General POV
"So Tohsaka, how should we do this?" Shirou gently smiled at her as he took a seat at the couch. "We now have four servants and we should expect a lot more servants that we previously should've. Our first option is obviously to quickly discover the identities of every master so we can intercept and defeat as soon as possible to acquire victory!" Rin valiantly said.
"Hmm... Masters? Saber said she detected a slight magical energy from the school, not the same mana from Lancer's and Archer's battle," Shirou told Rin his finds as she frowned and placed a finger on her chin. "That could be a first lead, I'll investigate first thing tonight, after all, it isn't wise to move at day."
"Also, I was nearly killed just then on the journey to your manor," Shirou scratched the back of his head as he sighed, remembering clearly the events before. "Killed Emiya?! In broad daylight?" Rin was fairly surprised, who would dare try their hand in the noon where everything is visible to the outside world.
"It's a sniper, not a mage," with that said, Rin instantly understood. Different from the practice forbidding magecraft to be shown outdoors in the public, some mages use modern weapons as another way to utilize their magecraft in strengthening bullet speed and et cetera, achieving a magical disguise in which he uses an unseen magecraft that could be implemented and gotten away easily in front of many.
If Shirou hadn't told her of what happened, Rin might've forgotten the existence of such enemies and thus unsuspectingly lowering her guard. "What a headache," Rin rubbed her temples, this is going much more difficult than she'd realize. "Well, rifles and normal weaponry should be no effort for the servants to intercept."
"I'm confident that even if it's a missile, a servant should be able to take care of it without any struggles," Rin once again compiled and shared her thoughts. 'Missile?' This made Saber subconsciously remember back in the Fourth Holy grail War when that time's Berserker took the reigns of a military aircraft, controlling it like a weapon.
"Yes, missiles or any other standard human world weapons wouldn't be able to so much as scratch us," Saber agreed with a nod. Speaking of which, "Both of your Sabers look like, Emiya? Any relations?" Rin curiously took a peek at Saber and Mordred, once again comparing the two, finding more and more physical similarities between the two.
"Sort of," Shirou shrugged. "I may know of the masters in this war, emphasis in may," Ariane spoke up, drawing all attention. "Wonderful! Who are they?" Rin immediately inquired, this will immensely help her in constructing viable strategies for the coming days or weeks. "Let's see with you two, there is Ilyasviel Von Einzbern as well."
"Yes, we have met, it was not pleasant," Rin scowled as she thought of the loli, vowing to have revenge. "Next is hmm... Kuzuki Souichirou," this draws eyebrows from a lot of sides. "Unlikely, I did not detect a single trace of mana or magic on him back at the school," Saber became the first to refute, knowing her detection is just barely enough to be called top notch which is very good.
"Hmm??? Well, these are just suspects, so maybe we can cross that one out or not," Ariane shrugged as she explained, after all even with her memories, this Holy Grail War has been modified to a large extent that it's difficult to really predict anything anymore. "Well then, the name after that is Bazett Fraga Mcremitz."
In Ariane's opinion, one of the coolest names as well as easiest to remember in the entire type moon franchise, unfortunately she died early but who knows, maybe her fate is changed here. "Bazett Fraga McRemitz? I know her, she's a famous Clock Tower Enforcer, specializing in hunting sealing designates and other targets and bounties," Rin said as she contemplated in her head, 'A difficult opponent, what's the magecraft of the McRemitz family again?'
Rin, as the Tohsaka heir, is well and extensively educated in the affairs of magi families, the McRemitz Family is one of the many she had read about, it seems she needs to visit her personal library once more. "Okay, Kotomine Kirei is also a most likely candidate as master," Ariane stated apparent.
"The fake priest? The overseer of the war is not allowed to be a master," Rin shook her head disapprovingly, remembering in clarity, the rules and regulations placed upon the Holy Grail War. "Kotomine Kirei is a master of the last war, it would not be so far fetch for him to be a master once more," Saber interrupted.
"He is? He never told me..." Rin frowned, wondering why it is as such. "Hmph... Kotomine Kirei is a despicable man of many schemes, you never know what's behind his well masked intentions, it's not very good to have anything to do with him," Saber described in some grievance, needless to say, she does not like the fake priest.
"Ah right, there's also the Matou family, it's either Matou Sakura or Matou Shinji as the family's representative master," Ariane scowled inwardly as she remembered the sad fate of the Matou Sakura, 'One thing to change, that would surely score us quite a load of points. If their designated faction hadn't changed her destiny already.'
"Matou? Sakura?" Hearing a very familiar name, Shirou subconsciously jumped and questioned. "Yes, but Sakura doesn't have a command seal and Shinji doesn't have the affinity to become a mage. This is certainly... troubling," Rin rubbed her chin, lost in her mind. "Sakura? You're close to her?"
(In Japanese culture and etiquette, it's impolite to address someone by their 'first' name or given name unless you're close to the person. People generally call others by their family name which is actually placed first after their given name like, Emiya Shirou or Tohsaka Rin instead of Shirou Emiya or Rin Tohsaka. Rin doesn't socialize with Sakura, so it became apparent for Shirou that there is something wrong with how she called the latter.)