Crynn POV
"FATHER!!!" CLASH!!! The loud smash of two blades caused sound waves to fluctuate violently around the shed's hard walls, one invisible, the other great, unwilling to lose. This is not good! What in God's name is happening! One moment, the servant is politely declining, another moment, that servant is attacking a co-servant!
Aria was shocked, I'm speechless, and our dear Emiya-kun has definitely received the worst emotions of our bunch. I can see the thunderous black clouds around his head as his mouth opened wide and his eyes enlarged, viewing the spectacle with a blank mind. BOOM!!! Okay, that was supposed to be largely expected.
The new servant had just kicked her ehm... 'Father' through the concrete shed wall and... a wind just rushed past me, no words left to be spoken. "This is bad, isn't it," I said to Aria as she shook Emiya's shoulders, bringing him back to the world. "Emiya, snap back! Stop your servants from fighting!" Emiya regained his bearings as he looked onto his new command seal.
"Right! Yes!" Emiya ran out of the shed, alone. "Okay, obviously, you know the two servants and you haven't told me, who are they?" I demanded some answers as Aria obviously felt the incoming headache that I hadn't felt when she groaned onto her hands. "King Arthur and Mordred Pendragon," King Arthur and Mordred Pendragon are females, wait I shouldn't question that logic, this is Japanese after all, don't want to be stereotyping but well, I'm a hypocrite so...
"How is King Arthur a girl exactly and how is her son a daughter as well," I questioned it anyway. "Long story short, King Arthur was naturally born a girl so that's done. Mordred was made when Morgana Le Fay, I think seduced King Arthur or something and at that time, King Arthur had a magical penis and they did... you know what they did, and Mordred was born, a girl."
My Arthurian world view just got smashed to its bones but that's fine, I'm totally not reluctant, don't worry, I'm not. "Stop! The both of you!" It wasn't Emiya's shout that stopped the two powerful beings from a life and death duel, but the glow on both his command seals, threatening to use one up each if they did not stop.
"A master to two servants! You shouldn't be alive!" Mordred shouted as she jumped backwards, off a few meters from Saber, King Arthur, or is Queen the right term, I'll stay with King. "I did not expect to meet you in this war, Mordred, less expect us to be servants under a master," King Arthur frowned as she glared at her son, you know what, it's better to just call her Saber.
"Likewise, father. It's going to be a pleasure to work with you," Mordred gritted her teeth sharply as she sent a death sentence onto Saber whom doesn't care one bit at that. "Both of you! Explain!" Oh dear, now Saber is redirecting the blame to us, this development is certainly declining. "Pardon, every team is given a random catalyst, no one knows what each catalyst is for whom, including us."
"Besides, a 'father' and a 'son' should have some sort of harmonious relationship to work with each other, right?" Both Saber and Mordred sent me quite the looks, even Aria gazed at me incredulously. "Over my dead body!" Mordred stomped the ground, a bit immature, isn't she. "Hold on, just hold on for a second!" Emiya, being the master of the situation finally had his short brain restart done.
"So, I take it Saber and... Mordred-san has some sort of blood relationship? But why 'Father' and 'Son'? Isn't it supposed to be 'Mother' and 'Daug'-" A gust of wind disappeared in place as the tip of a sword was suddenly shoved towards Emiya, the tip barely touching his throat. "Do. Not. Call. Me. A. Woman. When you do, it'll be your head on a silver platter," Mordred warned threateningly, murderous red gleam present in her expressions.
Emiya however only gulped before facing the intense eye with his brave and fearless own. Not good, not good at all, I can't have our VIP being so courageous, it doesn't work like that! He'll die in a split second if he continued on that path! "Mordred! Put down your sword! Where's your basic knight's courtesy! To dare threaten your master! Have what I've though you lost in your senseless mind!"
Saber's patience bar has truly gone off the limits, as she pointed the invisible blade towards the other 'non-woman' in question. "Tch, like you ever taught me anything," now that's just sad, I can detect a sense of very hidden longing in Mordred's tone though Saber might just be that dense not to notice it.
"Hmph! Let me redo my introductions. I am Servant Saber, Mordred! The one and true heir of Arthur Pendragon! So, I ask of you, are you my master?" Mordred grinned as she plunged her sword to the field, announcing herself whilst pledging to Emiya. "You are never fit to be king of Camelot, Mordred," holy shit! Must you seriously add burning oil to the already receding flames?! I mean, you own daughter might have killed you but didn't you brought that to yourself?
"And that is the reason for my participation here! I wish to challenge the Sword in the Stone, Caliburn," Mordred smirked, as Saber glowered further! "Madness! To think you'd use an omnipotent device on a wish unattainable?! You have truly lost your mind!" Please, please just stop, I'm in no position to but begging you.
"What did you say!" Mordred was about to swing her sword in rage when all is stopped by another shout. "That is enough! The both of you! We clearly need to have a talk so why don't we forgo the swords and go inside, peacefully," clearly, Emiya has had enough and the gaping hole through his shed does not help in the case at all.
And so we found ourselves here, in this awkward circle. Emiya is preparing more tea, I and Aria are sitting on one side, and the father son duo is sitting on the other side, promptly ignoring each other like a bunch of kids not willing to share their toys. "Let's talk."