Into the Known Unknown

Crynn POV

"My head is shaking," not really, just an exaggeration on my part. Argh wait! My head is really shaking, I placed a hand on my temple massaging it as a large amount of linguistic information just entered my brain! Wait a second, linguistic? This is... Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, Japanese?! My brain is overloading, just have to shut it off for some time.

"Japanese, oh my God, I can't think of anything other than Japanese!" I saw Aria, squatting down on the ground, stabilizing herself with both hands on her head, going to have a headache at the end of the day. "Japanese, I'm guessing we're in Japan, I'm speaking English right now, And now, Japanese, okay, sure," I tried some more Japanese only to find myself a newly first language speaker of it.

{Type Moon: Fate Stay Night}

{Main Mission}

{1. Protect individual, Shirou Emiya, until the end of the Holy Grail War.}

{2. Anything the team does in the span of the Holy Grail War will be calculated and summed altogether in points. Team with most points win.}


{The Holy Grail War is a battle conducted between 7 master and 7 servants but for this tournament, 8 masters, 8 starting servants and some extras. Each team has the sole job of protecting each chosen master until the end of the war. The team whose master died, will be instantly disqualified. Every team is given a catalyst corresponding to the masters' summoned servants' class. This catalyst can be used to summon one additional servant making this a battle between 8 masters, 16 possible servants and some extras}

{Each is team is also equipped with a tracking mechanism, capable of monitoring their assigned masters' positions. The shop is opened throughout the tournament and random completions of missions can be done within the tournament to earn Mission Merits. Good luck, happy point gathering.}

"Type Moon Fate Stay Night? Where have I heard of that before," I scratched my head as my mind balanced itself, good, still a bit out of place but everything fine. "It's an eroge, adult visual novel," what? "You mean we're in a porno?" That can't be it right? "OH NO, NO. it's not a porno, type moon is a popular Japanese franchise."

"Fate Stay Night is among one of the many titles in the franchise. It started with being an adult visual novel into a badly made animation, then a very good animation, into three movies of outstanding animation," hmm... sounds quite lucrative if it got that much attention off an adult visual novel which I presume is strictly for adults *ahem*.

"You look like you're well acquainted with the whole franchise, and I'm... not," because I only ever watch one animation series in my whole life, great, should've watched all the other ones my friends offered, speaking of which, how are they doing, probably well I suppose. "Don't worry, you'll probably get into it some time soon, it's a series of plots... easily understood," is it just me or is Aria's smile a bit devilish.

"So, please do explain what is the matter with the servant and master thing," I asked as I had the time to look around. We're in the middle of what I can only decide upon, was a forest and over in the distance, I see some paths we might be able to take out of here. "Yes, Masters are individuals that summoned the servants."

"Servants are heroes from the past, present or future. The easiest example being King Arthur, or Hercules," I totally get it except I did not, but whatever, a man flowing with the wind, will understand where it's taking him. "We should have a catalyst?" Aria said as I opened my inventory, pulling out said catalyst.

"We are supposed to summon a hero using this... red cloth?" I waved around in my hand a cloth of red with what I can see and partially smell, preserved dried blood. "Yup, we should probably head off by now," Aria said as she gripped her violin and placed the bow on the strings. Zeuu! Zeuu! Zeuu! Three invisible glares of forceful pressure shot out of the violin's tip, cutting large parts of a nearby tree, "Nifty."

"Overpowered is what I'd call it," I stated my opinion as I opened the map. "Hmm... So we're in the hills, and we need to get down to what looks like some residential clusters, our target of protection is residing in a rather large compound. Emiya Shirou, what can you tell me about him, it's a him, right?" I asked.

"Yes, it's a him. Basically, you'll know him once you talk to him. He's someone aspiring to be a hero which is valiant but also a disadvantage in our part. He loves running into trouble," okay, that isn't good. "Looks like we'll have to leave English behind for a bit, we're in Japan right, the sign pretty much confirmed it already," I pointed at a hike sign on the neat dirt road, saying 'a kilometer to the peak' in Japanese.

"Let's see... Where are we going onii-san?" Aria teased with puppy dog eyes as she grabbed my sleeve with both hands. "Haha... Funny," I rolled my eyes and sarcastically said, making Aria laugh in mirth. "So, we just follow the trek down, right?" Aria inquired and I reopened the map, looking through the route once more. "Yes correct, so down we go."


Ah, a morning walk always puts me brimming in energy, especially in such a cool weather, the sun only shining dimly through the clouds, a perfect day in my opinion. "So which of these houses is it, c'mon you're my map," Aria pointed at all the houses in the vicinity before I searched, it's the largest among them which means it is, "That one."

"How are we going to explain our arrival," I said, walking towards the gate of the house whilst talking to Aria. "Simple, we introduce ourselves and use the boy's good will to invite ourselves in, don't worry I'll do the talking," sure, I thought as we arrived in front of the gates. Ringing the bell, ding dong.