I am a proud mother

I woke up in the morning and heard a crowd of people outside. I peeked through my window and saw reporters parked outside with their vans.

"Stupid press." I muttered annoyed. My day just got ruined and it probably will get worse.

"Mommy wake up! Oh, you are already awake." Mia exclaimed and hopped on my bed.

I smiled at her which she returned. "Mommy there are so many reporters outside. How are you going to drop me at school?" Mia pouted, puffing out her cheeks.

I chuckled at her action and pinched her cheeks. "Well this mommy of yours, will take them by the horn" I said confidently.

Mia nodded at my reply. "Ok, c'mon let's get ready." I told her and we both did our morning routines.

Since I would, unfortunately, go through the front door, I have to leave a big impression. I wore a white lacy dress that reached above my knees, it had delicate petals designs, it exposed my delicious curves and was shaped as a V on my chest, that exposed a little cleavage. I wore a black strap stomp, placed my hair on one side of my shoulder and wore light make-up.

My cute daughter wore a pink floral dress with black flats. I braided her hair into two pigtails.

"Like mother like daughter" I said proudly.

I made sure she took everything and so we went through the front door. As expected, when the press saw us come outside, they surrounded us, asking stupid questions. It didn't go unnoticed that I saw the men checking me out.

"Keep quiet!" I yelled causing everyone to go silent.

"I want you guys to not harrass me with questions please...or I'll have to sue you all. I don't want to answer any of your questions and I want you out of this street ASAP..or else I will force you to leave, with the police." I said, took my child's hand and walked past the crowd, that moved from our way. I flipped my hair, on purpose, causing the men to gulp.

I called a cab and hopped in, but before that I said "I may be a young mother but I am proud of that!"


When I dropped Mia at her school, I noticed that the kid's wanted to greet her, she is quite popular, but was stopped by their parents.

'Bunch of bloody morons' I thought irritated.

I looked at my daughter and saw that she had a sad expression on her face.

'No one makes my daughter sad'

I told her to wait at the bench and walked to one of Mia's best friend's mother.

"Excuse me Ma'am, why do you prevent your daughter from being near Mia" I asked a middle aged woman, with long black hair who was quite short.

"Well you see-"

I cut her off. " Is it because of the rumours that has been spread around?"

"Yes but-"

I cut her off once again. "Or is it because I am a young mother or because of my past? If it is any of these three things, you should not make my daughter an outcast or whisper about her. As a mother I thought you understood that a child is never to blame. You do know that you are discriminating us, when you don't even know the real truth. Am I right or wrong?" I asked with my arms crossed. The mother bit her lip ashamed and embarrassed.

All the parents that held their child away from my daughter, bowed their head in shame or averted their eyes. They knew what I said was right.

"Mommy can I go to Mia now?" asked the mother's daughter. The mother looked at her child, at me and then at my daughter. She sighed and nodded her head.

The parents following suit also allowed their children to be near Mia.

The mother bowed her head as an apology. "I'm sorry for my behaviour. It was actually also my fault that the parents didn't let their children near Mia, so for that I'm sorry." she apologized.

I fake smiled and nodded. "You guys can say all you want about me but never against my daughter, my Mia" I turned around and hugged Mia goodbye.

"Thank you Mom" she whispered in my ear.

"You're welcome. I am your mother and I'm proud of it" I whispered back.


Once I reached my work place I immediately began my work. I still got whispers here and there but it was nothing I could handle.

"Welcome to Trivago Hotel." I greeted the new guest. Once I guided him to his room, I sighed tired of repeating this all the time.

When I was about to head back to my desk, I heard someone call my name. I turned around but I definitely regretted it.

"Sasha can we please talk?" asked Rihanna pleadingly. I glared at her annoyed.

"Speak quickly. What do you want?" I asked, a frown on my face.

"Thank you for listening. I heard that your uncle invited you to the-"

I cut her off. 'I guess I will be cutting off alot of people today'

"I am going if that's what you want to ask me." I said and was about to turn around, but she said something that caught my attention.

"Well I can help you be prepared for the party. All the rich people are going to be there and I figured you can't afford a expensive clothing. Knowing you, you must want to arrive there spectacularly. Am I right?" she said.

I raised my brow. "If I actually use your help what do you want for me?" I asked.

"I don't want anything." she said and averted her eyes.

"Don't talk bull to me. Spill, what do you really want in exchange for your help, you hypocrite?" I asked rudely.

Rihanna sighed and looked at me with a strain smile. "Well you see.."