Black Box

Crynn POV

Zzzzzzzzztttttttt... I stopped the saw when the final metal tip have fallen off. Looks like cutting metal with a saw isn't exactly quite as difficult as I imagined. Sure there were friction when the spin met the hard surface but after I got the hang of it, I executed the task perfectly three more times. V and Aria are also done on their side.

"Here, take the screws out," immediately after, Jill went ahead, rummaging through her duffel bag, gripping out three yellow colored cordless screw drivers, did she find all these random shed tools over in the submarine? I pressed slightly on the trigger as the tip wildly rotated but not in the direction I want it to be.

"There should be a reverse pull switch on the left," Jill gave us the heads up as I turned to look. Ah, does she mean this? I pushed the black switch as I tried once more. Brrrr... Great, the drill is finally going the right direction. And so... I inserted the screw driver into the hole and proceeded to start the device, time for more manual work.


After several boring minutes, and repeated as well as new use of different types of tools later, we've finally arrived into a whole new hole, which is a whole new elevator shaft, one that looks more furnished from our previous elevator shaft. "Looks like we've done it?" I spoke after finished removing two sets of panels, a few strips of wires, and a couple rebar reinforcements as well as titanium supports from inside the gap between shafts.

"Well done," well done indeed. I, Aria and V have successfully made a path about 1.5 meters tall and width and to mention while being 50 miles deep. "Thank you for the compliment," V shamelessly called out as I became first to really go in when I had only previously stuck my hand and part of my head for better vision.

It's not much of a walk really, only a meter of distance with the annoyance of having to really band your backs to get through. Seeing clear ground below me, I decisively made a jump down. "Everything clear everyone," hearing my affirmative, the rest of them started making their way in as well, one by one, step by step.

"So, elevator door? How do we get in?" Aria supposed after seeing the final hindrance between us and the 'Black Box', an elevator door, engineered to open only when an elevator had reached it's level. "Worry not," V smiled as she paced one foot up on a small opening platform and placed both her hands in between the elevator doors, that's where the magic or perhaps, strength happens.

V easily pierced through the metal lining on the door with her bare hands, pulling it sideways to the left and right as some sparks flew off and the door totally opened from the sheer force of physical muscle alone and of course, damn cheating cybernetics and body modifications. I really want one but at the same time, I want to retain purity as a human being.

It can't be helped, I'll just keep envying it then. "Wait aside, I'll deal with the cameras first," Jill warned as she climbed up to the 'Black Box' in a single stride, her hands keeping the digital pad in range as she quickly moved her fingers on the screen. "Okay, it's safe," Jill smiled as we finally got up on the lowest floor of this estate.

{Chain Mission:}

{1. Find out what world you're in and where you currently are. (Accomplished) }

{2. Hack and analyze Militech's database with the all-round scanner retrievable via anyone's inventory in the course of the mission. (Accomplished) }

{3. Enter the UCU (United Corporations Union) database vault via information obtained in the all-round scanner or crudely said, your own way. (Accomplished) }

{4. Access and analyze the UCU database vault with the all-round scanner.}

{Sub-mission : Get a local to help you out! (Accomplished)

The mission updated as soon as Jill sauntered in to the 'Black Box'. Looks like only task left is to analyze it, easy."Just asking, what's the chances of an elevator suddenly coming down from above and catching us doing this load of crap?" Calian shifted as he stared upwards to the opposite of abyss because it's not a chasm so, the heavens? Anyway, he had his eyes on the elevator shaft. "Absolutely zero chance. There is an allocated time schedule for the different corporations to do their data transfers here and fortunately for us, Militech's booked the day fully for their data transfer session."

"Anyway, time for me to work," Jill grinned as she pushed the seat by the computer back to firmly place herself down on it. This 'Black Box' truly is a black box in all sorts of senses. It's shaped like a box which means it's either a cube or a 90 degree angled three dimensional quadrilateral shaped also known as a cuboid.

It's black, not like the darkest black in the world nor a dove coated surface but a fully reflective space black. The light is white in color though blue in feature which makes the reflections of it stand out like sets of stars in the sky, huge stars. So yes, even with it's gloom, the room is actually quite a bit bright.

"Let's see the passcode is..." And Jill started to type, starting with an lowercase 'a' on the keyboard then 'b', back to 'a', full stop? Okay, 'g', uppercase 'U' followed by 'W', close bracket? Right angle bracket? Okay, the passcode is absurd, I won't ever remember my passcodes if I were to structure them as such! (Passcode : aba.gUW)>xB2#F\T)

Though looks like Jill easily remembered it judging by her ease and haste in lettering the passcode onto the computer screen. "Boom! I'm in, don't even need any hacking, Blackhand's mind had already cleared that possibility out," Jill smirked as she materialized out the all-round scanner from thin air.

"Time to see what secrets this place's hiding!"