The Summoning IX

General POV

To say that Luviagelita Edelfelt is excited is an understatement, her heart is beating out of her body and her entire skin shivers in expectation. After all, she has been chosen to participate in an extremely dangerous yet privileged war, a war that might just take her to the Root if she combines her luck and strategizing intelligence.

It has been 9 hours after the talk during breakfast and now, she is finally going to summon the servant! She strolled happily and dreamily into her father's magical laboratory where a relatively spacious open space has been left and the summoning circle drawn in the center of the space. "Father, mother," Luvia greeted as she walked forward to the edges of the summoning circle.

"Luvia, you're finally here," her father said with a gleaming and proud smile, of course not leaving out the aspect of love. "You previously asked us an unanswered question regarding how the Holy Grail War is commencing at this time, just 10 years from the last war, grandmother had already informed us of the information she acquired from the Queen of the Clock Tower."

"Apparently, ten years ago, there has been a real winner. Emiya Kiritsugu, the Magus Killer won the war," hearing that name, Luvia's eyes widened as she recognized it, the Magus Killer, a man every magus feared. During his active years, 'legal' magus criminality has dropped substantially and those still dare to continue their criminalities had their heads severely cut off by the Magus Killer.

"In the 4th Holy Grail War, it is reported by the church supervisor that Emiya Kiritsugu did not ask for a wish after his deserved win," again, the mother put a couple seconds of cliffhanging, trying to bring out the dramatic flair. "He decided to destroy it!" Hearing that, Luvia's eyes widened as she blurted out, "Why?"

"No one had any idea why. The Magus Killer used his final command seal to instruct his servant to slash and destroy the Grail. It was known as a bright night, the immense light of power unleashed almost certainly destroyed the Grail, except it did not. The Grail erupted in over excess energy and destroyed several skyscrapers as well as hundreds of buildings all around a large radius, killing more than 500 people in the process."

"Needless to say, the Magus Killer whereabouts and wellbeing are now unknown. Even with the magical outburst of the Grail, it's energy capacity stored from 6 different servants have pushed it into over drive. This prompts the Grail's early revival just ten years later. And here we are, on the eve of a new war."

"We have coordinated with the church supervisor, we have knowledge that there are only three classes left for us. Saber, Archer, and Assassin. The masters aren't supposed to know which servant is whose and which master has whom. But we successfully pulled some strings and got the list of masters."

"The Einzberns have Berserker, the Matous have Rider, the Clock Tower representative, Bazett Fraga McRemitz has Lancer, high chance to be Celtic hero, Cú Chulainn. Caster however is an unknown element for the time being. Onto the summoning, during the dawn of the third Holy Grail War, the Edelfelt house matriarch then prepared an assortment of catalysts."

"A couple for each class and seeing that there's only three classes of availability left, we obviously must choose the strongest of the bunch, that is the brave and valiant Saber," the mother waved at the father as he pulled out a yellow box, opening it to reveal a single broken blade of pristine quality, broken but pure.

"One of them is this one, a summoning catalyst for servant Saber. One of the few swords used by Sasaki Kojiro, known as the greatest Japanese swordsman to have ever lived and crazy enough to wield this... Odachi I believe it's called. A Japanese great sword, or great katana, it's quite impossible for anyone to properly wield this monstrosity."

"Commonly made at a length of more than 1 meter, this odachi is often used only for a stab and almost never for defense. It's so long that a short sword would prematurely cut it in half and this broken blade is one half of one of the many odachi Sasaki Kojiro was known to have," the father handed the box over to Luvia.

"One thing you must notice, we're going to 'cheat' once more," the mother said as Luvia's brows heightened up thinking, 'Isn't that a bad idea?' "I can hear you wondering and no it's not. This form of cheating isn't so pressing as to be hunted immediately. There is a hidden rule in the Holy Grail War, never summon a Japanese hero."

"How Heroic Spirits work, in the region of their supposed confrontation when paired with a hero hailing from the region itself or a hero well known enough to the region, then the hero in question will be empowered so much as one for each. This means that summoning Sasaki Kojiro for this Holy Grail War to be conducted in Japan gives us a high advantage."

"One, region bonus, and two fame bonus. Sasaki Kojiro will be immensely empowered upon arrival on Fuyuki. Other heroes may also get the fame bonus, heroes such as King Arthur or Genghis Khan while some others such as Cú Chulainn or Ajax the Great would be likely not to receive any sort of bonuses. Sasaki Kojiro already being a Saber is definitely strong to the bone but with the buff, he'll be even more spectacular!"

"I think that's all and what's left is the summoning, memorized the words sweetie?" Her father cleared his throat as the parents backed off from the circle and Luvia entered into it, placing the box and blade on the center of the ritual circle. "Yes, I am ready and have etched the summoning chants into my mind," Luvia breathed in and opened her lips.

"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone.

The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

――――I announce.

Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword.

In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――"

As per usual, smoke and a minor light show happened as Luvia was blinded by the bright glaze. She expected saber but the words that entered her ears will prove her wrong. "I am servant assassin, summoned for this Holy Grail War."

(Author here with information pertaining that the Sasaki Kojiro summoned by Luvia is the real Sasaki Kojiro. For those who did not get this then I'll just do a short explanation. The original Sasaki Kojiro summoned for the Holy Grail War in the anime isn't actually Sasaki Kojiro but a nobody with created memories of the legends regarding Sasaki Kojiro, he's essentially a fake. The Sasaki Kojiro summoned by Luvia is not fake but an authentic, real Sasaki Kojiro. Just to clear things up.)