Hell is not... Hell?

Crynn POV

[Looks like the two of you are ready, an extremely fortunate reward Ariane, that new skill of yours could prove destructive if used correctly, it's a high silver ranking.] That's good, if even the supervisor compliments Aria's Music Infusion then it must be awesome, I'd like to see how it could blow our enemies away out of the atmosphere.

[Enough chit-chat, I'll be explaining what comes next. So, you'll be participating in a tournament facing the 7 other contestants form the 7 other pantheons.] This is... new. "Wait what do you mean, I thought this whole thing was to buy us out of hell?" Oh yes! I forgot about that! Have been so caught up by these exciting adventures that I totally left the main point of it to the back of my head, yes, get out of hell.

[Have I never explained about this before?] I don't know if the supervisor is defending himself or if he's truly clueless because he sounds like he is. "Ehh... No?" I chose to say as I had the longest time here compared to Aria. [Huh... I apologize, it must've slipped my mind then, I'll explain.] Good, some answers I need to hear.

[Heaven uses the Karmic System, the same one known to be used in Hinduism and Buddhism. But we use the scale format found in what you might call Ancient Egyptian Mythology, it's not so ancient to us we use it everyday. When a mortal of the main world dies and his souls ascends, that mortal would enter the first door onto Heaven's courtroom.]

[It's not a complicated process at all. Before the 20th century, most of the souls entering would instantly prostate and beg for forgiveness, the usual yada yada yada. But in this more... modern era, the souls that enter are mostly pacifists, looking at things with feelings, emotional or calculated. Nevertheless, it's becoming much more entertaining to see how the souls would act in comparison to old times.]

[Basically the soul would go up to the podium, usually willingly after looking around the empty room and that's where the magic happens. An enormous golden balance scale would appear right in front of the soul and it would start to weigh. The left side representing 'good' and the right representing 'evils', 'sins', or just 'bad'.]

[Here is where it gets interesting. more than 99% of the people living in the main world and ascending up to heaven would have a heavier right side than it's left counterpart and this prompts hilarious reactions. We even have a TV show in heaven where it airs the scaling event 24/7, it's an all time popular.]

[The reactions include insincere begging, pleading for forgiveness, it was quite the laugh. Anyway, those whose right side weigh more will be sent to hell and this is where the misconception happens, a very large, very obnoxious misconception. The mortals describe Hell as a torture land, to be burned for eternity, to be sliced forever, so many misconceptions when the truth much more.]

[The reality of it... Think of it like this, Heaven is upper class while Hell is middle and lower class with a bunch of upper class as well. And that's it. There were never any burning to be done, no banishment, no exile, no pain, it's literally only residency. Good people are rewarded mansions, slightly bad people are granted large apartments of normal homes and well worse people are given small apartments and less than medium homes.]

[Another one, Hell is not below Heaven, Hell is a district and Heaven is the kingdom where Hell resides in. So being sent to hell literally means being sent into heaven as well, see.] "So, so, what you're meaning is, our participation of this whole world jumping session is actually not to escape eternal damnation but to get better living conditions?" Aria interjected with a boggled expression on her face, yeah, same with me too because I'm being revealed some insane shit right here.

[Yes, that's correct. Being a higher class resident doesn't only mean getting better houses to stay in, you won't get that house for more than a month if you don't get a job in Heaven. The higher the class, the better chance to find a better job. After all, Heaven isn't socialist, it's capitalist, a capitalist society without corruption.]

[There's laws in the heaven as well. Old people entering heaven will be turned back to a ripe age of 25 though you can adjust your age with a certain product sold by a certain God's company but that's out of context. Think of Heaven like Earth, only much much better and almost absolutely no crime and of course, importantly, gender identity isn't an issue, there's a lot of homosexual Gods and multiple ones even prefer animals, we don't care.]

Wow, this revelation is certainly eye-opening, feel like I have learned way too much today. [Ah right, let's not get ahead of ourselves and discuss this tournament you're in. There are 8 Pantheons involved and 16 total contestants in. These tournaments are held once every 4 years, it's like the Olympics only in Heaven and it's much more entertaining.]

[Everything comes with threes and this tournament does as well divide itself into three stages of competitions. And this is the first one. The prize? A million Heavenly Parse, that's Heaven's currency, a job recommendation to any job you so desire and of course alleviated status as well as other bonuses. But don't worry, losing doesn't mean well... 'losing'.]

[You'll still be out of Hell and into high residency just lose with honor and effort because no effort means no high residency and instead, contestant replacement. You'll receive the instructions upon arrival. So, without further ado, I'll just throw you guys in...] "Wait! Where are we going?! What world?! Are there no clues?!" I rapid fired the instant the supervisor paused.

[Ah! Ever heard of 'Fate'?] What? [I wish you luck, you're gonna need it.] And with that, my vision went dark, oh boy, here we go again!