General POV
"Summoned servants are made adaptable to the age they're summoned in, implanting new memories such as the workings of technology and social structure of this era. As such, I'm quite familiar to the year as well as Japan," To think Saber hasn't moved an inch from her sitting position, how cramped must it feel?
"Really?" Shirou looked at Saber, needing confirmation. "Yes, This is also not the first time I've been summoned to this time," Saber answered, drawing attention from Rin. "Seriously? What are the odds?" She said surprised because servants never get summoned more than once. "Well, shall we go?"
A party of three strolled the stone streets of the cemetery, nearing their destination, Fuyuki City Church. "I'll be keeping watch here. I have a strong feeling I may recognize and be recognized by the supervisor, and if he's anything like I remember him to be," Saber scowled as she stayed her position. Her armor covered by a yellow raincoat.
"Oh? Speaking of which, may I ask as to how you retained your memories from the last war?" Rin questioned as it's common sense for knowledgeable masters that the servants, if somehow summoned twice, will have their memories of the previous wiped before the summoning of the next war.
"Let's just say, some circumstances allowed me of such," Rin did not ask more as Saber's tone already suggests secrecy. "Well then, we have two servants protecting us so why don't we proceed?" Rin shrugged as Shirou followed behind her, leaving Saber as they ventured to the church's doorway.
"So, what kind of person is this priest, Tohsaka?" Shirou has his hands in his pockets, staring holes through the door. "The fake priest used to be my father's disciple and after my father died, he became my guardian. So, he's both my senior disciple and senior mentor," Shirou frowned at her constant use of 'fake priest' to address the supervisor.
"You keep saying fake priest, I presume that the priest is a... mage as well?" Shirou said as Rin smiled, and opened the doors to the dark, dark chapel, lighted only by candles and the only sound present is the thump of a bible. "You have repeatedly rejected my countless invitations and yet here you are with an odd guest," a cold voice was heard echoing through the room as the priest in question raised his head.
"So, he's the last master, huh, Rin? So, my name is Kotomine Kirei, what is yours last master?" Kirei stepped nearer to the last master as his intimidating eyes traced lines on Shirou's body. "Emiya Shirou," he answered, looking warily at the priest. "Emiya? Hmph, I take it your Saber's master then, Emiya Shirou?"
"Yes, I made a pact with Saber but I'm still gibberish with this whole Holy Grail War, master and servant stuff. If a master should be a proper mage, then maybe you ought to choose someone else?" Shirou carefully spoke, while still having eye contact with the priest, not intimidated in the slightest.
"I see, this is serious indeed," the priest, Kotomine Kirei nodded and closed his eyes in fake contemplation. "You're gonna have to start from square one with him," Rin said, gazing upon Shirou. "Ho? This is the first time you've asked any form of assistance from me. And unfortunately, Emiya Shirou. A master cannot yield his presented rights to another, it is not something that anyone can just walk away from," Kirei walked heavy steps closer and closer as he continued with his words.
"Being a master is a trial. A trial you must undergo. You won't freed from it until you win the Holy Grail War. Emiya Shirou, this trial you've caught yourself into is known as the Holy Grail War. Kirei's height shadowed over Shirou as a clash of eyes ensued. "Yes, some crazy deathmatch between 7 masters and servants, right?"
"It is a ritual to decide who gets to be granted the Holy Grail. The Grail in this town is its genuine article. Look no further than the summoned servants to see of it's miracles. A Holy Grail capable of such is sure to grant immeasurable power to its holders," Kirei walked to the side, looking into the moonlight off the mirror, blue shining on him.
"Then why make people go through this war then? I fit's that powerful, why can't it be shared?" Shirou argued as Kirei back to him. "Fair point, but we aren't the decision makers in this war, everything is in course by the Holy Grail itself. This is the Holy Grail's true will, to decide who is worthy to hold of its magnificence. And that is the Holy Grail War."
"I don't think I'm convinced. There must be some other way, I don't favor the idea that a killing game decides who shall get the Grail," Emiya Shirou squinted his eyes harshly at Kirei as he reciprocates with a freezing gaze, neither wants to lose. "Hold on Emiya, there is another way than killing masters," Rin said as she saw what her guardian is trying to do, intimidation and ruthless tactics doesn't bode very well for Rin. "It is a death battle!"
"Hush Kirei! Listen Emiya, The Holy Grail is a spiritual, intangible object. We can't touch it, we can't hold it. Get what that means?" Shirou immediately realized on the implication of Rin's words as she glared at the priest. "The point of the Holy Grail War is to remove all 6 other servants, which means there is no rule saying that the killing of masters be required."
"Emiya Shirou, do you think you can defeat your servant? Servants are difficult to defeat, even with another servant. That's the case, what's next to do? Simple answer to a simple question, is it not? No matter how powerful one's servant may be, killing the master removes the servant. After all, an easier equation to a difficult deed."
"But what about the opposite, the servant dies first, only servants can touch the Grail, am I right? that means that a master without a servant has no equational value?" Shirou folded his arms, defiant. "Hmph... A person's rights as a master lies in the command seals. If a servant dies, the command seal still remains which could be use to make a pact with another servant without a master."
"It is for that reason that masters opt to kill other masters," Kirei laughed maliciously inside his heart. "Then, I'll just use up all my command spells right here right now," Shirou bravely extended his left hand, showing his command seals, all three intact. "Wait a second! You can't just-" Rin was about to yell more if it hadn't been for Kirei's forceful interruption.
"Very true, your rights as a master would be totally lost. Although, I can't imagine why a master would waste precious magic on nothing, he would either be a novice, or merely a coward," at the last word, Shirou flinched and gritted his teeth, glaring hotly at the priest. "Have I convinced you? Then let's start from the beginning."
"If you so insist of giving up your rights as a master, then be my guest. Simply use every command spell and relieve Saber of her duties. Do so and I shall guarantee your utmost safety until the end of the war," Kirei walked all the way around the chapel and back to his podium. Shirou scoffed and growled.
"And why do I need you to guarantee my safety?!"