Done in the Server Room

Crynn POV

"I've gotten everything I needed," oh, looks like Jill is done. "So, what did you do?" V crossed her arms, leaning on the wall, her figure relaxed. "I did a lot including inputting everyone names and fake profiles into the servers," she inputted our profiles into the hotel servers? Is that what she needed our photos for?

Hours ago... "So, everyone, why don't I take each of your pictures," Jill asked all of us in the aerodyne, is she feeling photogenic all of a sudden? "What for, may I ask?" Calian had some snacks on his hands, potato chips with barbeque flavoring or something, I don't particularly like snacks, they are sticky, not nutritious, oily and all the other negatives it may contain.

"Don't worry, it's for later use," Jill shrugged and I just noticed, she had a camera on her hand. "Where did you get the camera?" I pointed at it with raised brows, it's a very advanced looking camera as well. "I borrowed it from Palmer, come on, stand up, put your best faces on, no smiles, flat," Aria stood up first, raising her hand.

"I haven't taken a picture in a while, how are we doing this? Do I need to do any poses or put up any expressions," well, Jill did say flat and I am sure this photoshoot has something to do with some work itineraries. "We aren't taking full body pictures, just shoulders up. There is no need for any expressions, show me your very best poker face."

And Aria did, her face completely devoid of any emotions, like someone who had seen way too much for her age, I guess she did. "Excellent, say cheese..." Jill pressed on the button as a camera capture sound escaped. "Great, so who's next," Calian went over faster than I could, I guess I'm on the last order then.

"Cheese... done, come up Crynn, it's your turn," I straightened my back, broaden my shoulders and readied the extent of what my face could show. "3, 2, 1, cheese..." and that's it, for what exactly, I have no idea yet, maybe it's for the electronic tickets later, we'll have to see. Jill then spent the next hour editing all our pictures, putting fake backgrounds and resizing it up.

Now I know what they're for. "I made fake identities for each and everyone of you. I thought this long enough and I had come up with the most solid plan. I will post as one of the waiters of the event and the both of you as well as the Calian and Ariane will pose as hotel staff. And it seems that we will only need to grab a one thing and we're out of here."

"Specifically a card, staff card. I'll use the card to counterfeit 5 cards for us and don't worry, they won't be able to tell the difference once I'm done," okay, so we're basically doing an Ocean's 8, which is one of the most unrealistic theft movies I've ever seen. One, if it were to really happen in real life, a jeweler will always be on stand by to check the diamonds and trust me, real life bodyguards of an especially expensive item will follower the holder of said item anywhere it goes, including the women's lavatory.

And oh the other unrealistic aspects but I guess this world will be as unrealistic as that. I mean, come on, even I have to say that the degree of realism when we entered the Militech Internal Sections was very low. "And where are these card located in?" I lightly yawned, I need to get some more sleep, my sleeping patterns have been irregular lately.

"Back from where we came from but instead of going right, we go left and right to the employees locker room with a door on the left wall," go left? "There are guys through there," I said because before we made it here, a lot of human voices as well as other types of sounds came from that way. "I'm sure you can do it," putting all the hopes in me, I can do it, it will only be difficult.

"Where is this card specifically located in, is it in the lockers?" V asked for me, the problem is, is the lockers digitally locked because I can't do digital. Even if I were to be forced to do digital, I'd need explosives which always worked in my heists but this time, we need to not be discovered and so I can't do with blowing things up.

"Yes it's digitally locked but not to worry, I have unlocked the first row of lockers, of course, if you did not know what I meant by first row, the digital pads for the lockers will have an unlocked lock. Just open the locker and you'll find the ID cards either just one of the racks or hanging from the locker," that makes things a lot easier for me.

"So, just left and right and the employees locker room will be on the left side of the wall, did I catch that right?" Just making sure because I don't want this to turn into dog shit because I missed something. "Yup," Jill spoke clearly, popping the 'p'. "Then you two can chill and wait in the fire emergency stairway and I'll deal with this, I'll get you your card."

"Awesome, there's no one outside right?" V creaked open the door and yes, there isn't a single soul anywhere near us other than the security room that we'll avoid. "So, how will you manufacture a fake ID card for us because certainly that's not easy," V questioned as we ducked under the glass windows separating us from the security guards on the other side.

"I have my own miraculous ways," yeah, I know what those ways are. Probably spending points to buy some nifty cheeky items from the store, I haven't really bought anything yet, might want to browse to see anything that might just catch my eye. But either way, we're here and thus, "Wait for me, I'll be back soon."