The Summoning XV

General POV

"Oh? I was dispatched here to oversee the series of Holy Grail Wars. Safeguarding mages who aren't any longer masters is the profession's top priority," Kirei announced as he continued to aimlessly circle the chapel, certainly a pressuring tactic that just doesn't work on Shirou. "Wait, series?! Didn't the Holy Grail War just begin?" Shirou, being as sharp as ever caught the little hint sent by the priest.

"This is the fifth. The fourth was ten yeas ago, making this cycle the shortest," Kirei maliciously laughed in his heart, behind a proper smile. "This has happened four times?" Shirou shockingly said, like a thunder just landed on his head. "Yes, with each time, the Holy Grail War has grown ever more brutal. Driven by their desires, masters have engaged in indiscriminate slaughter."

"Indiscriminate slaughter..." Shirou muttered in repeat. "Then what would happen if the guy winning the Holy Grail War turns out to be the biggest bastard?!" Shirou shouted in front of Kirei, beginning ot become extremely disgusted at this Holy Grail War affair. "It is beyond our ability to stop those chosen by the Holy Grail."

"After all, it is the omnipotent artifact capable of granting any wish. If you do not wish for that to happen Emiya Shirou, then win the war yourself. If you win, at least it will not land on the hands of an indiscriminate killer," hearing that Shirou clenched his fist even more, "I haven't any reason to fight."

"So, you have no interest in what the holders of the Grail will do? Even if it caused a disaster, taking countless lives in turn?" Kirei smirked, baiting and manipulating the young teenage. "That's not-" Shirou wanted to throw an argument but Kirei moved faster, "If you have no reason to fight, fine. Then you have no more interest in what happened ten years ago?"

"Ten years ago?" Kirei sure knows what organs to hit, no less weak mental spots to pierce. "Indeed, ten years ago. At the end of the previous Holy Grail War, an unworthy master touched the Grail. I do not know what that master has wished upon. All that is clear, was the destruction it caused," hearing that, Shriou's eyes went wide as a bead of cold sweat trailed down his head.

"Wait a minute! It can't be- are you saying that-" Shirou pointed a finger at Kirei. "I am. The New City fire, its cause still unknown to this date, is the aftermath of the last Holy Grail War," hearing fully, Shirou's hand supported on a bench with the other holding his temple, past trauma still stinging strong. "Emiya!" Rin went over, trying to help, but Shirou held up and steady himself.

"You said that this one is the fifth time? Has anyone won the past wars?" Shirou asked for more affirmation. "There is only one man to have touched the Grail, albeit very briefly," Kirei gave somewhat an acceptance. "Then what happened to the man?" Shirou felt like he has asked more questions than he did in his entire life.

"Nothing happened to him. the Grail did not achieve completion. The result of a foolish man letting sentiment get the better of him. Simply making the Grail appear is trivial. Once the seven masters have gathered, the Grail will show itself in time. As Rin says before, it isn't necessary to kill the other masters but unless you do so, the Grail won't ever reach completion."

"It chooses the master who is worthy of it. That is why this man who avoided fighting did not win the Holy Grail War," Kirei unpleasantly smiled in his little story telling session. "In other words, even if you do get the Grail, It's all for naught if you don't finish off the other masters. The last master who got to the Holy Grail was weak," Rin declared while having uncertain thoughts herself.

"That is all I wish to say, decide here and now if you will participate in this Holy Grail War, Emiya Shirou," the party is about to end, and Shirou is not one bit excited, "Tch."


"Rejoice boy, as your wish shall be fulfilled! Surely you realize, your wish won't come true with a clear and distinct villain. Even if you refuse to believe it, every hero of justice has a villain of evil," Shirou gritted his teeth some more, hearing the priest's parting blessings as he and Rin proceeded out of the accursed church.

"Shirou, has business been concluded?" Saber immediately popped out to say once the duo has made it pass the church gates. "Yeah, I've decided to fight, as a master. Will you consent to me as your master, Saber?" Shirou replied in his own solemn tone. "My consent is irrelevant, you have been my master from the very start."

"Do I not swear that as my sword shall be by your side, my life shall be yours to wield, my body shall be your blade to command!" Saber smiled and reassured him in an earnest gaze. "That's right, I will be your master! I'll be counting on you, Saber," Shirou extended a hand of determination as he waited for Saber to take it. "Err... You don't want to shake hands with me?"

"No it is not that, I was just startled, not expecting the gesture," Saber stretched out her hand as soft meets hard in an exchange. "Let me renew my vow, As long as there are command seals on your body, mine shall be your blade," Saber smiled even more brightly now as Shirou was lost in his thoughts, 'If the fire ten years ago was caused by the Holy Grail War, I can't possibly let something like that happen again!"

Silence poured on them as they continue their trek home when Rin all of a sudden stopped in her tracks, prompting a raised brow from Shirou as he inquired by her surname, "Tohsaka?"

"Hn... Emiya, no offense but go home by yourself."