General POV
Away from the main battle, on the far side of the moon, away from busy sights, quietly opened two moderate human sized portals where two beings leisurely walked out, both of yellow skin, high stature and an overbearing posture. Both looked the male gender as their eyes squinted, zooming in kilometers into the battle, viewing it at full capacity.
"It's going well (Alien Language)," the one on the left, adorned with silver armor, small stars swirling around his waist. The other, dressed in black garbs, blending seamlessly into the environment. "Selania has come this far, we shan't let this fail (Alien Language)," said the black as the silver groaned slightly.
"We need to finish this invasion quick and revitalize this world with magic. There's almost no shred of it. And this is not any of our domain, this is the Heavenly Empire's domain. Our divine energy will slowly decline the longer we stay here (Alien Language)," the silver growled as they felt a spatial shift. "Then we'd have to keep you occupied."
Two golden portal opened opposite to the two Selanian invaders. A woman first walked out, dressed in flowing ethereal white robes, power emanating from her very being. Then a man came from the other portal, wearing light armor with a light paint of lime green as glowing runes are written all over it.
"Heavenly Gods! How did you get here! We have long closed the access between this sub-world and your empire! (Alien Language)" The black was shocked, knowing how Selania had used some dirty sneaky tactics to finally block one of the Heavenly Empire's least supervised sub-worlds, taking it would be vital for s first striking gesture to the Heavenly Empire.
"Remind me again Vayu, what was this dog talking about?" The woman looked the the man next to her. Vayu, Persian God of Wind, among the highest of the Persian Gods, a man whose speed rivals Hermes and strength rivals Ares though he seldom uses the latter. "Ah, it's merely sprinkles of unacknowledgeable dust Brigid, insignificant," Vayu mocked, knowing that their two enemies could understand their common English language.
Brigid, Celtic Goddess of... a lot of different things. Most doesn't really match. Poetry, healing, domestic animals, blacksmithing, that's right, they don't really match. To weaker Gods, having power over so many different aspects might be both disheartening and challenging. One's high divinity is separated into fractions between the aspects.
So instead of being a powerful ace, Gods with a lot of different aspects tend to fall into a jack of all trades or in some cases lesser. But Brigid is no ordinary God. With sheer will and determination she rose into one of the highest within the Celtic House of Gods and with her strength ascending, does her control, easily enabling her to transfer her divinity from one aspect to another, becoming not a jack of all trades, but an ace of all trades, a Goddess to be feared.
"Let's get this party started!" Vayu laughed, forming on his right hand, a short swirling lance of condensed cosmic wind, rotating harshly at speeds higher than 20 million miles per hour. And woosh! Moving at Godly speeds, and a single gentle touch of the lance on the dark alien. Slice!!! Obviously, the opponent reacted too slowly, pulling back too late.
The lance aimed at his neck, missed by a small margin and hit his shoulder instead. But, as gentle as that tap may be, it so easily detached the connection between a whole arm and the rest of the body! "Shit (Alien Language)!!!" The dark alien cursed as purple blood poured out of the alien's severe mutilation injury.
"Die Heavenly Gods!!!" The silver alien roared, waving his hand to send a barrage of tiny illusory white glittering stars at Vayu and Brigid! BOOM!!! A noiseless explosion enveloped the space in which the wind god and the Celtic goddess stood. "I expect no less from a lower God, utterly weak, and utmost disappointing."
"Makes me wonder why they sent us in the first place," From within the ball of fire, a voice was heard as a force of suction was seen. The fire sucked in to reveal the Goddess Brigid, and God Vayu without a single small scratch. "That love, is because your domestic animal divinity has caused your capturing skills to be one of the best."
"That wouldn't be difficult, would it?" Brigid scoffed as rays of nets was thrown from her hand, enlarging immediately and once more, moving faster than the alien Gods to move out of its path. After all, this is the clear difference between a higher God and a lower equivalent, the latter posing absolutely no threat to the former.
Soon, the gigantic net circled and wrapped around the two alien Gods many times over, till it forms a cocoon, trapping the two alien Gods within, powerless, and in despair. "Huh, simple, no effort there," Brigid stated as Vayu looked at her, "Next, we must repair the sub-world's voidic walls, wouldn't want anymore outsiders showing up."
"And looks like, they have succeeded," Brigid the pointed over towards the far distance as Vayu followed the finger with his hawk-like sight, quickly spotting a collapsing Lunar Gate, isolating the alien forces from all retreat, offense, and defense, they have no way to run now. "Time to do our job," Brigid and Vayu looked towards the endless confines of space, slowly reaching their arms and hands outwards.
Vayu's hands glowed turquoise while Brigid's glowed pure white as strings of divine power was released from every finger. In an instant, the strings stretched itself long into the sub-world's universe as transparent outlines of cloth began to take shape in the two God's eyes. Slowly searching for a hole, the strings slithered all over the surface of the cloth.
And bingo, source of breach found. A gaping hole was broken through the sub-world, a compromising situation. But with the two God's combined miniscule effort, the hole was immediately patched as stronger reinforcements was placed in its wake by Brigid, sealing this sub-world off from any potential invaders.
"Now that that's done, think we could catch up on a drink Brigid, usual place?" Vayu wiped an imaginary sweat off his temple as he looked expectantly at Brigid. "We'll see," she replies as such, both of them disappearing into a portal as silence filled the void once more.