To Act

Calian POV

Time to roll with my trusty silenced submachine gun, just waiting on Jill to do her thing then we do our thing. "First order of business, BZ gas," with a crowbar and a strong push, Jill detached one of the compartments of the ventilation system as she tapped some buttons on the control pad. "I've rerouted air flow so once I open the BZ gas, it will hopefully suck it in and spread out to the entire submarine."

"Without further ado", Jill pulled the pin as she positioned the top of the BZ gas canister into the compartment's hole and another and another and another and another one, 5 BZ gas canisters, should be enough, right? "A minute before we release the smoke," Jill brought a stop watch with her as she started it up, counting precisely till a minute.

Outside the room, I hear groans, smashes, bumps and thuds, people are starting to fall and dizz out. "So, kring-kring, time's done, now for the smoke," suspense is running through me right now as I said my prayers in heart, what do they even say when praying to Zeus, may thou assist me in smiting my most dangerous foes? Something like that.

Another 5 smoke canisters were popped open into the ventilation as smoke starts seeping out from above us. "It's time to make our moves," V brightly said, I can see the excitement on her eyes through the barely see-through visor, I closed the safety on my gun as I looked at everyone, the smoke slowly covering our vision.

"Ready when you act," Ariane said as I lowered the thermal vision goggles, turning the wheel to open the door, letting us out. On the first notice, I have already seen several people's heat signatures on the ground, one of them looked like he's gripping a mask, too late however considering he's asleep right now.

I heard shouting in the distance and someone calling orders. "Okay, where should we start, front or left," Crynn asked, his sounds muffled as the door behind us closed. "Go front, then left, down the ladder pronto," and pronto we did, although our movements are slowed down by this bulk of an armor, we still got through quick, sweeping two rooms on the right side, both have sleeping crew inside.

I hear a footstep as I raised my right hand, stopping the rest from moving and to focus at what's coming. Another step and a crew mate came from one of the corners with a gas mask on, albeit coughing and certainly unstable in terms of footing, like he's about to fall asleep anytime now. "Who's there?! *cough* Show yourself?!"

I walked forward and in a dash, took away the gun from the man's unconcentrated grasp and delivered a jab to the jugular, effectively silencing him and a hit to the back neck, incapacitating him. "Well done," V complimented me as we walked past, on the corner, swiping left to hear some sound coming from a room next to us.

Crynn moved to intercept as he entered, finding two men trying to get ahold of themselves, breathing deeply as an attempt to get the sleeping gas out of their systems. Again, it didn't work with Crynn already in the room, he easily and silently subdued both of them in quick succession, laying them on the ground.

"See Veronica, not as bad as you thought it would be," I can feel Ariane's grin from here as well as V's dark expression on both being proven wrong and teased with her 'name'. "Watch out, 2 o'clock, man in the room with a pistol, doesn't look affected, seems like he's getting ready to shoot," Jill warned as we quit the jokes and assumed positions.

I directed my gaze towards the room's opening, ready to shoot at whatever's coming out. And truly, in the next second, I can see a barrels suddenly popping out and an index finger applying pressure on the trigger. Thankfully, he did not get a shot off as I was faster and managed to shoot the gun off his hand, the man crying out in surprise.

I saw V ran past me and into the room. One shout and two hits later, no more was heard other than V's footsteps coming out, "Well, down the ladder?" V pointed her fingers to the ladder leading downwards. "Be careful once you're down there, I spot two crews, one left of the ladder and the other right of the ladder, they're setting up an ambush," Jill warned through the earpiece.

"Look what I found on this guy, flash bang," V pulled the grenade canister off of a man, positively out right beside the ladder. "Here we go," she dropped the canister down through the ladder's hatch as men panic down there from the sudden clank of the canister's drop but even more so when bright light suddenly assaulted them, temporarily blinding they're eyes.

"Considering I haven't had any fun," Ariane came forward and dropped down with a jump, producing a loud thump. She is not using her Star Wars Han Solo laser pistol blaster, quite a mouthful, but she's using one of the pistols found on the aerodyne, extensively modified. An extended mag, silencer, added stock, red dot sight and laser sight.

Two small sounds of cruising bullets and pretty sure 4 kicks later, it's all but silent downstairs. "Everything alright below there?" Crynn rhetorically said while coolly descending down the ladder. "They're down, no bloodshed after all, I can confidently say that I have better aim than Calian," is that a challenge I hear or is she underestimating me.

"Not a doubt there, you haven't seen her snipe dudes out of the ground from tens to hundreds of meters away with not a sniper rifle, not any gun, an Ancient Egyptian bow," ehm... yes, prehaps I'll just let her underestimate me, yup, a definite better choice for me, not about to... humiliate myself, so what's next order of operation.

"So, left or right," that's the question indeed to proceed, V.