Crynn POV
Days have gone by, with practically nothing to do for the last 7 days, we decided to have a week's worth of holiday from 'work' excluding Jill because her job is significantly tougher than any of us, bless her soul. You may wonder what we did in the empty week, easy enough, we went sightseeing into Washington DC.
We have gone to eat some steak, drink some wine (Only Calian), went to the amusement park, play billiard, anything you'd expect us to do really. It soon got more and more boring and we finally just determined to stay at 'home' playing games and reading whatever novels are on the web and let me tell you, there's a lot of excellent novels, if only they were written by actual humans rather than robots.
To summarize, we have done absolutely nothing in terms of contribution towards the mission and we have 2 days left before the big day. Oh right, before I forget, we are also currently on the move to California, more particularly, San Diego. Apparently, Jill gave the Aldecaldos leader some very important pieces of information and data which enabled this escort to happen.
"DONE!!! I'VE DONE IT!!!" I was pulled out of my lingering thoughts as Jill merrily stood up and jumped with high enthusiasm. Ah... I figured that would happen once she's done with all that crazy programming and coding, I also did more or less the same thing after stealing all the different Vincent Van Gogh Sunflower Paintings.
"You've finished?" Calian looked up from the comic book he's reading. The comic he's reading is something about a human that could harness the fundamental energies of heat and went about being a hero, something like that. I don't really know what's going on inside Calian's head but ehm... it's like as if he's trying to imitate the comic hero by concentrating around heat, funny right, I think so as well.
"Yes, yes, i have finally finished, after seven days of almost non-stop working for this, I have done it. I have perfectly created each of our profiles into miniaturized brainwaves packed inside the mobile phones which will be transmitting it," awesome, though I feel that there is something amiss, something we possibly missed?
"But even with the brainwaves, we should really have an employees profile of our own, am I not right?" Yes, that's what missing, thank you Aria. "Ah that, that is taken care of. When we accessed Militech's database a while ago, I planted a hidden connection which allowed me admin authority over it from anywhere in North America which means I can edit any information anyway I want."
"Which means, all our profiles are in the database and we can walk proudly around any of Militech's facilities without even fearing for the discovery of our fake identities because when something fake is too real to be fake, than it's not fake. That is unless someone managed to discover my editing route which would be nigh impossible."
"So, does that mean we're good to go?" I asked with a beam, frankly, I can't wait to hijack that super-submarine. I stole paintings, statues, busts, violins, documents, all kinds of things but certainly not a submarine, much less a huge damn submarine. I am excited, very excited for this. I mean, when else am I going to have a chance for something this grand.
"Yes, we are good to go. While I was busy manufacturing all of our profiles, I've managed to hatch a perfect plan," Jill is very good at multitasking, that's what I know, not anyone, even very rarely do someone have the brains to divert their attention in a balance towards multiple tasks while at the same time maintaining efficiency and excellence.
"So, what does everyone think of BZ gas?" BZ gas? Sleeping incapacitation agent you mean? Now that's ingenious. "So, BZ gas, a NATO designation for 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB), yes I memorized the chemical formula, is a strong incapacitation agent that targets central nervous system leading to a lot of side effects, strongest being putting someone unconscious."
"How are we going to gas an entire submarine? Easy, through the ventilation systems. All ventilation chambers and routes of the series of systems all lead to one designated location in the submarine, the ventilation control room which contains the as the name suggests, ventilation controls as well as the oxygen generator."
"The cost of a standard can of BZ gas in the store is not expensive at all and so price won't be a problem. We throw the gas into the ventilation systems, and everyone will be dosed and asleep which is made for easy pickings. And that ladies and gentleman, is how we are going to take control over this submarine."
"So? Is there any 'but's here?" I questioned because in plans like these, there are always weaknesses, a few 'but's if you may. "Unfortunately, we can't all be very lucky as gas masks are placed in every room, contained in the emergency box. This is to protect the crew from deadly gases, one of which is BZ gas."
"But, I thought BZ gas is colorless which means no one would be able to see it. They wouldn't even have time to grab the gas mask then once the gas has entered their nervous system," Calian made a fair point on that. "Looks like you haven't took it from any of the crew's perspective. They are soldiers which means they will be more resistant towards the gas what with whatever modules they've got inside their bodies."
"So, by my sum, there is around 50% of the crews will fall asleep while the rest will stay under the gas masks, some may be weakened while others may not. Which means even if we deploy the gas, we still need to be careful. In fact, we're not going to just use the BZ gas, we're using smoke as well, further obscuring the sight of the crew."
"And that is my gorgeous plan, any questions?"