The Doctor

Calian POV

Ho ho ho ho! It's as we thought, the Doctor is behind this! Not, Doctor Who mind you, another doctor! Doctor Goofin Laufish, pardon, let me try once more, Doctor Guft'vin Ltauf'ish, there, better. Yes, the most normal looking character we've seen so far in this entire adventure turns to be the most mysterious, and in turn, guilty.

"You 5 have finally made it, huh?" The doctor started while still maneuvering about the Lunar Gate Console Controls. We've entered the final room in this entire journey, naturally, the final boss chamber in which the protagonist must stop whatever evil plan or device the villain has concocted and save the world, yada, yada, yada.

The room is an enormous room, shaped in a curve like one fourth a circle. A lot of dead people as well but, oddly, no robots. "You 5 have been a blunder on my side since I've known of you a few days ago," here comes the villain's monologue, the one where the protagonist ignorantly listen out instead of taking the first move that decides it all!

Especially with such an inviting target that is the villain's back so perfectly towards us! I raised my umbrella for a shot, well that was before a voice rejected my decision. [Don't shoot, listen to him, the Gods wished to know more information on the subject.] Yup, that ruins it, the Gods want to hear what this doctor is to say.

Well, the other guys with all their weapons raised up also reluctantly lowered it down, of course with the exception of a confused V. "The Hraolien Prophet have brought words of your involvement and disturbance in our cause. A word I failed during that space attack, but I shan't fail once more," ehm... Hraolien Prophet? Not sure I understand.

[The Hraolien Marxz are in this from the very beginning! Those imbeciles!] Hello!!! Is no one going to explain to me what's this all about. [The Hraolien Marxz is a super-faction consisting of Tribal Gods, a bunch of uncivilized pigs still too immersed in the glory of the Varian Age!] okay, then whatever, I can accept vague descriptions, no problem.

"Anyway, enough said, let the invasion of Selania... Begin!" The doctor, pulled a lever down and punched down on a big red button! Alarms rang and emergency light flashed red and the metal roof above us opened, slowly revealing a giant window. "Lunar Gate detachment in 3... 2... 1... Detach," a female robot notification sounded a huge circle shaped object was flung out to space with nothing but enormous chains left to connect it to the Lunar Palace.

The Lunar Gate itself is massive. An aircraft carrier can fit through the circular gap with ease. Imagine a stargate portal, just bigger, and greater. "Lunar Gate powering up, scanning coordinates," yellow wisps of smoky light began to come out of the portals edges, this doesn't look a tad bit good.

[Apprehend the Selanian and try to stop the portal! We need time to prepare a portal for our own, you have 10 minutes!] And the voice goes off, wow...

{Chain Mission:}

{1. Find out what world you're in and where you currently are. (Accomplished) }

{2. Hack and analyze Militech's database with the all-round scanner retrievable via anyone's inventory in the course of the mission. (Accomplished) }

{3. Enter the UCU (United Corporations Union) database vault via information obtained in the all-round scanner or crudely said, your own way. (Accomplished) }

{4. Access and analyze the UCU database vault with the all-round scanner. (Accomplished) }

{5. Take a space express plane to the nearest lunar transit port and proceed to the Lunar Palace. (Accomplished) }

{6. Defeat Doctor Guft'vin Ltauf'ish.}

{Sub-mission : Get a local to help you out! (Accomplished) }

{Sub-mission : Shut down the Lunar Gate! }

"Yup, final mission, here we go," Crynn said as the doctor is still doing something on the console, not sparing us a single look. "We're doing what exactly?" V questioned us, her pistol still pointed at the doctor. It's up to me to give the most made-up explanation I can make. "So, keeping this short, the doctor over there, Guft'vin Ltaufish, is an alien."

"And he is using the portal to launch an alien invasion into Earth, something we can't let happen," not exactly made-up but we ourselves don't know much about this. I don't know what Selanian means, what Tribal Gods are, or what the Varian Age is. We've been kept under the dark. "So he's an alien? There are aliens?" V seems very shocked, looks like she isn't a conspiracist huh.

"Coordinates locked, interdimensional connection stabilized, portal opened," the yellow wisps of light joined together in a kinetic swirl of motions, soon turning invisible, joining in with the environment through it. Soon enough, an colossal orange warship came from within the portal, it's size as big as a star destroyer.

"Soon enough, the glory of the Selanian Empire will come and we shall rule over the Eastern Kensing Section of the Divine Star-Map Unity!" The doctor laugehd crazily as warships began to clamor out of the portal like 2012 New York! "Aliens! Aliens! There are aliens in this world!" V was taken over by shock as she looked out the window to the invading forces.

"Aliens! How dare you sully our name! We are the Grand Empire of Selania! We are Gods! You are mere mortals!" The doctor shouted in anger as he threw his glasses off to the ground, his eyes a violet color and bit by bit, his skin turned yellowish orange as he gripped out some kind of metal tube with something glowing inside.

"I'm going to enjoy ripping each and everyone of you to pieces, slowly and painfully! I failed once, I won't fail again!" Oh jeez. I fought human geniuses, mafia bosses, biological abominations. And now, I'm fighting a self-proclaimed god, not capital G, God, but a deity, god. And he promises to tear us to shreds.

Oh well, let's do this again.