Crynn POV
"How do I... Oh," Aria muttered for a few seconds then the book on her hands disintegrated into silver starlight, flowing around the air before swerving into her head. "Argh," She held her temple as her steps tumbled backwards and I reached out to hold her stable. "Are you okay?" I asked her as she slowly gained balance.
"Yes I'm fine, just a bit dizzy. When I absorbed the skill book, flashes of images pass through my eyes as well as a lot of knowledge," oh yeah? "So yes, I instantaneously learned both offense and defense yet not support," the description does say that not much is known for the support aspect of this music infusion thingamajig.
"So, what instruments can you play?" I inquired as I removed my hand from her waist. "Well, this skill book hasn't got a single thing about instruments and how they work on it but thankfully for us, I studied both the violin and the piano, studied may be an understatement, I mastered it," wow, that's some bragging to be done.
"So we need to get you either a violin or a piano," I said and approached the ATM shop machine. "Well maybe not a piano, I'm sure it's unsuitable for battle," well it is, a piano is bulky, it's big, it's practically immobile and stationary, not a good choice as a weapon to utilize. "You play instruments, Crynn?"
"No I don't, unless you count memorizing which key to hit at a party once, had to impress an audience to get closer to an expensive original of the 'Travels of Marco Polo', still in my personal collection, doubt anyone has found my vault since I died," I story told and opened up the ATM shop to look at what we could buy.
We have... 172500 Mission Merits, quite a lot. "Let's see, musical instruments," Aria whispered, clicking on the correct catalog as instruments of all kinds are displayed in various rows. "Some of these are incredibly expensive. "This 'Holy Lyre der Himmel' has a price of 1 million Mission Merits! That's insane!" Aria pointed out to a golden lyre with glowing aqua strings on one of the rows.
"We are searching for an affordable violin, what are you thinking?" She scrolled down and up before settling on the search bar. "Stradivarius Violin," jeez, are you sure we can afford one of those. I've stolen one before and the price tag isn't cheap, I doubt it will be cheaper here. Turns out, it really isn't all that expensive.
There's a few tiers of Stradivarius Violins here, standard, well-crafted, excellent. Standard is what I'm expecting Jill to go for as it's the cheapest at a cost price of 50000 Mission Merit, a third of our budget. "I'm taking the standard one, you mind?" Nope, not at all, go for it, I waved my hand to signal my acceptance as she bought the piece of extravagant instrument.
A beautiful violin instantly appeared on Aria's hand, it's made out of high-quality wood, the strings top notch and the gloss on it is simply wonderful. "Let's see how this does," Aria smirked and immediately short bursts of quick slashes into the strings made equally sharp music! Going up in speed at moments and down slow at other times!
Though it has only been a minute when Aria stopped. "I need some time to get used to this, it has been some time since I played," been some time? You were definitely a professional! "What piece was that you played?" I turned to ask. "Caprice in A minor," well, I am a classical music fan just not a 'real' fan, I never do know what classical music I'm hearing all the time.
"Would you like to buy something?" I heard Aria say as I typed in the name I wish to find. "The Standard Book of Spells," I muttered by my lips as I typed it in. Boom, instant results! The Standard Book of Spells from grade one to seven. The grade one book costs 25000 and the second grade book costs 50000 and the third grade book costs 75000 and so on each grade adding 25000 more Mission Merits than the last.
Well, I'm buying second grade. I decided as I confirmed my purchase and the book showed up on my hand as usual.
{The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2, by Miranda Goshawk}
{Knockback Jinx - Flipendo}
{Fire-Making Charm - Incendio}
{Ice-Making Jinx - Fjallís}
{Locking Charm - Colloportus}
{Dancing Feet Spell - Tarantallegra}
{Disarming Charm - Expelliarmus}
{Engorgement Charm - Engorgio}
{Shrinking Charm - Reducio}
{Immobilizing Charm - Immobulus}
{Tickling Charm - Rictumsempra}
{Skurge Charm - Skurge}
{Warming Charm - Focillo}
{Slowing Charm - Arresto Momentum}
{Severing Charm - Diffindo}
Ho ho, looks good, learn! As does with Aria's skill book, my 'Standard Book of Spells' also fused into light and joined deep in my brain. Okay, I presume I can now do these spells... "Incendio!" I tried as a golf ball of fire shot of the tip of my summoned wand and made ground on the void before dissipating entirely.
"Nice fire, very hot," Aria laughed as it made me wonder, is that an innuendo? "What can I say, I'm always quite the warm-hearted kind of guy," I joked even if it's not really true, I'm not always warm hearted, I'm cold at a job. "Funny... I felt like I haven't showered in days," Aria's nose wrinkled in disgust as she looked at our states.
We can't exactly be expected to end up squeaky clean especially after that huge fight. "We'll just have to take a bath the moment we step foot on our new world," not America mind you. "The least I could do is this, Scourgify," I casted the spell on Aria and I, sucking all the needless dust out of our clothing, making us just one bit cleaner.
"So, we're ready, we're done shopping?" Aria questioned as I shrugged, "I'm good to go, supervisor, come out." I hope our next world will be a chill experience. (It won't)