Party Started

Crynn POV

Okay, it's right on time, the guests have begun pouring in to this incredibly luxurious gathering. But these certainly have the right kind of fashion in my opinion. Coats, suits, dresses, high heels, leather shoes, they got'em all right. "Excuse me sir, where might table 38 be?" A pair of girls with the word 'rich' written all over them came by me and asked for directions, polite though.

"Over there miss, shall I lead the both of you to your table?" I stretched my arm towards the round dining table in the center. "Ah no need, we can see it," and so they went, I know how to be a waiter and as waters, one thing the profession needs to pay attention to is the factors of disrespect and being impolite.

Waiters shouldn't expect a 'thanks' to come from anyone and they should always lower themselves in front of the ill-mannered because even if you did nothing wrong, customers are always almost king. But, the first stage has been flowing like water, perfectly. The guests have all gathered into their individual groups of round dining tables, chattering among themselves, quietly and noble-like.

"Welcome everyone to 81 years of Militech!" A typical blonde and handsome man with uncontained charisma stepped onto the ballroom stage with an enthusiastic shout to be continued by a deafening wave of applause for the man. "Who is this guy?" I tapped a hidden earpiece as I asked to the team.

"Lucas Harford, so far, he's been the best and most well loved, well received CEO of Militech. A pragmatic man, a highly charismatic man further promoted by what you've just seen and also a very supported man. Unlike a few of Militech's CEOs who went in the back door, this man has real skills and ability and very much honed," a lot of compliments coming from Aria.

"Well, all the traits a CEO should have, huh?" Calian said through the earpiece as I watched the CEO gave a glorious and warm speech about progress and peace and connections and trade and overall, the world. "But different from the previous years, we have a special guest!" The man announced as everyone else muttered to themselves in chittering chats to find out who this special guest might be.

"Is there supposed to be a special guest? Jill?" I questioned as the man on the stage kept speaking. "It's not written in the agendas I found in the server," well, bollocks, hopefully this mystery guest won't ruin our mission. Suddenly the doors opened up to reveal a beautiful woman with a cold expression walking in accompanied by a man so obviously a bodyguard.

The woman is surely a Japanese, no mistake in that and so is the man. But hey, I recognize the symbol of the pin stuck on the bodyguard's suit, Arasaka Corporation? "Yes, today's most special guest is the one and only Hanako Arasaka, current chairwoman and CEO of Arasaka corporation, a dear sister of one of our most treasured associates."

"And shockingly, unlike what the news have told us, she is not dead, instead, the supposed 'chairman' and 'CEO', Yorinobu Arasaka is dead last week and Hanako just so happened to somehow be alive, came back, took total control and is now the newest partner to Militech and the NUSA!!!" And once more, everyone clapped like crazy.

"This is very bad, very, very bad!" A panicked tone came out the earpiece, why does V sound so nervous? "What is bad?" I can see Calian's raised brow even from over here as all of us watch the majestic Arasaka CEO and her bodyguard walk in the ballroom step by step in total style of a heavily guarded queen or perhaps better, empress.

"I have dealings with both Hanako and her current bodyguard, Goro Takemura. Hanako might not remember or recognize me but Goro definitely a hundred percent, a hundred times, can recognize me with just one look," hmm... that's not very good but we've just gotta roll with it, nothing we could do about that one.

"Then you should stay out of their sight, stick to the shadows, stick furthest from their line and angle of sight," Aria advised as I see V slowly stepping aside over in the distance with a worried look. "Truthfully, the last time I heard of Hanako was of her death, I did not expect it all to be a strategical play to bring Yorinobu down but Goro's worse."

"The the last time I even saw him was in a farewell video he sent me, he looked like he was in despair, lost, looked as if he had nothing left to live for, an empty soul. He looked as if he was about to commit seppuku, but looks like he did not, I'm glad for that though I'm not glad for this," seppuku, a very 'honorable' but painful death, Japanese samurai are way too serious and prideful for their own good.

"Proceed as planned, don't worry, nothing will go wrong, I calculated every step, every cycle and I could not foresee any mistakes," Jill forced the statement with an iron will, nothing could break that. "I mean, I'm sure everything will be fine," I said as the CEO finally finished his speech after what felt like and actually is quite a while.

And of course, another session of claps rolled as everyone dissolved into group round dining table talks. "The waiters, will be coming into the ballroom in a minute or two," Jill sounded, time to get the party started. "What's the first order of dish?" Aria spoke next as the entire room echoes and rumbles from the voices of the people.

"Small bowl of soup for starters, it's a very mouth-watering and fragrant shark fin soup," ehm... Shark fin soup? "Aren't shark fin soups supposed to already be banned especially in this future?" I frowned and while I'm not an animal lover or even an animal protection activist, I think it's very cruel to hunt sharks, cut their fins off and threw them back to the sea in a live condition without any basic abilities to even so much as move anymore.

"Spoilers, they're not, I have this soup already laced with rat poison, I'm going to deliver it right up to Thompson Maresh, he will take a sip of it and be off to the toilet, hoping he hadn't came to this party, feeling a bad night ahead," right, poison, "You're not putting the whole tube of poison in right? Cause I'm sure that will kill him," rat poison is not a pleasant substance to consume.

"Of course not, a drop would suffice and oh, looks like it's my time, wish me luck," let's do this.