General POV
"Shirou, I need to apologize for my previous misconduct," Saber said once everyone was fully seated as she embarrassingly looked down at her cup of hot tea. "No it's fine, so you are... King Arthur?" Shirou tilted his head in confusion because the King Arthur he had in mind was a burly and big man not a beautiful and cute teenage girl.
"But you look like you're... fifteen?" Another expectation would be a middle aged person but that obviously got erased pretty quick as well. "I stopped aging when I pulled Caliburn out of the stone. I died looking fifteen years of aged when I was well over forty years of age," Saber coughed rather self-consciously.
"Ok... I'll pass that. Nice to meet you Mordred, I can call you Mordred, right?" Shirou looked at Mordred and flashed a very pleasant smile that left her flattered. "Of course Master, you can call me Mordred," she scratched her head and laughed, feeling like she is forgetting something. "Then you can just call me Shirou."
"You two as well, calling me Emiya would sound like I'm my father, especially since we'll be working together," Crynn and Ariane's brows perked up at that, feeling like they've made a breakthrough relation wise. "Right, I remember now! What Holy Grail War are we on?" The last time she was in the mortal realm, she had stuck down the detestable Assassin of Red, that was an incredibly satisfying moment.
"We're in the Fifth Holy Grail War," Shirou answered truthfully, still curiously inspecting between Saber and Mordred a few times back. "Hmm... Fifth. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as the Fourth," now, Saber is fully looking at Mordred like she had turned absolutely insane. "What would you know about the Fourth?"
"The Fourth is a park of mess. Between the Yggdmillennia and the scoundrel priest, I can't decide who's worse," Mordred's face flinched in disgust as everyone in the room except for a frowning Ariane, are all bewildered. "What do you mean, Yggdmillennia and scoundrel priest? The last Fourth Holy Grail War was conducted in Fuyuki City."
"The Fourth Great Holy Grail War was done in Romania, it was an Apocrypha team battle between two teams of 7 servants!" Mordred argued as she folded her hands on her bulky armor. "I think I know what is up," Ariane finally confessed with a knowing expression on her face. "So? What's wrong?" Shirou asked.
"You may have summoned a Mordred of a parallel world," dropped a bomb. "Huh?" Shirou the novice, clearly doesn't support of the existence of infinite worlds. "That is... strange. You are Mordred, yet not Mordred," Saber tried to find anything that could differ this Mordred with hers yet everything seems the same.
"And my father isn't my father?" Mordred questioned as 'father' and 'son' inspected each other many times over. "Supposedly yes, supposedly no. You're both still a pair of father and son in blood yet not in worlds, so to speak," Saber looks totally fine, but Mordred on the other hand is a bit pissed yet she's not saying anything.
"Should we tell the priest of this?" Shirou is trying to be the good kid, but that won't work. "Of course not," both Saber and Mordred said at the same time. "It won't be a good idea to register with the church. The priest, Kotomine Kirei is not a good person. And I can assure you that no one else would go to register," Ariane answered for him as Mordred's eyes opened to the surname, Kotomine.
"Kotomine Kirei? Any relation to Kotomine Shirou? White haired, dark skinned Japanese with a knack for mind games and tricks?" Mordred is still keeping a grudge, an eternal one. "I don't know? Maybe? I had only just met the guy yesterday, he was... cold, overly so," Shirou said with his fingers below the chin.
"Why are you still wearing your armor?" Because wearing an armor in the middle of a dining room is quite weird, isn't it? The armor vanished into particles of light, revealing skin, a lot of skin, I mean topless. Beneath her red armor is more red. Back to the topless bit, she has a top, it's just not quite a top.
It's a tube top, so small it only covered her breasts connected to long shoulderless sleeves and a collar wrapped around her neck. Her lower part thankfully is more reserved, with long fit trousers and a red skirt. Else than that, her entire upper body is almost well exposed. "Wh-What?! What are you wearing?!" Saber is clearly outraged while Shirou squeaked and looked away from Modred, blushing as red as the color of his hair.
"Do you not know what I always wear beneath my armor? Oh right, you never cared," spectacular roast from Mordred, Saber is left hanging from that, unable to even bit back, opting a sigh. "Maybe you should wear the armor until we get you some inappropriate clothing, like Saber's, clean, proper and definitely fits her age," Crynn joked, bringing a laugh out of Mordred and a short glare from her father.
"I just need to ask, how are you able to handle having two servants at once. Any mage would've shriveled from lack of energy and died on the spot," Mordred questioned with a glint and Shirou scratched his head. "I have high mana reserves? I'm not an accomplished mage so I can't really answer the question, maybe Crynn and Ariane can?"
Crynn and Ariane clearly can't as they looked at each other. "We're not conventional mages so to speak, we wield a different type of power," Ariane mysteriously said, earning multiple glances yet no questions, everyone here has their own privacy. "Anyway, you'll see when the time comes," Ariane left it at that as Mordred remembered something else.
"Speaking of which, who are you two and what's your significance in this evidently parallel Holy Grail War," she inquired, releasing a specific murderous aura that obviously have no effect on both Crynn and Ariane. The former a thief, used to it and the latter loves Saw and kills with no qualms, quite the duo.
"We're his bodyguards."