Crynn POV
"Ehm... Can anyone tell me what that was?" V carefully inquired, everyone would surely hear that loud explosion, all over the bottom deck and maybe even the top levels will hear it loud and clear. "I had a fortuitous encounter with a cute little thing called a grenade, I kicked it away and it exploded," the sarcasm is reeking off me.
"Who would be crazy enough to carry explosives in a submarine, with the exception of torpedoes," see, even Aria said it, no one should have any hand-held explosives with them in an underwater vessel, doesn't make one bit sense. "Super-submarine, the bigger the submarine, the more reinforced its outer layers would have to be, small scale frag grenades won't do harm to it one bit," Jill said, that is a reasonable explanation, I'll accept that.
I walked out, seeing the smoke spread around as if hit by a gush of wind and pressure which did just happen. There are shrapnel on the ground, a few embedded on the walls and slightly charred floor next to a sadly torn apart crew mate. His body shows countless rips and small metal fragments stabbing his skin, it was revolting and worst, the man was still alive, groaning and sobbing in pain.
I'm sorry but the best thing i could do now is to- Bang! -put him out of his misery with a single shot. "Gruesome," I muttered as I strolled along, my mind back into my task, clear out the area. The final crew quarters in this corridor is officially done, but I couldn't say the same for the cafeteria just through this closed door, I sense some fighting is going to go once I opened it.
"Is anyone done on their parts?" I whispered as I knelt down to grab what looks like a machine gun from one of the downed crewmates, inspecting it as I put my pistol into its holster and switched it for this. No point going silent when the whole bloody ship already knew something bad is up. "Negative," Calian came in first, followed by V's, "I second that."
"I'm in front of the cafeteria door, I assume you're there as well Crynn?" Good, I think the both of us, me and Aria can take care of this. "So, found anything useful on the ground that might help? Grenades in any case because we're not going peacefully inside, we need something to surprise them first," I spoke while searching around the bodies, getting myself a grenade and flash bang, which is typical.
"Frag grenade and stun grenade," well done then, time to use these babies to their maximum potential. "Okay, once we open the door, throw in the flashbang first then the frag grenade and please remember to pull the pin," I reminded that last statement because I've watched some interesting videos of men forgetting to pull the pin before throwing the grenade, I know, such idiots.
"On the count of three, we open the door. Three!" I skipped the one and two because they don't matter very much as I turned the door's wheel around until it can't be rotated more so. I pulled it back, leaving just a gap big enough o fit the grenades into. I first pulled the pin off the flashbang, lobbing it inside then, comes the frag grenade.
"Grenade!!!" A terrified shout came from inside as I brace for impact behind the thick metal door! Bang! Bang! Boom! Boom! The first two initial hits were from two flash bangs and the next two eruptions are the frag grenades. Now, time to move in! I quickly pulled the door open as I peered inside, searching for anything red and human-like using my thermal vision through the white smoke.
Ratatatatatatatatatatata!!! I pushed my trigger on a crewmate on the side, still in shock but dangerous nevertheless. Aria has also come in and shot one or two bullets herself and by the sounds of it, she ain't missing any of 'em. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! I evaded to the side with my sight on the man shooting as I delivered the delivered my bullets in exchange, all hitting his chest, spurting blood out from the front.
Damn, one of the bullets grazed the armor on the waist but fortunately, it's only a painless graze and not a successful hit. The next person is cheekily hiding behind one of the cupboards, surprisingly not flinching when I poured some bullets into it but then, I feigned a fake brief stop of reload to draw him out.
And what would you know, he fell for it. One turn of his body coming out and the next, he's in absolute tatters as a volley of my bullets hit him all the way from the waist to the chest, that's gonna suck if he did not die that instant. Bang! Shit! "Fuck!!!" I yelled out as a bullet hit me square on my thigh as I roared and shot loads everywhere, that f*cking hurt!
I spotted the man responsible as I put a bullet clean in between his eyebrows. Though the bulletproof armor significantly decreased any sort of damage towards myself from any bullets, it still is painful to feel the brunt of one. "You alright?" Aria approached me, placing one of her hands on my right shoulder as I rubbed and pressed on where I got shot, feeling the slight sore and residual heat from the bullet.
"Yup, no matter, I'm fine," I spoke while I pinched the bullet stuck in the armor and pulled it off, letting it drop in a clang to the ground. "This armor is as bulletproof as it is described as," I remarked as Calian's voice came in the earpiece, "Whoa what's going on there? I'm pretty sure I heard Crynn's scream of agony from all the way here!"
"Least fortunately, a bullet hit me but most luckily, the cafeteria is clear, how's going on your side," and I left it as that.