The Summoning XVII

General POV

PEW!!! PEW!!! PEW!!! PEW!!! What looks like tens of red homing beams of magic appeared in the night sky, intercepting Berserker!!! BOOM!!! The initial impact created a large scale aerial explosion which pushed back Rin and Shirou a few steps, they are sure to feel the aftermath of the pressure in the morning.

Berserker was pushed out of trajectory as he landed onto the ground, crushing the surface as he attempted to block and parry the remaining beams but to no avail as every single one of the red lights fused together as Berserker roared!!! BOOM!!! ROAR!!! The smoke cleared, having been pushed by the sheer wave of Berserker's growl as it is revealed absolutely no damage to his outer body.

"This can't be?! The sheer power displayed did nothing?!" Rin looked fearfully as Berserker flexed and lunged to the air! Aiming for... "Emiya!" Rin shouted in despair as Berserker was just about to pounce on Emiya but... CLASH!!! Sparks flew, as pressure pushed! A small shockwave knocked Emiya off the ground 2 meters away as he painfully clutched his chest, coughing!

Saber arrived just in time to reciprocate a block with the same force as Berserker's. Her raincoat already discarded somewhere else, and her green eyes dangerously furious! Saber made the first move, tilting the blade and swung up, parrying Berserker in locked range as his giant body staggered backwards!

Then for the next! Saber slashed her sword horizontally, an incredible amount of wind followed from behind as mana manipulated kinetic energy pushed Berserker off his feet and back to the air meters away, creating a small safe distance! Saber narrowed her eyes and rushed forward, first dodging a frontal attack from Berserker before striking clear towards his waist!

Clank!!! Attack blocked as Saber tried another front, sidestepping as she aimed for the ankle but once again, no hit! Berserker changed his hand in haste, taking the sword from one position to the other, destroying the ground below as Saber made a strategic retreat for analyzation. "Can that ball of meet see Saber's invisible sword?!" Rin remarked as the battle continues, Saber and Berserker each exchanging equal strikes but none have made it through.

'What makes a Berserker, a Berserker? He may not be as smart as an elementary dropout but the accumulated intelligence left inside his mind isn't of how to speak, nor is it how to drive, not even how to use a spoon, but all that's left, is instinct! But how do I use the instinct to my advantage?!" Saber thought as she avoided yet another destructive attack.

'Oh! I know!' Saber refocused herself back into reality as she stepped back, her sword lowered on an incredible heavy slashing stance as she gathered mana into her sword and shouted, "CA-" Hearing the first two letters, Berserker hastily sensed impending doom as he plunged his gigantic sword to the ground in front of him, deep into the ground to present as a steady shield!

And this, is exactly how instincts can fail as Saber closed her mouth and disappeared. In the fraction of a second, she reappeared right behind a vulnerable Berserker as her invisible sword, storing a considerable amount of mana pierced through Berserker's skin and cut!!! With quite the difficulty, Saber put her strength into brute force and sliced from the right shoulder blade and travelled upwards and out from the upper shoulder!

This incredible move immediately incapacitated Berserker's right arm, he wouldn't be able to do anything with it for as long as the injury inflicted isn't healed! "Berserker!" Ilyasviel yelled from a higher elevation as she scowled, knowing fully that Berserker's combat effectiveness had dropped at least 50%.

"Berserker! Return!" Ilyasviel now has to carefully pick her next move. Between using Berserker's Noble Phantasm, or call it a day and use her mana instead to heal Berserker. Two difficult choices to make, one would immediately reveal a trump card and the other would have an effect on her pride, two choices, tick tock, time is closing.

"Looks like Big Brother's servant is very strong and Rin, your servant is... well, I can't give a right judgement, can't I. Time to leave, Berserker," Ilyasviel did not have much to say, she has gone from a confident and arrogant mood to downright... not a very good mood. Berserker carried Ilya on his left shoulder as he threw himself away, chasing after would not be the wisest to do.

"To think! To think! To think I could've summoned such a powerful servant if I hadn't made a mistake!!! Sniff sniff, how could you, a third-rate novice mage, summon such a powerful servant!" upon seeing the enemy's escape, Rin immediately latched both hands on Shirou's collar, shaking him around while wailing like a banshee.

"Just you wait! When the time comes, I'll defeat Saber! Hmph! my Archer is also strong, he hasn't even shown his full capabilities just yet!" Rin let go of a distressed Shirou as she tapped her feet on the ground, pouting and grumbling to herself. "Shirou, looks like the area's clear, shall we go back?" Saber smiled victoriously as she stopped in front of Shirou, her captivation distracting him.

"Ehh... Yes! Yes, of course, I need to rest, my brain feels like it has overheated," Shirou sheepishly laughed with blushing cheeks as Archer materialized himself next to Rin, staring at the boy for a moment before bringing his entire gaze on Saber for a few seconds. "So, Rin, no more walking?" Archer said, stating the obvious especially since walking just got pretty deadly just a moment ago.

"Yes, of course master. So, Emiya! The next time we meet, It will be as enemies on the opposite lines! Archer, take me home," Archer picked Rin up in a bridal carry as she turned into flustered red, trying to object as they vanished under the moonlight. "So master?" Saber asked Shirou as he looked up to the sky, clenching his fist as he remembered the battle that had just transpired, a fight between heroes.

'Strength! I need to get stronger!'