Swordsmanship Training

General POV

"Why is Matou Sakura staying in the Emiya compound?! Argh! It's been a long time since I read Fate," These were the frustrations displayed in the dark as the figure stared at the bright map of Fuyuki as well as the position of their protectorate. "But we can wait until Matou is out?" Another voice was heard as the other tapped the table, "Yes we can."


"Ever practiced Swordsmanship before, Shirou?" Yes, first schedule of the day, no battling servants, no killing masters, it's training time. "Yes, I have," Shirou answered as he made some stance with a Japanese practice sword, a Bokken. Crynn on the other side brandished two bokkens, a lighter and shorter variety but still at a mass of 800 grams, 200 grams higher than his sabers.

"Dual wielding, not a very... effective art," On the side of the large dojo, Saber calmly said her opinion as she watched on. "It can be difficult to focus on and control two different blades at once," even Mordred said so yet Aria wasn't wavered as she knew herself that Crynn knows what he's doing and got the knowledge from a skill book, flourishing without ever practicing.

And move! Shirou did the classic first forward strike as Crynn curled around, blocking the attack with a bokken and commencing one simultaneously at the throat and... defeated. "One advantage of dual wielding, two weapons. A disadvantage of dual wielding, split concentration, fast enough and a dual wielder won't have time for an offensive," Crynn said as he lowered the wooden sword.

Shirou acknowledged and moved back to restart. "Remember, in a sword fight, it's never about style, or factor regarding appearance. It's always about effect, and how to implement it in the quickest, most deadly single way. Speed is a main key," Crynn taught as Shirou sprinted forward in a dash, clumsy.

Shirou did an under swipe, bringing a half-hearted block from Crynn before he jumped back to deliver another move onto the chest. Another block, Shirou swiped the bokken alongside his opponent's at he target the shoulder. Not a very bright move however as Crynn simply spun his bokken in a motion, dragging it out and match over, the tip is on Shirou's neck.

"Never get too caught in a single strike, it can always fail and when it happens, that's the last you'll ever see of day. Tactical thinking is another key to a battle, especially close quarters fighting. Always manage a back-up plan with every move, a plan B, C, D, E is always needed to complement the first A. And of course, reckless charging is never forgiven," Crynn took his lessons right from his experience as a professional thief, in such a profession, nothing is right, and nothing is wrong.

"He's a good teacher, unlike a certain someone," Mordred insinuated the last few words but the person it's for isn't going to care, nope, not at all (she cares). "Mhm, he is," Ariane nodded as Crynn and Shirou each went off each other, spacing for another attempt. "This time try to defend," Crynn only said before rushing right in.

Without further ado, Crynn smashed both his short swords onto Shirou's bokken, applying heavy pressure though Shirou just managed to hold. Crynn pulled back on his right, slashing downwards towards Shirou's pelvis. Twisting his word, the defender avoided the slash but unfortunately forgot the other blade as an awkward pose was made by Crynn.

"Arguably, the worst move in swordsmanship, the reverse grip. Absolutely no advantage to use, no force, no lightness, no grip and a cumbersome hand and arm position. But, I said arguably," Crynn explained as his reverse grip turned back to normal and the bokken's tip relaxed on the ground. "Because that is what your enemy wants you to think, a no-strength attack."

"Normally, a reverse grip with any sword wouldn't even cause a wound. The problem is here, no matter how much force is used, as long as an object is sharp enough, just a light touch would cut. The enemies are servants and members of my organization, they will have and employ top notch weaponry. It may be a sword that would cut even with reverse grip. Everything can be an opening yet not an opening."

Shirou sure learned a lot today, useful tips that would definitely save his life multiple times in the future. "Maybe Saber or Mordred can continue where I left off," feeling that he had taught a lot, Crynn gave a chance for the two servants to do the same. "I'll go first," Saber complied as Crynn dropped off his bokkens and returned to the sidelines spectator venue.

"How do you think he's going to fare with Saber," Crynn immediately asked as Saber took a long bokken from the shelves, doing three quick moves with it, nodding. "No chance," Ariane said brutally as the two contenders stood in front of each other, ready at any time to go though Saber is taking it slow.

"If I know anything about how my father trains his knights. He always uses actions instead of words, meaning, our dear master will take quite the beating," Mordred sadistically spoke, her face all grin, a bit mad, isn't she? And so the round started,,, and stopped? Instead of being the same model as Crynn, only stopping before a hit, Saber does not work that way.

First strike by Shirou, miss. First strike by Saber, a complete downing. Saber first avoided by only moving her upper body before pushing down her bokken at the upper inner calf, immediately bringing her master to his knees and hands. Shirou is obviously surprised but quickly adapted, as the saying goes, 'different masters, different eccentrics'.

Again, and again, and again, Saber gave no chance, paralyzing Shirou at every turn, cutting a cord at every corner, and blowing hot steam at every weakness. It's not getting easier, yet not getting any harder as well, repetition, twice, thrice. And fabulously, Shirou is learning at every step, at every match, in without complaint.

And so the day of endless aches (Shirou only) continues.