Crynn POV
"So, big day coming up," I said while putting on a white buttoned shirt as I viewed myself in a mirror. Hey handsome guy, a man's gotta be narcissistic sometimes but damn I'm looking good. "Yes this is a big day so please try to act like a bunch of servants because we'll be faced with members of the big leagues as to try not be suspicious," Jill warned as she finished packing her bag of items.
She had also given each and everyone of us a duplicated card with different codes, probably to our employment number or something along those lines. "So we ready?" V called, she is no longer in her cool girl outfits but have changed for a much business styling, bringing a further exquisite feel to her, it seriously complements her beauty, I need to say.
Oh, we're also not in the camp, but in a motel near the Hotel de Mazzon. "Right, first time being hotel staff, anything I should hear or take into?" Calian stood up from the white bed, looking professional and surely will be a popular member of staff among the hotel guests for rich girls might just want to 'buy' him.
"I guess, try to be as helpful as you can. Try not to offend anyone, don't stare at anyone, act as naturally as you could. Being a hotel staff is not very difficult, it's a matter of manners above all," Aria replied with a shrug, her eyes on the motel provided magazine. "So, let's do a little recap of the plan before we move on," Jill brought over her digital pad and had everyone come around in a circle, deploying a hologram of the whole building, zooming in on a floor, displaying its interior.
"The ballroom will be at the 10th floor of the hotel, I trust everyone here to already know that. There are 5 toilets on the floor, 1 in reach of the ballroom and 4 scattered around the floor. Once the rat poison hits hardest, the target will move to the nearest toilet which is just out of the ballroom right here," Jill points at a room, highlighted in red color.
"Ariane will be standing right here, staying watch, I've changed the server's database to manufacture a false maintenance on the toilet. Of course, because I just did it a few minutes ago, no one would notice that which means, our target won't know as well. Once he arrives, you'll redirect him to the staff corridor where we'll intercept," Jill zoomed in on another highlighted section of a corridor with rooms and doors.
"We'll disarm, incapacitate him and pull him into one of these rooms where I will be there to connect into his neural interface for the electronic ticket, wiping out any memory and evidence of the whole scenario he's faced. Of course, each and every one of you will in turn guard every single door leading into the staff corridor while everyone waits for my signal, don't let anyone in."
"I think that's all, this will be a fairly smooth and unhindered operation, as simple as going in and going out, so we ready?" Jill asked one more time before we depart to the hotel. "Why wouldn't we be here if we weren't?" V gave the right answer as Jill nodded in satisfaction. "What time is it now? 5:30 PM? The celebrations and feast will start on 7, so let's do this."
Calian POV
So, how to be a good hotel staff 101, it doesn't need anyone else to figure out how to do this. I've been served all my life by all my private attendants, it won't at all be difficult acting as one. Everything will start in an hour and as any good spy and secret agent, I am calm and cool with suppressed expectations and more realizations.
After fully fitting on the staff clothing, I as well as the team and every staff member, waiter, cook, everyone gathered around at the currently still unoccupied ballroom awaiting instructions from the head-organizer, head-manager of all affairs, and hotel-head. Looks pretty tense, all around us are serious, solemn faces as if they were soldiers being sent to Normandy.
"Good day everyone, today will be yet another Militech annual celebration in our glorious hotel. I trust everyone here that has been employed for more than 2 years to know how to handle all of this but to those who have only joined our chain recently, don't worry, each of your respective heads will give a run-down and coordinate everyone in an orderly manner."
"I trust everyone to know the consequences of wrongs, most importantly do not ever in any way offend any of the guests. This is a big day and so do not mess up. Thank you everyone I wish you luck and as usual, increased bonuses for all by the end of the night!" The head-manager finished, bowed and everyone clapped for him respectfully and admirably, looks like the boss has a good reputation among his subordinates.
After the short speech was done, we were sorted out into different groups. I, Crynn, Ariane, and V are on the same group with all the other ordinary hotel staffs while Jill is separated alone in the side of the waiters and waitresses. "So, how's everyone's day, I hope today's fine because all of you need to be fine for your performance to be fine," our small boss is the staff-manager with a strict expression.
"As hotel staff, we have among the easier jobs out of everyone else. We will just stand on the sidelines, watching the event unfold but our other job is to accommodate to the needs of the guests. Say someone would like a glass of scotch, take it to the waiters to have them deliver it to the guest asking. Someone wants directions to the toilets, you lead them to the toilet."
"Our job is as simple as that, be courteous, so, that's everything, easy right? Only thing left to do for us is to wait 30 minutes before our honorable guests start pouring in! Now everyone, get to your positions, ready up and as the head-manager says, don't mess up!" Don't mess up? I can assure you, we won't mess up.