The Summoning XI

General POV

"Ehh... Master???" Shirou looks so clueless as he was suddenly enamored by the beauty that had quite literally just materialized out of nowhere right in front of him. Said beauty is wearing metal armor with painted lines, consisting of chest armor, a pair of gauntlets, and long faulds extending from the right and left waist down to below the thigh.

Beneath the armor is a specially designed blue dress, one with max mobility rather than stiff and cranky. Of course what most shines on this servant is not the armor nor beautiful dress, but the spectacular face that comes with it. Because subjectively in this narrator's opinion, this woman is possibly the most drop dead gorgeous gal the narrator has ever seen!

Lively green eyes, golden ratio in every aspect, spectacular authentic blonde hair tied to a bun and lastly, the ahoge, she's just... lovely. "Your servant, Saber has been summoned according to your calling," this only prompts more question marks mentally visible on the surface of Shirou's gentle eyes., "Servant??? Saber???"

"My sword is on your side master, my fate is tied to yours, my life is in your hands, henceforth the pact be sealed," clearly identifying her master as someone without the necessary knowledge, Saber decided to just say quickly and jump away right to battle against the enemy. "Blood red spear... lancer," the newly seventh servant, Saber said with a squint of her eyes, her hands in an odd gripping position, something invisible is held on those hands.

"I once knew a man, he wields almost the exact same spear you're wielding but in his addition is a second yellow spear, a dual wieldier. I can see however from your form, you are no dual wielder," making small talk, Saber checked for a perfect time to strike. "What are you getting at?" The finally identified servant class, Lancer narrows his eyes at the comment, also trying to find an opening in Saber's stance but failing.

"Spear of similar design, parallel identical shafts, definitely Celtic and your slightly hound-like behavior, it's clear who you are! Ireland's Child of Light, Cú Chulainn," greatly surprising Lancer, Saber moved in one steady motion and slashed sideways, Lancer blocked downwards, Saber cut upwards, Lancer moved left, Saber moved down and so the confrontation continues to a blur of colors!

And finally! Clank! Saber moved her weapon like water, hooking Lancer's sword upwards, pushing him back 5 steps. At a disadvantage, Lancer defended every attack while moving back every hit. jumping backwards, Lancer made an offensive attempt, parrying and hitting at Saber's invisible sword, Lancer has to block once more when Saber flash spun in powerful momentum!

CLANK!!! The vibration spread across the ground as Lancer gritted his teeth, making a quick jump into the air and across several meters away from Saber. "To conceal your weapon as such is cowardice and disgraceful!" Lancer barked back as two more blows were defended! "What's the matter Lancer, Ireland's Child of Light not daring to attack? You're giving your class a bad name."

"If you shan't attack then I shall!" Saber readied once more before Lancer's words delayed the inevitable. "Before you strike, let me ask you two questions. One, is your noble phantasm a sword? Two, how did you immediately recognize me. The only one capable of wielding two spears of red and yellow is Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and I can't remember any famed female characters from his time who could've known of him!"

The noble phantasm, the weapons of a servant, the treasures of heroes, the ultimate trump card to be utilized, one does not simply reveal it to an enemy. "Perhaps, perhaps not. It may be a battleaxe, it may be a mace, it may be a polearm. It might as well be a bow. To your second question, do I have any obligation to answer, Lancer?"

"Very funny, Saber. One last question, you don't suppose we could end this in a draw since this is our first meeting?" Lancer sneered, changing his pose dangerously. 'That stance!' Shirou thought inside his mind as his memory was traced back to the school. "Use your noble phantasm Lancer, take saber out!" A female voice was heard exclusively by Lancer as he replied, "Yes master."

"I think not, you will fall here Lancer," Saber called, her positioning haven't changed and her eyes carefully monitoring Lancer. "My duty for today was supposed to be on observation... Hmph!" Lancer's eyes glowed red as the spear released a miasma of blood all around it, centered on the tip of the spear! "Then I'll have your heart!"

"GAE BOLG!!!" Lancer charged forwards a few steps and threw his spear. But of course, before Lancer has announced his noble phantasm, Saber has already conducted a perfect plan inside her head. As servants, they are imbued as well with some knowledge of heroes, for Saber, the Ireland's Child of Light is coincidentally one of them.

'Gae Bolg, a weapon capable of reverse causality, a spear capable of warping time and space. Cause, to pierce the heart. Effect, pierced the heart. And like most Celtic weapons, Gae Bolg would probably curse any it pierced. Rate of avoidance, nil. Rate of damage reduction, high. A problem with reverse causality weapons such as Gae Bolg is in its lack target specification.'

'The human cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and every blood vessel in the human body. The heart is part of the system and the blood vessels are a part of the system, hence, every single blood vessel in the human body is in technical terms, a part of the heart!' Saber surmised in her head ever since she recognized Lancer's identity.

And so, Saber started, Gae Bolg coursed the air, it's previous physical body instantly became incorporeal energy as it launched itself into Saber's left breast! Saber pushed her invisible sword upwards as it blocked the transformed Gae Bolg as she counted from within. 1... 2... 3... Duck! Space seemed to stop as time stagnated then... Crack!

The spear disappeared as Saber lowered her body, the spear formed immediately behind her back, aiming up to the heart but as a result of Saber's action, the spear dramatically missed and ended up only grazing a small superficial cut on Saber's shoulder, drawing little to no blood! "What!!!" Cú Chulainn's eyes went full wide as his mouth could fit an ostrich's egg within, for Gae Bolg has returned to his hand without ever piercing the target's heart!

"Huh, I knew it," even with such a superficial cut, Saber can feel a small amount of pain from it, Celtic weapons, always infused with curses. "How! HOW!" Cú Chulainn's raging scream sounded throughout the courtyard preparing to attack when a female voice entered his ears once again, "Lancer, retreat."

"Tch, next time, I'll have your heart Saber!!!" Lancer then proceeded to jump up and disappeared into the moonlight with Saber gradually lowering her weapon, not discovering any more close presence in the area, leaving herself in peace with her master, but not for very long.