The Summoning XVIII

General POV

For the great teacher of the Clock Tower, every day is a drag. Every minute, every hour, new paperwork comes in, and more bore to read, this is the so called life of the prestigious Lord El-Melloi II, else known by Waver Velvet, incompetent magus student of the previous Lord El-Melloi. Of course, that information is privately hidden.

"Sorry, professor, here to submit my research paper," A voice is heard knocking on the office door as the lord grunted. His entire body exuding authority, his styled long hair, his ever present scowl and his cigar, always on him at all times for all sorts of reasons. "Is it about the usage of mana in the modification of hyperactive mechanical viruses? How many times have I told you, it doesn't work like that, Richard."

Lord El-Melloi II immediately said as the student in question, Richard entered the office. "I promise you, professor! I've found a way based on a will!" funny, the lord rolled his eyes and pointed to a direction filled with stacks on stacks of paper. "You can just place it on top, looks like I'll be reading your paper after I'm done with all the others," seeing the amount of paperwork would cause anyone to have a migraine.

"What a load! I think professor, that you might need a vacation! I heard Japan is great at this time of year," Richard told the lord of his proposition as the lord halted from reading and leant back into his chair. 'Yes, a vacation would be nice...' "Anyway, I've got more work to do, see you around, professor!" Richard made his way out of the office, leaving the lord to think.

Hmm... Vacation but in... Japan. It's been a while, a very long while...


And that is exactly what got the overbearing lord here, in Japan. More specifically, Kyushu Island, near coastal grounds of Oita Prefecture, Fuyuki City. "Fuyuki Station Stop, Fuyuki Station Stop," the lord heard the robotic sound of the train as he disembarked of the rails and stepped foot for the first time in ten years in the City of Fuyuki.

It has so far, been an excellent 6 day vacation. Sightseeing in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, a short tour of Hokkaido, it is a fun time off his job. "So, what are we doing here, Lord?" A cute female voice was heard behind the lord, peeking out from behind him to the crowd of Japanese people, all somewhat staring at the intimidating foreigner that is the Lord El-Melloi II.

The girl is standing shorter than the Lord's height, wearing a full body gray cape complete with a hood, covering from head to to toe. "Just to visit old memories, Gray," not wanting to go alone on his vacation, he brought his apprentice together with him, Gray, the name corresponds to the color of the coat, how curious.

"First destination, the Mackenzie Household."


"Oh my! Waver, you've grown tall since the last time we've meet," an old man laugh out loud as he came to receive the lord on his front doorstep, hugging him. Even in his early 80s, the elderly is still as energetic as ever with the old-youth appearance often seen and associated with Westerners. "Hahaha!!! Come in, come in, Waver, it's truly been a while!" an old lady also came out to hug him as the lord smiled softly at the old couple.

"Glen, Martha, I'd like to introduce you two to my apprentice, Gray," the lord pushed is apprentice forward as she nervously looked at the elders. "Oh?! How cute! I trust you not to have forbidden attractions? hohoho!!! I still remember back in the day, I had a crush on the handsome biology professor," the old lady, Martha Mackenzie chuckled as Gray blushed and the lord pretended he hadn't heard that.

"Well, that's before you met me, most handsome in High School! Hahahaha!!!" It's clear that this couple still lived a nice and lovely life, having no regrets and lies to one another. "Ehm... If you don't mind? Might we stay here for a couple of nights?" the Lord, anxiously asked. Glen and Martha Mackenzie is a pair of old Canadians Waver Velvet hypnotized 10 years ago.

And fortunately, even after Waver admitted and dispelled the lies he had told, Glen and Martha never got angry but instead was grateful to be granted someone like Waver Velvet in their life. Of course, knowing Waver had never returned to Japan for ten years concerning his trauma, they still frequently exchanged letters and exchanged calls almost everyday through a special magecraft method. In ten years, they have truly been likened to a true father, mother, and son relationship.

"Of course you can Waver! You needn't ask, we would never have minded!" Glen said out loud as the lord sighed relieved. "Well, if that's the case, I and my apprentice are only here to drop off baggage, there's somewhere I would like to visit before returning to my slumber," the lord sheepishly and embarrassedly said, totally opposite of the arrogant persona in the Clock Tower.

"Well yes, your rooms have already been tidied and prepared, so you can instantly dive to the bed once you got back," hearing that, the Lord thanked them both as he looked at his watch. "Blimey! It's already so later, you guys should really rest," the British accent escaping him as he looked on his watch, hour hand on one.

"Hahaha!!! We were just too excited when you told us of your visit today, no worries, we'll soon have a good night's sleep," the lord scratched his head as he invited himself in, placing the bags on their room as they said their good nights and went out for a midnight stroll. "So, where are we going now?" Gray asked as they walked the streets, passing one house and another all the way down to the main city.

"Anywhere," the lord just said as they continued to walk in the silence as the Lord's eyes suddenly widened! "This! This! This amount of mana!" He shouted as a scream erupted behind him! AAAAHHHH!!! Gray suddenly fell down on her knees as she clutched her left chest where her heart is beatings strongly and more fervently, it was painful, so, so painful!

"Gray! Gray! What's going on!" the lord knelt down to inspect the girl, his hands opening the hood to find several streaks of hair turning from the previous gray colored to golden blonde! "This!" The Lord grew in trepidation as his head was invaded by memories from the past, memories Waver Velvet never wants to remember!

"Look at what we have here! The mongrel, this time with him, a worthless imitation, how unsightly."