King National Naval Base

Calian POV

"So, is everything ready?" Jill said as she threw down a duffel bag on a truck, scratch that, stolen truck. We need an anonymous vehicle and so, very easily, the Aldecaldos rolled into one of the roads in the middle of the desert and snatched a truck off someone. Not exactly a desirable outcome but we'll accept with grace even if it did scratch a bit of my righteous honor.

"Everything is in the bag. Say, just making sure, we are allowed to put our weapons in the bag, right?" Because my submachine gun is inside there, along with my bulletproof suit and other 'accessories'. "All Militech employees are given gun permits as well as an allowance to have their gun brought with them in any of Militech's facilities that doesn't prohibit weapons. A military base as well as the super-submarine allows weapons so everyone is free to bring what they want in tehir bag."

"Everyone has their phones at the ready? Because once we are on the base's first military checkpoint, we'll declare ourselves as crew for the MS-69 Super-submarine where we'll instantly be checked through the frequency scanners and the moment they start the scanners, we use the phones and signal the frequencies out."

"And you're sure this will work?" V asked in a tone of suspicion, slight distrust. "It will, and if it did not, we'll just silence the guard and bring ourselves in," wow, Jill said it without any difficult but I doubt doing that would be as simple as Jill made it sound like it would. "Look, it's one harmless check and that's the end of it. Once we pass through, we're free from any sort of down impression."

"We'll arrive in the 01 assembly hall for briefings and we'll get into that submarine, and everyone should already know their respective tasks immediately after boarding," Jill strictly spoke with the air of a leader, a leader that actually knows what she's doing not like the other leaders in the past, I can name a few but I wouldn't want to be on anyone's bad side.

"Let's hope this doesn't turn into a shit show then eh," Ariane chuckled as she got into the truck's backseat, cramping together with two other people, I am actually driving. I can't say I'm familiar around these parts but with a reliable GPS, I could go anywhere around the world. "So, once the gas starts, anyone left standing, we'll shoot on sight, I personally have no qualms on killing but this is going to be bloody and a mess to clean," Crynn made a point there.

"Well, we won't have to clean, will we? We'll just leave the dead on the ground and the ones living tied up tightly and nowhere near anything sharp," V uttered as the drive starts, the car models in this era are less than satisfactory. No Rolls Royse, no General Motors, no Toyota, no Volkswagen, a bunch of trash brands really.

"In the mean time, why don't we just relax and chill to arrival which is... How long is the King National Naval Base from where we are now?" Crynn questioned as I look upon the GPS. "Let's see... An hour and some minutes, it will be a relatively long drive there so sit back, prepare your wits for we shall embark on our awe-inspiring voyage yet!"


Crynn POV

Okay, King National Naval Base, rom the outside it looks like a standard naval base with loadouts more advanced than anything I've seen. It has high white walls, turrets all over the place, tanks guarding the front gate and a few robots bearing miniguns and rocket launchers patrolling around the place. I can definitely say, if this scan proved wrong, we'll be screwed, might not be dead but screwed, very, very, very screwed.

"Stay calm, I'll do the talking," Jill, the woman riding shotgun up front announced as Calian stopped onto the military checkpoint, opening every window to allow the officers standing outside to view the interior. "Anything gentleman?" The man smiled warmly while greeting us with a pen and a notebook.

"We're here for the MS-69 Super-submarine," upon that being said, the officer quickly straightened his back, putting on a serious face with a squint of his eyes. "John, see if these men and women are crews for the Big Momma," is that what they call the MS-69 Super-submarine, Big Momma, nothing could get worst than that but it's time for us to prepare our mobile phones.

And with a single click of the button, our frequencies are stabilized and good to go, shuld currently be signalling out. "So, John?" The officers is getting impatient by the second as some sound came from his headpiece as he nodded twice. "So, Lieutenants Calian Aurelius, Jill Valentine, Crynn Avter, Ariane Veil and Veronica Mclennon. You are authorized by command and free to pass. Good luck on your mission, soldiers," the officer saluted as the gates opened and Calian drove forward.

"I can sense V twitching but that must be because of the name given to her. Veronica Mclennon doesn't sound right but we gotta go with it. We can't use Valerie Crest as V is a known criminal and is searched for by a lot of different people around the NUSA and the Japanese as well. 'See, that's not difficult at all," Jill laughed as she had proven something.

"So, where is this 01 Assembly Hall located at? Because it's certainly not in the GPS," of course it's not in the GPS, if military facilities sites are in the international GPS, that would be a severe case of breach in military privacy. It might encourage and ease attacks on the military bases as well. I remember reading some news where a fitness app unknowingly published the location of a secret US military base in the Middle East.

"Just follow the signs, it's the building with a massive white 01 painted on its big doors, you absolutely can't for any sort of reason miss it," well okay, let's go then.