General POV
"Hah hah hah hah," Shirou laid down on the ground panting heavily, tiring from multiple repeated rounds. On his opposite, Saber stood dauntingly, no sweat, no remorse, though some worry. "Are you okay, Shirou?" She asked kindly and knelt down to just above Shirou's level. "No, its fine," Shirou waved his hand as he sat up.
"Good progress, looks like action speaks louder than words," Crynn clapped in his head as he praised Saber. One may wonder, where the two other temporary occupants are? Sakura has to go buy groceries and Fujimura as 'something' to deal with, so it's just the 5 left alone without interrupti- "Tit tut tit tut tit tut tit tut," with some matters of interruption.
"I'll get the call," Shirou said, bringing himself up, walking out the room towards the telephone, whatever or whoever hails behind it.
"Type Moon, Fate Stay Night? Another unfamiliar world," it was a male's voice, a handsome middle eastern man with lightly trimmed beard. His chest covered with light Persian armor and his forehead, a thin crown adorned with a green gem and numerous silver flakes of leaves. He looks like a prince.
"Should've paid more attention to entertainment," next, another middle eastern, female this time. Her face sharp, her eyes even more. On her hip, a short spear no longer than 70 centimeters in length. The tip and part of the handle is of mysterious metal, extremely sharp with creases decorated in gold, it's no ordinary spear. And her piece of protection lies on her shoulders, red pauldrons of unknown material.
"I've never been to Japan, have you Ezra?" The man called as the woman shrugged, "I have not Zahir though it's always been in my bucket list, now crossed off." The duo, Zahir Al Aabid and Ezra Ebeid are a pair of researchers, historians. The former of great middle eastern empires and the latter, on Greek history and the Roman Empire extended to the Byzantine Empire.
"Now, where are we," they landed on a road, just a few blocks away is a mansion, a European manor of very large scales. Judging by how it's the only house along the road, it must be owned privately by a wealthy individual or group. "This must be where our principal (bodyguard's client) lives as it says on the map, care to ring the bell," Ezra requested as Zahir reached into the gate and pressed the bell on the wall.
"Who are you," they needn't wait long at all before a teenage girl appeared before their eyes on the opposite side of the gate. Next to her is a figure not seen by the two middle easterners, a servant quietly standing next to his master, to protect when deemed necessary. "Are you perhaps Miss Tohsaka Rin?" Zahir inquired politely, showing figments of a noble gesture.
"If you are then we're here to be placed as your bodyguards," Ezra favors the earth of simply cutting the bush rather than beating around it, straight to the point, straight to the matter. "And who sent you here? The fake priest?" Rin haughtily said, it plays in her mind, very suspicious of the two strangers as well foreigners in front of her house.
"No fake priests. We're here to assist you in the Holy Grail War," Ezra said next, two hands placed on her waist. "And what do you know of the Holy Grail War," a sudden movement and sound erupted from behind the two foreigners as two swords were conjured and placed before their throats. "Not a very kind welcome," Zahir calmly said as the two disappeared in a flash of gold, turning into light, floating on the ground like a shade, moving away in haste before stopping several meters away.
Poof! The Ezra and Zahid emerged out of the light, heavily drawing thunderous expressions from both Rin and her servant, Archer. What's most curious is the golden ball in a perfect sphere held by Ezra as it was sent back into her inventory. "Let's chat, we come in 8 pairs of 16. A pair for every master and our primary job, to protect our masters at all cost."
"And why should you do so," Archer called in a venomous voice, from his cloudy memories, he could not recall an instance even with his endless ventures to different Holy Grail Wars, he could not find or discover any relevance on the two individuals who had just escaped his capture. "It's a competition."
"Between the 8 pairs, one shall win in the end, don't worry the wish will still be yours. Besides, with us here, you'll be able to summon a second servant as does any other pair would be able to do," hearing that, Rin was immediately surprised, 'a second servant?' "It's impossible to summon a second servant. Even if it is, I would explode on that chance."
"Let's just say, we have the powers of the divine upon us. Nothing of such will happen I can assure you," Zahid explained further, trying to convince the young lady. 'To attempt to summon a second servant is not difficult per say. Any accomplished mage should understand their mana storage capabilities and so, I should be able to gauge if my mana were to be drained at an exponential rate.'
"Then come in," Rin finally weighed the circumstances, even if the two were hostile, they wouldn't be able to do anything with Archer around her. "Good, we can summon the servant anytime. We have a catalyst at hand," Ezra pulled out a black horn, reeking with some sort of energy that even Rin couldn't place.
Archer however is focused on an entirely other matter, the extra short spear on Ezra's waist. 'Impossible! A divine construct at this day and age!' One of the only few divine construct and noble phantasm he knew to have existed to the modern age was Fragarach! And here was an entirely knew, unidentifiable weapon of Godly origins!
"In any case, we accept your invitation," the day is about to get very interesting for them.