Reunited with the Rest

Crynn POV

Fantastically correct is what I'd say to all my deductions. Because we have found the source of the gunshots! It's on the right side of the wreckage where 5 robots is currently trying to get a shot off the 3 little pigs behind some kind of gambling table, one made of metal, what do you expect, a brick cottage?

"Looks like they are under heavy fire, they can't even look out without getting blasted on their face," V made a simple observation as I ready my rifle. "The robots are severely distracted by their targets to not realize that two of their other targets are out to ambush and flank them, sounds like a good plan, doesn't it?"

"It is only good if it succeeds, until then, probability swings," V, the ever pessimist. "I'm optimistic to succeed," I promptly told her as I aligned my eye at the rifle's iron sight, aiming my barrel at the first robot's head. I just need to shoot and proceed in a calculated line and all their heads will roll. So let's start, Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

First robot's head is utterly gone, burst rifle rounds are no joke, especially if every single bullet hits the spot. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Another down as the rest of the robots quickly acknowledged our presence. Pew! Pew! Once they're distracted, Aria stood up with a smoldering gaze and destroyed two robots, melting their insides.

Bang! Bang! Meanwhile, Jill also had a go and blasted a full blown shotgun onto the robot's chest, twice. And Calian did absolutely nothing. "Howdy partners, so Calian, why didn't you use your umbrella?" That's the first thing that came to mind immediately after rescuing the rest and putting our team back together.

"Did you not see the awkward angle in which I had to crouch back there?! Using my umbrella at that state would be suicide," yes, yes, all your reasons. "Is everyone fine," Jill asked because she certainly do look fine, a few scratches and tears to her clothing and nothing else on the surface, no blood either.

"Slight complication here," I raised my injured hand. I had previously cut one of the casino-goers suit and used it to wipe the blood off my hands. As well as use a bottle of wine to clean the wound which incredibly hurts, don't try this at home. After that's all done, I patched it up with the cut cloth. "That doesn't look good," no it doesn't Aria.

"No broken bones though and I can see that the rest of you are fine," I spoke as I surveyed Calian and Aria. Yup, no blood, no injuries. "We may be fine physically but not situationally. We've landed ourselves in a massive space station and somehow, we need to get out," Calian said as his eyes roamed the entire casino hall, the place's empty as all the rich fellas have gone off running.

"We could us that," V pointed at the enemy spaceship parked on the just a few meters away with it's side door opened. "Great! We can do that but seems like we need to be quick. The 4 remaining ships are circling the space station," I looked at where Jill's gaze lies and towards a window, I can clearly make out 3 metallic gray ships easily destroying the homing missiles sent by the Crystal Palace's defense systems.

"Then, let's get on," Aria started a stroll altogether to the parked ship. It is stably hovering on the floor and I never really noticed myself but this casino hall has a significant height, enough for the wreckage of a jet bigger than a commercial plane to fit inside. Well, the enemy spaceship is smaller in both height, length and width.

It's more or less the same shape as the our specially prepared aerodyne but at least 2 times bigger, maybe 3 times. "Aboard the ship," Calian muttered as we stepped inside, finding some passenger seats as well as control panel seats in the back. I can see joysticks that indicate targeting systems, I guess those control the weapons on board.

And surprisingly, the front cockpit has three seats instead of two. Two seats on a lower elevation than the third seat on top. "V and Ariane, why don't you take control of the panels over there while Calian and Crynn, come with me," Jill instructed like a true captain, pointing the two people over the back as she pulled me and Calian to the cockpit.

"So, Crynn, you can sit up there while I and Calian can sit down there," why am I sitting up here, this seat looks like the most important seat and I'm not exactly sure as to how to operate on this spaceship?! "Why don't you sit on this seat?" I incredulously questioned Jill as she sat on her seat and turned her head towards me.

Because these two lower seats are pilot seats to drive this spaceship around and your seat has management powers over this craft. Don't worry, just sit and do your best," that is not at all reassuring, nu-uh. But since, Jill practically forced me to do so, I'll do so, and I'll do so with the best of my abilities.

"So, Crynn, you should turn the engines to fully on," Calian advised as I searched for said engine controls. Which I immediately found and cranked it up to the highest level. The spaceship is starting to gain elevation as the engines smoothly vibrated. Prang! I hear a loud sound of broken glass as Calian and Jill rotated the ship around to face the noise.

Two enemy spaceships had successfully went in the space station and they are not happy. I played around with the consoles, looking at what I could use against them. Safe to say, I found my new favorite toy, auto-cannon. I clicked and a huge holographic screen appeared right in front of me with an aiming reticle and a huge barrel to boot.

Time to blast these robo-bastards back to outer space!