The Embark and Introductions

General POV

"We are going right into an enemy's den," Crynn stated the fact as the group embarked on a foot journey to the Tohsaka Manor. "Tohsaka is a good person! I can see it in her and don't worry, we've forged an alliance!" Shirou smiled as he strolled along the road, it was peaceful, almost no one in sight except the occasional car or two.

Besides, no one would dare attack them in broad daylight, that would not be brightest decision to make. "Worry not, surely the four of us can protect Shirou," Ariane shrugged. She is correct however with a king and a knight as well as two bodyguards, it would be difficult to assassinate or attack Shirou.

"Yes! With father by our side, no one would dare make a move on us!" Mordred arrogantly called, not exactly remembering that no one else but this group knows the father, Saber's identity. With that said, Saber's eye enlarged in a millisecond before she suddenly and forcefully, pulled Shirou back!

Crack! A line of wind was felt in front of them as a hole formed on the ground, a sniper bullet! "Where!" Saber looked to the distance at a high building where an unidentified woman carrying a rifle packed up to leave, seems like it was only a momentary attempt. "That was dangerous," Shirou wiped off cold sweat, if Saber hadn't been quick enough, his had would've been splattered.

"The enemy has fled," Saber said as Mordred squinted her eyes. "This is not safe," what Mordred told was true, walking down the road with not much to account for isn't the best of options, neither does riding a vehicle, God knows if what the sniper targeted was the vehicle's fuselage, engine, driver, or tire.

"I might be able to do something about that," Ariane announced as a delicate antique music instrument arrived on her hands. "A violin?" Mordred questioned as Ariane put the instrument on her neck and positioned the bow on the strings. She slowly dragged the bow upwards in a calming tone only to immediately and strongly pushed the bow down, delivering a quick piercing node.

A translucent blue shield was shot out of the violin's edge towards Shirou as it circled around him and gently disappeared into thin air. "What was that?" Shirou curiously inquired as he waved his arms around, touching and discovering nothing. "That's magic shielding, it should provide protection if someone decided to jump you," that was the first application of musical infusion that Ariane has finally shown.

"Neat, that's useful," Mordred complimented as she looked at Shirou, her eyes scanning on the magical energy acting as a thin blanket around the outer layer of his skin and clothing. "Come on, no dilly dallying, we have somewhere to go to, wouldn't want to give out another free assassination opportunity."


And so they arrived at a large, luxurious and privileged mansion. "You've got some rich friends," with Crynn's words, Shirou could only sheepishly smiled as he went over to press the small bell button. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" A shout later, Rin came strolling down the smooth stone pathway over to the gates.

"This is your new servant? Looks oddly like Saber?" Rin tilted her head as she looked at Saber and Mordred in comparison. "New servant? Ah right, you've also summoned another servant?" Shirou questioned as Rin opened the gates for him, letting the group in. "I sure did!" Rin skipped happily, today was definitely a positive development for her.

"Where is Archer?" Shirou looked around, trying to find the daunting white haired man but to no avail as they walked past the front garden. "Hahaha, s-he's a bit shy today, hahaha..." Rin could only deliver as a drop of cold sweat traveled down as she remembered the events before, "ahem, anyway, he has other things to do."

"Welcome to the Tohsaka Manor!" Rin proudly opened the front door and presented. The hallway greeting us is nothing short than rich. Fabulous paintings adorn the walls and antiques were pristinely placed in all the right spots as to immediately shine in front of the guests and Crynn, an experienced thief and stolen items dealer as well as identifier could certainly place an extravagant value on the objects displayed.

"Nice place you've got Tohsaka," as a fellow wealthy kid, Shirou fully understood the comfort of a large home especially since Rin's manor is larger than his compound, though in terms of aesthetics, Shirou prefers the Japanese style rather than the Tohsakas' Aristocratic Western European preference.

They made it to the living room where more unfamiliar faces came into their eyes upon walking in. A man and a woman looking strangely out of place with their Middle Eastern looks as well as an even more weird young child with an open chest vest of ancient variant yet modern build. "I figure, both of us could introduce our new associates together, don't you think?" Rin suggested to Shirou in which he nodded.

"These two are Crynn and Ariane," he started as the Christians made eye contact with the Middle Easterners, nothing flaring in between yet, just checking each other out for any viable signs. "Well, my two are Ezra and Zahid," whom Rin is also very satisfied by, especially knowing they have three divine constructs on them, she's confident that she's set to win.

"And that's my second Archer," Rin pointed to the golden haired child. "Hullo!" Said child enthusiastically waved his hands at them, his eyes brimming in curiosity as well as recognition once he shifted his gaze towards Saber and Mordred, King Arthur and her killer. "Well, here's my second Saber then," Shirou followed suite, showing Mordred to Rin.

"Here to serve, here to win," one thing Shirou hasn't had time nor the memory to ask his servants were their wishes. He'll surely question them later, but right now, it's an exchange of goodwill and further alliance building. Shirou does not only learn heroism from his father but also a little bit of negotiating and politics, so he'll get this right, or he won't.