me except it's not corporate at all but meh, there won't be any problem telling her whatever about us.
"Jill is a great hacker, I'm sure you noticed already. Aria is also good in that sense but her more apparent expertise in skillset lies on marksmanship, she is capable of sniping foes from more than a hundred meters away not with a rifle, with a bow," haha, that bow surely surprises V, I was shocked as well when Aria took down wizards and witches left and right on the island.
"Calian is a jack of all trades, even an ace in all trades if you might say. That's all he is really, he does a lot of things and he accomplishes a lot of things. He's got a lot of different tech under his sleeves, you don't want to fight him," as simple as that but damn, Jill is taking her sweet time huh.
"That's all I need to know," V chuckled, oh well, let's just wait.