General POV
"Assassin? Not Saber but Assassin?!" The one showing a first hand reaction isn't Luvia but instead her father. "May I ask of you, are you my master," the Assassin still covered in slight wisps and bubbles of smoke said in a statement to accept rather than a question to answer. "Yes, I am," Luvia dreamily said as the haze cleared up to reveal the features of the Assassin.
Assassin is donning a full set of the Japanese Yukata Hakama, colored in a mixture of beautiful blue and violet, sewed on with beautiful yellow and golden flowers texturing throughout the outfit. "Sounds like you were expecting to get Saber, I too am certainly surprised to be summoned as an assassin," for a Japanese, Assassin sounded like he had lived in Finland for decades to be able to speak such fluent Finnish.
"Though It might be because I am an elusive character. I show when I want to show and I appear when I want to appear. Any duels proposed must be of my acceptance. Quite unlikely if you ask me. Well, you'll just have to deal with little ol' Assassin me. But no matter, although summoned as an Assassin, I can assure you that in the terms of swordsmanship, no one in this war will dare claim first when I'm second!" Assassin, Sasaki Kojiro grinned coolly and confidently.
"This might turn to our favor. With Assassin, survivability chances are raised high, after all, from the first Holy Grail War, a master of Assassin has never died," the mother released her opinion as clocks run her head of gears, deciding fully that summoning servant Assassin but just turn out better than a Saber in this case, at least they did not summon the weak Hassassins but instead the recognized best swordsman of Japan.
"So master, first course of action?" Sasaki folded his arm, his handsome face smiling and oriental black hair flowing to nonexistent wind. "We go to Japan."
It was a good day, a normal day, a fine day, or well, it was supposed to be all of those but today is not the lucky day for one Emiya Shirou. Being killed is not a great experience, and being confused of it is in some ways worse. Just probably moments ago he was in school cleaning the archery field, doing his daily work of helping out when it all happened.
Some clashes of metals erupted and Shirou was just curious, walked out the door and came across what looked like field artillery practice of red and blue, fast swipes, quick sprints, and mortal-defying speeds! "Who's there!!!" A glaring voice was heard throughout the entire compound as Shirou locked eyes with the figure in blue, red eyes piercing into Shirou's own amber gold.
Shirou ran and ran and he swore he was killed! There was no mistaking it! The intense and unimaginable pain coursing through his body once the tip of the red spear penetrated cleanly through his uniform and into his heart! But for some reason, here he is now, in his home, breathing and alive, someone, someone must've healed him!
His uniform is practically ruined and his head hurts, needing some emergency aspirin. In the middle of contemplation and anxiousness, the wind suddenly shifted, from calm to fast moving as Shirou followed the flow and found... the blue figure whom killed him! "I was trying to be considerate by finishing off with a single blow which wouldn't hurt that much."
"To think I would come to kill the same person twice, it really isn't your lucky day, is it?" the blue figure lined his blood red spear up in an overbearing stance but that didn't completely faze Shirou as he quickly grabbed a random PVC pipe off the floor and pointed it towards the attacker in a normal bat fashion.
"Trace on," Shirou whispered as his right arm released lines of green light, extending into the pipe as it became covered in such lines. "You won't live thrice this time," the blue figure charged forward with a smirk in a lazy underestimating stab. But underestimating doesn't mean slow as Shirou almost couldn't block the attack, redirecting it just off, resulting in the tip of the spear cutting his arm.
"Odd... Mana... Mage... So that's why you could still live after having your heart punctured as such. Well, one last round," a swipe! Shirou avoided it as he made it out of the room, in a desperate retreat, not at all of cowardice, but desperation and need to live, every normal human will. Shirou then turned a right, knocking harshly on a tall window, smashing it before jumping out to run but...
Swish! Kick! Shirou just managed to put the PVC pipe in front of his chest, blocking the sheer force of the blue figure's foot, knocking Shirou meters away and in front of the storage shed. "I gave you a chance, I'll give you another, stay still and die it will only hurt for a second," of course, Shirou did not listen and proceeded to gather his bearings and ran into the shed.
"Futile attempt," the blue figure scoffed as he disappeared in a flash! Boom! A small harmless explosion occurred when the powerful offensive spear collided with the mana defensive PVC pipe, what blew up? The PVC pipe of course, disintegrated into dust, every last bit of mana disintegrating into the surroundings.
"I don't get it. you're obviously quite skilled, good reflexes, smart and fast thinking. But your abilities as a magus, in magecraft is utterly shite mate. Either way, this is the end for you, I'm sorry but there's no other way out of this," the blue figure's smirk was gone, replaced by merely a neutral line as he ready his spear for one final strike.
'There's no way I'm dying, no way I'm dying when I'm already once spared, no, twice spared! I need to live, to fulfill my obligations!' Shirou announced to himself in his head in heavy resolution! "I'm not gonna die here! Not to someone like you! A man who kills without good reason!" Shirou's left hand glowed red but he is too engrossed to notice it, the blue figure however did and his eyes went wide, instantly charging forward for the final strike, fearing of a sudden occurrence!
A blue shine erupted as someone emerged! "Bloody bollocks! The seventh servant?!" In a moment of shock, the blue figure switched from Japanese to his Celtic mother tongue! The blue servant blocked an incoming strike, throwing him off the ground and out the shed! The unknown figure then turned and looked down on Shirou, questioning, "I ask you, are you my master?"