The Emiya Estate

Crynn POV

"Ehm... Hello?" A good-looking teenage with unnatural yet somehow real red hair and again, unreal yet natural golden amber eyes, looking quite suspicious at us. "Ahem, might you be Shirou Emiya," it's still a bit weird hearing Aria or myself speaking Japanese but we'd make do, especially when it's time for me to shut my mouth and let Aria do the chatting.

"Yes... Who are you?" Somehow, I feel dangerous vibes from the newspaper the red haired man is holding with his right hand. "So Emiya, have you visited any churches recently," we have an action plan here, all decided by Aria because I have no speaking power whatsoever in this unknown domain, first course of action is to determine the timeline.

"Why do you ask?" I looked down to see Emiya's hand clenching harder at the newspaper and it isn't crumpling under it, how weird. "Can we come in, we arrive with good intentions without any harm," Aria smiled, spreading her hands to show how she isn't bringing anything of harm though the boy might not know of our spaces.

"Hmm... Come in," Still suspicious, but even more curious, Emiya let us in which is good, first course done. But damn, I don't know anything about Japanese land prices but this compound is large. It's got a courtyard which could fit a normal residential American home! "You haven't told me your names," Emiya said as we approached the front door, taking off our shoes for some provided slippers which is a basic Japanese etiquette most know of.

Walking down a nice bit of corridor, we entered a room, I presume it's the dining room by how it looked with a rather large kitchen tucked behind a counter extending to the back while a woman sat properly on the flat pillows facing the low styled Japanese dining table, looking pretty fancy schmancy.

The woman's beauty alone is already out of the world. Turns out it's true, every anime world is matched with a multitude of attractive populations. "Let us introduce ourselves, my name is Ariane Veil and the man beside me is Crynn Avter, may we take a seat," Emiya raised a brow as he waved his hand to the flat pillow, allowing us to lower ourselves down.

"What is your purpose here," apparently, Emiya is also extremely well-mannered, offering us tea, I'm judging that this isn't poisoned, is it? I sipped on a bit of the burning drink and oh God! I've tasted Da Hong pao before and it's got nothing on this! I feel like I've just arrived on a volcanic hot spring, enjoying the smell of hot magma, relaxing my insides!

"Good tea," I just had to say as Emiya mumbled a "Thank you" towards me. "So, you're servant Saber?" once the tea affair is done, Aria instantly eyed the blonde woman as her eyes opened as she looked at us. "As I said before to your master, we're here on good intentions to help," the woman, identified as Saber as well as Emiya warily gazed at us, Emiya still is holding the newspaper.

"And how do you wish to have, I can detect that the both of you aren't masters," Saber narrowed her eyes at us, this woman exudes chivalry, she can probably kill us if she wanted to. "We hail from a rather large organization, hidden from the world. And it's not just the two of us sent here, there's a total of 16 people hailing form the organization here in Fuyuki, in this Holy Grail War."

"And what are your organization's involvements with the Holy Grail War," Emiya stared at us and asked. "There are 8 total masters and servants-" Aria's beginning explanation was immediately cut off by Saber. "There are only 7 masters and servants in a Holy Grail War," Saber retorted as it is usually how it works according to the premise.

"No, there are definitely at least 8 masters and 8 servants. There are 16 organizational members here in Fuyuki and teams of 8 are made between the 16. Each team has one job, to protect one master until the end of the Holy Grail War. You don't need to ask why, we'll answer it immediately. Let's just say that every team comes from a different department within the organization."

"So simply, it's a competition. If a team's chosen to protect master dies, then that team gets disqualified. But how if more than one master survived till the end? Then it comes down to point system. Everything we do from the moment we stepped foot inside this city is calculated into a points. So congratulations Emiya Shirou, you've just gotten two bodyguards and soon another one."

"Wait, just halt right there. You meaning to say that there is another killing game in a killing game?!" Emiya Shirou's eyes twitched furiously as he tapped his fingers on the table. "Technically we do not need to kill the other organizational members, we just need to earn more points than them. And in any case, even if we kill all the other members, they won't 'die'."

"I mean, they will but... we have our own ways to bring someone back to life," that can be concluded immediately. It makes sense that the Gods will probably revive us if we so 'fell' but dying will still hurt a lot. "I can't believe this," Emiya Shirou crossed his hands, waving it frantically while Saber's hand patted his shoulder.

"So, all the other masters will get a helping hand as well?" Saber said, her piercing green eyes judging of us. "Yes, and it's in your own benefit to accept our help. We will do our very best in protecting you, Emiya Shirou," Aria promised as Saber never wavered, carefully detecting the words out of her mouth.

"I sense no lies," Saber said as Emiya Shirou begin to low his guard down slowly, hand still gripping the newspaper though, wonder what's up with that but alas, we're finally getting somewhere.